How to Play Baccarat, casino game baccarat how to play.

Casino game baccarat how to play

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How to Play Baccarat, casino game baccarat how to play.

How to Play Baccarat, casino game baccarat how to play.

How to Play Baccarat, casino game baccarat how to play.

The direct ancestor of baccarat as played in the united states, chemin de fer is similar in play. One major difference is that the customers bet among themselves, rather than against the casino, with the house taking a commission from the customer holding the bank. Chemin de fer was offered in las vegas briefly in the 1950s, but it was quickly replaced by baccarat. Today it remains popular in european casinos. Baccarat is the french spelling for the italian word baccara, or zero, signifying the point values of face cards. The game has been traced to 1490, when the italian baccara was introduced into france, where it was a favorite of nobles during the reign of king charles VIII. Baccarat was first offered in las vegas in 1959, about a year and half after chemin de fer was introduced. Both games already were flourishing in illegal casinos in the east.

How to play baccarat

Derived from the european games of chemin de fer and punto banco, baccarat is a game of mystery to most of the betting public even though it's a staple of american casinos. With the aid of this article, you can unravel the secrets of baccarat and even learn how to become a winning player. Let's begin with a little history of the game:

Baccarat is the french spelling for the italian word baccara, or zero, signifying the point values of face cards. The game has been traced to 1490, when the italian baccara was introduced into france, where it was a favorite of nobles during the reign of king charles VIII. Baccarat was first offered in las vegas in 1959, about a year and half after chemin de fer was introduced. Both games already were flourishing in illegal casinos in the east.

The direct ancestor of baccarat as played in the united states, chemin de fer is similar in play. One major difference is that the customers bet among themselves, rather than against the casino, with the house taking a commission from the customer holding the bank. Chemin de fer was offered in las vegas briefly in the 1950s, but it was quickly replaced by baccarat. Today it remains popular in european casinos.

Baccarat comes closer than most other casino games to offering the customer an even break, with house edges of just 1.17 percent for a bet on the banker hand and 1.36 percent for a bet on the player hand. Blackjack players who use basic strategy do better; as do video poker players with refined skills. But baccarat is a game with no playing strategies to master. The average baccarat player is at less of a disadvantage than average blackjack or video poker players.

Nevertheless, the game is familiar to only a relative handful of customers. For decades it was kept under wraps, played in lavish high-roller pits for the amusement of millionaires. The lowest minimum bet in the baccarat pit usually was $20, and at that the customer would feel like a piker near the likes of the late akio kashiwagi, who once accepted a challenge to a $12 million freeze-out at an atlantic city casino. With $200,000-maximum bets, kashiwagi was challenged to play until he'd either lost the $12 million or won $12 million from the casino. Six days later, with kashiwagi having played 12 hours a day, the challenge was called off, and kashiwagi left $10 million behind.

In casinos that cater to high rollers, baccarat has long been the game of the "whales" -- the highest of the high rollers. The full-scale version is played in a separate, roped-off area at a table for 14 players, run by three dealers -- none of whom actually deals the cards out of the shoe holding the eight decks. A ceremonial passing of the shoe allows players in turn to slide out the cards. In the related game of chemin de fer, the player holding the shoe banks the bets of the other players, but that's not common in the united states.

In the 1980s, casinos began to reach out to the average customer with mini-baccarat, played on a seven-player, blackjack-sized table on the casino floor with the rest of the table games. It moves faster than baccarat, the shoe-passing ceremony has been eliminated, and the dealer deals all cards, but the rules are the same. Now anyone with $10 for a minimum bet, even $5 in some casinos, can play the game of the whales.

At the full-scale, 14-player baccarat table, one dealer -- the "callman" -- stands up. The callman turns cards faceup after they are dealt by the bettor holding the shoe. The callman is responsible for calling out the point totals of each hand and announcing whether either hand gets another card according to the set hit/stand rules of the game. Two other dealers remain seated on either side of the callman. They are responsible for paying off winning bets and collecting losing wagers. Mini-baccarat has just one dealer, who deals the cards and combines all the responsibilities of the three dealers at the larger table -- but does it much faster.

How to Play Baccarat, casino game baccarat how to play.

This layout is typical for baccarat. Some casinos have traditional
tables that can accommodate up to 15 players.

At either table, numbers indicate each customer position. In front of the numbers, each bettor has a lined-off area in which to place a banker bet and another in which to place a player bet. In front of the dealer are also numbers corresponding to each customer. Each time a customer wins a banker bet, the dealer places a marker in the box corresponding to that customer. Bettors must pay a 5 percent commission on winning banker bets, so these wagers must be tracked.

Enough introduction, let's learn how to play. In the next section, you will learn the rules of baccarat, as well as strategies to become a winning player.

Learn how to play baccarat - learn in less than four minutes

How to Play Baccarat, casino game baccarat how to play.

How to play baccarat - for beginners:

If you’re looking to sit down at a las vegas casino table game with few complexities and a lot of james bond-style gambling fun, baccarat is your go-to game. There are three possible outcomes—a player win, a banker win and a tie—and the dealer pretty much does all the work.

As host jeff civillico explains in the how-to video below, players bet either on the player’s side, the “banker” (aka the dealer) side or for a tie. Cards two through nine are face value, while a 10, jack, queen and king cards have a value of zero. An ace is worth one.

Jeff civillico: hi, I'm jeff civillico headliner at the paris hotel & casino and today we're gonna talk a little bit about baccarat.

Now, you might be wondering what's baccarat all about? You might think it's complicated. You've probably seen james bond even play in the movies. You might have no idea what was going on… that's because the dealer was speaking in french.

It's actually as simple as it gets!

How to bet on baccarat

First things first of course… we bet.

Now, you can bet on the player side or the banker side, so take your pick.

Unlike blackjack are many other table games, the dealer really does all of it, so at this point sit back relax and see what happens.

The basic goal here is to get as close to 9 as possible.

The cards 2 through 9 carry their same face value…

…10, jack, queen, king, have a 0 value…and ace has a value of 1.

I'm gonna go with the player side, feeling good. Here are our two hands the player hand and the banker hand. Let's take a look…

How to win baccarat

…now the player hand shows a 7 and a queen. If you remember the queen holds a 0 value so that is gonna be a 7 for the player hand.

The banker hand 2 and 4, add those together, you've got 6 that means the player is gonna beat the banker 7 over 6.

So, anybody who has the player just doubled their money, baby! That's what I'm talking about!

Better luck next time ladies.

So, it's very easy to keep track of. You put in $200 - you win $200.

(player hand pays even money)

(banker hand pays 95% - casino takes 5% commission)

Baccarat score card

And just to make sure you're staying on your game; we've got these handy score sheets here, so you can keep track as you go. Also, they are extremely effective for doodling and writing love notes to your dealer. Let's see if this helps…

I'm feeling pretty good after that big win, so I'm gonna double my bet going back to the player sticking with what worked. I see some people are flipping to the bank and our third option here we're actually playing the tie. Let's see if that pans out.

Alright let's talk it through…

Baccarat tie

Now, the players side has a 9 and 7 we add those together that's 16…something to note with baccarat; when the numbers add up to greater than 9 you actually drop the first number so that's 16, drop the 1, becomes a 6.

The banker side 8 and 8 as well, 16, drop the 1 to get a 6.

Congratulations! You have just won with a tie!

That win actually pays 8 to 1 with a tie folks, that's good stuff.

Baccarat drawing rules

Couple more things you need to know if you want to be a baccarat pro. I’ll let dana take it through those right here right now… dana!

Dana: so, player shows 7 and stands player always stays on 6, 7, 8 and 9… and bank has 4, so when the player doesn't draw a card, the bank will always draw on 0 – 5.

Baccarat 101:

The dealer then deals out the cards face up—two each for the player and banker—and whichever hand totals closest to nine wins. If you’ve bet on the player hand and it has the closest to nine, the winnings are simply double what you bet.

If you’ve bet on the banker hand and it wins, it pays 95 percent of your wager.When the cards dealt are greater than nine, you have to add the two together and drop the one (or two) to get the value.

For example, a hand of nine and seven cards dealt would add up to 16, and with the first digit dropped, the value in the game is six.

Here are some more rules to help you ace a baccarat game:

  • If either the player or banker is dealt a total of eight or nine, both the player and banker stand.

  • If the player’s total is five or less, then the player will receive another card. Otherwise, the player will stand.

  • If the player stands, then the banker hits on a total of 5 or less.

  • The final betting option, a tie, pays out 8-to-1. Conveniently, there are also sheets at the table for you to keep track of your score.


Contrary to many players’ misconceptions, baccarat is not only a game reserved for the james bonds and the high rollers in online casinos. In fact, it is a simple game, which comes with simple rules and is ideal for all types of players. It also comes with loads of entertainment, derived from its fast gameplay and the handsome payouts involved. Its high RTP rates make it one of the most profitable games in casino gaming.


How to Play Baccarat, casino game baccarat how to play.

What is baccarat?

Baccarat is a card game that is played by comparing which hand has the better points between the banker’s and the player’s. To play baccarat, you have to predict and stake your bet on one of the three possible outcomes. The outcome of the game could result in either the ‘players hand’ been the best or the ‘banker’s or result in a ‘tie between both options. The gameplay includes each player getting two cards with the values having to range between 0 and 9 with any value more than that having to be subtracted from 10. It comes in different variants with the option of playing it against a live dealer in some online casinos. Popular baccarat versions include punto banco, mini baccarat, baccarat banque and chemin de fer.

Full list of all indian baccarat online casinos


Play baccarat online

Forget the hustle of having to do your designer wear and traveling to the nearest casino, booking a hotel just so you can play baccarat . Online baccarat brings the glitz and glamour of baccarat straight to your desktop and mobile smartphone. Now you can put on your casual wear and launch a baccarat game by a swipe on your smartphones or the click of the mouse. You only need a stable internet connection in most cases or a simple software download in some casinos in order to play online baccarat. Online baccarat comes with a choice of many variants among them being:

Mini baccarat

If you would like to play baccarat without having to worry about big game limits, mini baccarat is the ideal game for you. The game has relatively lower limits, and the baccarat table is also smaller hence accommodating fewer players. You do not also get to pick the cards since the dealer solely deals them. It is the most popular variant in india casinos.

Baccarat chemin de fer

This is a fast version of baccarat named after the fast railway transport. It is an older version of baccarat, but it comes with an interesting gameplay. There are only 6 decks, and a player can assume the role of a banker and deal the cards. This is repeated with the different players occasionally taking the role of the banker to deal out the cards. It is an exciting game with the banker placing a wager which the other players ought to match or wager smaller amounts. The game then follows the usual baccarat game rules with the only exception being that the player with the highest hand is the decision maker on the game progression. This means that he can decide whether to hit and take another card or stand.

Live dealer baccarat

You can enjoy the thrill of a real casino gaming with the convenience of online gaming when you play live baccarat. The game is officiated by an asian or european live dealer who is professional and understands many languages. The games are also broadcast in high definition hence providing you with the best angles so you can follow the game action just as you would if you were physically present in the broadcasting studio. The most popular live baccarat games include baccarat squeeze, speed baccarat, progressive baccarat, and VIP baccarat.

How to play baccarat

Baccarat is a game of chance and does not rely much on skills. It can thus be played by new players as well as seasoned players. If you are just making a debut into the interesting baccarat games playing, you should have no reason to feel intimidated. Our step by step guide takes you through the different card numbers, how to place your bets, and how-to strategies and play the game like a pro. But first, here’s a summary on the basics.

Understanding the aim of the game

In baccarat, the objective is to bet on the hand whose cards value is 9 or nearer to 9 as possible. You will be predicting whether the player or the banker has the upper hand or if they both tie. You must remember that you are not necessarily the ‘player,’ you are just merely predicting that the player’s hand is the one that wins. In the same way, you must also remember the ‘banker’ is not necessarily the house or casino. As such, you can bet on either of them if you feel that they have the upper hand and are more likely to win.

Understanding how the card numbers work

Since you aim to predict the hand that has a higher score, it is important to understand how different values are arrived at. As you can notice, having 2 cards with a value of 5 and 7 totals 12, which is a higher value than 9. In the normal case, you should be overjoyed, but in baccarat, this is not yet celebration time. The reason is that the cards are above 9. In essence, it is counted that you have a total value of 2 since the first number does not count . The cards are calculated as follows:

  • 0 is referred to as baccarat, the lowest hand. Getting a hand of 7 and 3 totals to 10, with only the last number being considered, so in this case, this would be the worst hand.

  • Numbers 2 to 9 are taken at their face value.

  • An ace is counted as 1

  • Jack, king, and queen are valued as 10 and consecutively have a value of 0 since only the last digit counts.

In this regard, combining a queen and a 3 would equal 13 points and hence will only be counted as a score of 3.

Baccarat betting options

You have 3 options on which to place your wagers based on which hand you predict will get the highest points, in this case, 9 points. It is advisable to consider the house edge or how much you stand to gain should your bet carry through. Below are the betting options and why you should choose them wisely.

Betting on the ‘player’-this is predicting that the player will emerge with the best hand. The pay is 1: 1, and the house edge in this bet is 1.36%.

  • Betting on the ‘banker – this is betting that the banker will emerge as the upper hand closest to 9. The house edge in this bet is lower, giving you a higher chance to strike a win. It comes with a house edge of 1.17%, and the pay is 19:20 on your winnings.

  • Betting on a ‘tie – you can bet on the banker and the player having the same points. The house edge is rather high, coming at 14.2% and is also rare for this scenario to happen. However, it comes with large payouts. In this instance, the pay is 8:1 on your winning. Before you choose which option to bet on, it is also wise to consider that the player bet RTP is 98.76%, while the banker bet RTP is 98.94% while the RTP on the tie is 85.56%.

How to play and win rupees in online baccarat

You start by placing your chips on your betting option. Then the virtual dealer hands the first two cards to you and the banker. If the player or the banker option has an 8 or 9, the best hand wins , and this is called a natural hand. If the player and the banker get an equal score, this results in a tie in and the third option wins.

Should there be no winner on the first bet for the three options, the next highest hand stands. This means that the third card rule is applied which will, in essence, depend on the total points the player has. For instance, if the total of the first two cards is equal or less than 5. Additionally, the banker may also get a third card in some cases. The totals are tallied again, and the option with the highest points close to 9 wins the hand. If you win the hand, the payout is credited to your account. This ends the round, and the game starts afresh.

You should be confident when placing your online bet since you are assured that the game results cannot be rigged. This is because they are randomly generated using tested and audited RNG software.

Interpreting the baccarat win

Now that you have learned how to place a bet in online baccarat, here is what to expect depending on which of your betting option won.

  • A 5% commission is deducted and given to the house when you win after placing your bet on the banker’s hand.

  • You get a full payout when you win by placing your bet on the player since the pay is 1: 1

  • If the game outcome results in a tie between the player and the banker, and you had bet on this outcome, you get an 8: 1 payout.

How to get an entertaining baccarat game session

Aside from the obvious high payouts in baccarat because of the low house edge, baccarat can also provide you with an exciting gaming session. To start with, you can customize the game session according to your preferences. For instance, you can adjust the games graphics, sound volume, auto play, and fast play to suit your moods and tastes.

You can also choose a number of baccarat variants such as live baccarat where you play against a live dealer. You can also play other variants such as speed baccarat, mini baccarat, and baccarat control squeeze. As mentioned earlier, the different variants come with minor differences such as bet limits, game developer, and where you can play them.

Baccarat optimal strategy – is it worth it?

In every game, there are strategies that you can utilize when you need to play like a pro. Online baccarat is largely a game of chance and does not require complicated strategies and lots of skill in order to win. However, it does not hurt to increase your chances of winning by applying some simple strategies.

Firstly, as outlined above, to increase your chances of winning, you should rarely bet on the ‘tie option’ since the house edge is much higher on that option. The ‘banker’ bet offers you more chances for a higher payout since it has a lower house edge. Additionally, the banker bet has a better chance of winning since it is drawn after the player bet has been placed.

You can use the card counting strategy to keep track of the earlier bets when playing land-based baccarat; however, with the use of RNG in online casinos, it would not be of much help. Finally, since there are many casinos where you can play baccarat online, you should practice the game on demo mode before playing it for real money.



  1. After all bets are made at the baccarat table, two hands are dealt consisting of two cards to each hand (known as the player hand and the bank hand)

  2. The objective is to guess which hand will have a total closest to 9

  3. Players can wager on the bank hand, player hand, or on the tie bet

  4. Face cards and tens have a count of zero, and aces count as one. All other cards count their face value

  5. If the count of a hand exceeds 9, the total is adjusted by subtracting 10.

  6. There are house rules that determine whether the bank or player hand receives a third draw card. (there is a maximum of three cards per hand.)

  7. Players who wager on a winning player hand receive a 1 to1 payoff

  8. Players who wager on a winning bank hand also receive a 1 to 1 payoff but must pay a 5% commission (including the 5% commission, the payoff odds are 19 to 20.)

  9. The payoff odds for a winning tie bet are 8 to1

Most everyone remembers the famous image of secret agent james bond playing the casino game of baccarat (pronounced bah-cah-rah) in the popular james bond novels and movies. Although the game appears serious and elegant (and intimidating to average players), it’s actually as simple to play as betting on a flip of a coin; and, get this, the house edge is one of the lowest in the casino.

How to Play Baccarat, casino game baccarat how to play.

The casino game of baccarat is based on the italian game of baccara. The italian word “baccara” simply means zero, and the latter refers to the fact that in baccarat, all the picture cards and tens have a value of zero.

Baccarat was first played in the 1400s in italy and france. During the reign of king louis XIV (1643-1715), baccarat was one of the most popular games played by french royalty. Even though public gambling became illegal in france (in 1837), baccarat continued to be played in the homes by the elite and common folks. This kept the game thriving for many years until it appeared again in casinos that sprang up on the riviera (circa. 19th century). It eventually became the premier game in european casinos.

Over the years, there have been several versions of the game:

  • American baccarat (also known as punto banco)

  • Chemin de fer (also known as chemmy)

  • Baccarat banque

The above versions of baccarat have virtually the same rules; the major difference is how the cards are dealt. (I’ll explain the details of each game in chapter 2.)

Punto banco made its debut in las vegas on november 20, 1959, thanks to professional gambler tommy renzoni, who convinced the management at the sands casino to try it. Renzoni had previously introduced the game at the capri casino in cuba, saw how popular it was, and after he made a few modifications to the game, knew it would be a big hit in las vegas. He was right; after the sands started offering punto banco, more casinos began offering it on the strip and downtown casinos, more players were playing it, and the game’s popularity took off.

Many american players feel intimidated by baccarat, mistakenly believing it’s a game played by high rollers wearing formal attire in a separate part of a casino (known as the high-limit pit). That’s unfortunate because there is a low-stakes version of the game (mini-baccarat) that is usually played in the main casino on a blackjack-sized table. (see below for details on mini- and midi-baccarat tables.)


Why play baccarat? The game has these advantages:

  • Playing rules are easy to learn

  • Game offers even an inexperienced player one of the best odds in a casino

  • No matter your betting level, you can usually find high- and low-stakes versions of the game in a casino

  • Baccarat is also available in online casinos


Regardless of the number of players, only two hands are dealt in baccarat: the bank hand and the player hand. Before the cards are dealt, you place a wager with chips (also called checks) on which hand will come closest to a total of nine. You can wager either on:

(note: you could wager on any combination of the above if you wanted to, such as a bet on the bank hand and another bet on the tie.)


How to Play Baccarat, casino game baccarat how to play.

A winning bet on the player hand is paid at 1 to 1. For example, if you bet $10 on the player hand and it wins, you would receive $10 in winnings.


A winning bet on the bank hand is paid at 1 to 1 minus a 5% commission on the winning bet. This is equivalent to a 19 to 20 payoff, meaning if you wager $10, you would win $9.50. (the reason you pay a commission on only the bank hand will be discussed shortly.)


A winning bet on the tie is usually paid at 8 to1, meaning if you win, you receive 8 winning chips and you get to retain the original 1 chip wagered on the tie. For example, if you wager $10 on the tie and it wins, you would receive $80 in winnings and retain the original $10 wager. If there is a tie, a bet on the bank or player hand is a push, meaning neither hand wins or loses. After a tie, you can remove or add chips to either wager, switch wagers, or just remove your chips and not bet.

(note: some casinos state a 9 for 1 payoff for a winning bet on the tie. This means they pay you 9 chips but keep the original 1 chip you wagered. A 9 for 1 payoff is equivalent to an 8 to1 payoff.).


How to Play Baccarat, casino game baccarat how to play.
Baccarat is usually played with mostly eight decks of cards (and sometimes six decks) that are dealt from a dealing shoe. Every card has a numerical value (see table on the right), and card suits have no relevance in baccarat.

The values of the cards are as follows:

  • Tens and picture cards (jack, queen, and king) have a numerical value of 0

  • Aces have a numerical value of 1

  • 2s through 9s have a numerical value equal to their face value.

The highest total a hand can have in baccarat is 9. (A hand can’t “bust” if it totals greater than nine.) if the numerical value of the cards in a hand exceeds a total of 9, then you can do either of the following to arrive at the adjusted total of the hand:

  • Drop the first digit of the sum

  • Subtract 10 from the total

Here are some hands and their adjusted totals:

How to Play Baccarat, casino game baccarat how to play.

In the first hand, the sum of the value of the cards is 15. Since a hand in baccarat can’t exceed a total of 9, either drop the first digit (the 1 in 15) or subtract 10 (15 minus 10) to get the adjusted total of 5. (either way you do it is up to you; just be consistent.)

The second hand above totals 14 (8 + 6 = 14). If you drop the first digit, or subtract 10, you arrive at the adjusted total of 4.


There are three sizes of baccarat tables:

  1. Full-size punto banco baccarat

  2. Mini-baccarat

  3. Midi-baccarat

The rules for playing are the same; the differences are the number of players, how the cards are dealt, and the minimum and maximum betting limits.


How to Play Baccarat, casino game baccarat how to play.
Also known as big baccarat, the full-size baccarat table is located in a high-limit pit (or sometimes in a baccarat room). The tables can accommodate up to 14 players, and the betting limits are often the highest in the casino (e.G., in casinos on the las vegas strip, the betting range is usually $100 minimum bets up to $100,000 maximum bets). Players traditionally handle the cards; the biggest bettor on the bank hand gets to turn over the bank cards, and the biggest bettor on the player hand turns up the player cards. Three dealers staff the table. Big baccarat caters to high-end players (i.E., high rollers or whales), who sometimes wager thousands of dollars on each hand. Casinos also tolerate these players when they occasionally bend, crumble, crush, and even tear in half the cards in the process of peeking at them before turning them up. (because of this, fresh decks of cards are introduced into play before each shuffle.)

How to Play Baccarat, casino game baccarat how to play.

Mini-baccarat is a low-stakes version of the big baccarat game. Mini-baccarat tables are located in the main casino next to the blackjack tables, and they can accommodate up to 6 or 7 players. Minimum betting limits are usually $5 to $15, with a maximum betting limit of up to $5,000. The table has only one dealer, and unlike the big baccarat table, players are not allowed to handle the cards (the dealer deals the cards). Because of the latter rule, the game is much faster than the big baccarat version (over 200 hands dealt per hour vs 40-70 for big baccarat).

How to Play Baccarat, casino game baccarat how to play.

Midi-baccarat tables have seats for up to 9 players and are staffed by one dealer. Since players like to handle the cards, midi-baccarat was designed to allow this. (however, casinos don’t tolerate players bending or crushing the cards.) the game can be found in either the high-limit room or in the main casino. Midi-baccarat isn’t as fast as mini-baccarat but casinos can usually deal more hands per hour than the big baccarat game. The betting limits are lower than the latter but higher than mini-baccarat tables (e.G., $25 up to $10,000).


By way of an example, I’ve summarized below how the cards are dealt on the big baccarat table (also known as the full-size table).

After the dealer shuffles a fresh pack of eight decks of cards, she will ask one of the seated players to insert the cut card somewhere into the stack of eight decks. (by doing this, the casino is allowing the customer to establish the starting point for the dealing of the cards.) the dealer will cut the cards so that the card following the placement of the cut card by the customer is at the top of the stack of cards (and will be the first card dealt from the shoe). The dealer then counts 15 cards, beginning with the last card in the stack of cards, and inserts a cut card. (when this cut card appears in play, the round in progress is completed and then the game is paused while a fresh set of eight decks is put into play and shuffled.) the eight shuffled decks are then placed into the dealing shoe and the dealer will remove the first card and turn it over. The face value of the card determines how many additional cards are “burned” or removed from the shoe. For example, if the first card was a six, then the next six cards are removed from the shoe and burned. If the first card was a ten, then ten cards are burned. All the burned cards (and subsequent discards) are dropped by the dealer into a discard bowl located under the table through a slot located in the middle of the table.

A full-size baccarat table has room for up to 14 players. The table layout (see below) has each seat numbered from #1 through #15. (usually, the unlucky number 13 is not displayed on a baccarat layout; likewise, the number 4 is often not displayed because in some asian cultures, the number 4 represents death.) in front of each player there is an area (or box) on the layout for placing your chips on the player hand, bank hand, or the tie. (see diagram below.)

How to Play Baccarat, casino game baccarat how to play.

Three casino dealers direct the game. One dealer (the caller) is positioned in the middle of the table (where the cards for the player and bank hands will be placed). The caller’s job is to direct the flow of the game and call the winning hand. The other two dealers are positioned next to each other and located opposite the caller. Their task is to collect the losing bets and pay off winning bets from players seated on their half of the table, and they also keep track of all the commissions owed by players on winning bank hand bets.

Traditionally, players had the chance to deal the cards on the full-size baccarat table; however, nowadays the caller will deal the cards from a shoe and then give the cards to the player using a device known as a paddle. The initial two player hand cards are given to the player who made the largest wager on the player hand. This player looks at the two cards and then tosses them to the caller, who places the cards on the layout labeled PLAYERS and then announces the total of the hand (e.G., player shows 6). This procedure is repeated with the bank hand, with the player with the largest wager on the bank hand getting to look at the two cards before tossing them to the caller, who announces the total of the bank hand (e.G., bank has 3). If one or both hands require a third card, the caller will give the draw card to the same player (via the paddle) to look at and then toss back to the caller. The caller will announce the winner (e.G., bank hand wins 7 over 5). The dealers will then collect the losing bets, pay off the winning bets at even money (except the tie bet, which wins 8 to1), and in the case of a winning bank hand, place a marker indicating the 5% commission owed into the players’ commission boxes (located in front of the two dealers … see diagram). For example, if the player in seat #3 wagered $20 on bank hand and it won, the players wins $20 and the dealer places a $1 marker in the #3 commission box.

Note: in casinos where the rules still allow players to deal the cards, the procedure is as follows. After the shuffle, the player in seat #1 is given the shoe. When directed by the caller, this player will deal the first card to the caller, the second card is placed under the front corner of the shoe, the third card is dealt to the caller, and the fourth card is placed under the front corner of the shoe. The two cards dealt to the caller represent the player hand; the two cards under the corner of the shoe is the bank hand. The rest of the procedure follows the rules above. (the player with biggest wager on player hand gets to look at the two cards comprising the player hand and same for player with largest wager on bank hand. The caller will tell the player holding the shoe when to deal a third draw card to one or both hands.) as long as the bank hand keeps winning, the same player retains the shoe. When a player hand wins, the shoe is passed to the next player. (any player can refuse the shoe so you don’t have to deal the cards if you don’t want to.)

At midi-baccarat tables, the dealing procedure is the same as the above, with the dealer dealing the cards from the shoe and the players given the cards to look at and then face. At mini-baccarat tables, the dealer deals the cards and faces them (players are not allowed to handle the cards). Regardless of which size table you play, the playing rules and payoffs are the same.

Four things to keep in mind when you play baccarat:

  1. If you want, you could play at any baccarat table alone; it’s not necessary to have more than one player to play the game

  2. You are expected to pay off your markers in the commission box, either at the completion of the shoe, or when you are ready to leave the table. You could pay off your commission markers at any time, but since this transaction slows down the action, it’s frowned upon. It’s best to wait until the end of a shoe (or when you quit playing) to pay what you owe, rather than pay off the markers every time you win a bank hand, or several times during the playing out of a shoe.

  3. It’s important not to lose all your money when playing baccarat; otherwise, you won’t be able to pay off your commission markers. (that could be embarrassing.)

  4. If the bank and player hands have the same total, any player wagering on the tie receives an 8 to 1 payoff and all bank and player hand wagers push (meaning, the wagers don’t win or lose)


How to Play Baccarat, casino game baccarat how to play.
As I mentioned above, sometimes one or the other hand will require a third card. The third card draw rules often confuse players, which is another reason they shy away from playing baccarat. Listen up:baccarat is not like blackjack where you have to memorize a bunch of rules to know when to stand or hit. Nope, because when you play baccarat, players have no playing options. There are standard house rules that determine when the player hand needs a third card and ditto for the bank hand. Moreover, it’s up to the caller to determine which hand requires a third card. However, you will enjoy the game better if you have some familiarity of the third card draw rules, which I’m about to cover.


How to Play Baccarat, casino game baccarat how to play.
The criterion that determines if the player hand receives a third card is the total of the initial two cards.

  • Player hand draws a third card if the initial two cards total 0 to 5.

  • Stands on a total of 6 through 9.

Notice that it makes no difference what the initial two-card bank hand totals or whether the player hand is “beating” the bank hand as far as the third card draw rule. The rule is quite simple:

  • If the sum of the two cards is 0 to 5, it draws a third card

  • If the sum is 6, 7, 8, or 9, it automatically stands.

Now is a good time for me to explain what happens when the player or bank hands initial two cards total 8 or 9. A total of 8 and 9 in baccarat is known as a “natural” and when this occurs, neither hand can draw a third card. (A total of 9 is the highest total you can get in baccarat, much like 21 in blackjack; the 8 is the second highest hand.)

How to Play Baccarat, casino game baccarat how to play.

Here are a few examples of player hands and whether they stand or draw:

How to Play Baccarat, casino game baccarat how to play.


The third card rule for the bank hand is slightly more complicated than the player hand. But keep this in mind … it’s not necessary to memorize the following rules if you don’t want to because the caller is paid to know them and he will determine when it’s necessary that one or both hands should receive a third card.

The rule for the bank hand drawing a third card depends on three criteria:

  • Total of the initial two card bank hand

  • Whether the player handstood or drew a third card

  • What the value isof the player hand's third card

Here is a summary of the bank hand third card rules:

Rule #1: bank hand draws if the initial two cards total is 0, 1 or 2.
Rule #2; bank hand stands if the initial two cards to either the bank or player hand total 8 or 9 (natural).
Rule #3. Bank hand stands if the initial two cards total 7.
Rule #4. Bank
hand stands if the initial two cards total 6 and the player handdid not draw a third card. (if the player hand drew a third card, see rule 5.)
rule #5: when the bank hand’s initial two cards total 3, 4, 5, and 6 and player hand draws a third card, the
bank hand stands or draws as follows:

How to Play Baccarat, casino game baccarat how to play.

I’ve summarized the above bank hand draw rules in the following table (similar to a blackjack strategy table).

How to Play Baccarat, casino game baccarat how to play.

Let’s try a few sample hands so you get the hang of the rules for standing and drawing. The first column below is the player hand; the second column is the bank hand. The third column is the correct action based on the house rules.

How to Play Baccarat, casino game baccarat how to play.

Note: keep in mind that even though it is not necessary to memorize the above third card rules, if a dealer makes a mistake you won’t know it. My suggestion is you should become familiar with the third card rules. The player hand is simple to remember; the bank hand is more complicated but you can always jot down the above third card rules on paper and refer to them when you play. After playing awhile, you will quickly become familiar with the rules.

BTW: in the event, a dealer makes a mistake, be sure to bring it to her attention immediately before the cards are discarded, and ask for a casino supervisor to review the hand.


The math of baccarat has been determined by numerous gambling mathematicians. Below is the bottom line. (assumes an 8-deck game; 1 to 1 payoff for a winning bet, and in the case of the bank hand, a 5% commission; and an 8 to 1 payoff for the tie bet).

  • Bank hand wins 45.87% of the hands, loses 44.63% of the hands, and ties 9.51%

  • Player hand wins 44.63% of the hands, loses 45.87%, and ties 9.51%

If you ignore, the hands that tie, then:

  • Bank hand wins 50.68% of the hands and loses 49.32% of the hands.

  • Player hand wins 49.32% of the hands and loses 50.68% of the hands.

Notice that when you exclude tied hands, the bank hand wins more often than it loses. To compensate for this, the casino charges a 5% commission on a winning bank hand. (with the 5% commission, the house advantage on the bank hand is close to the house advantage on the player hand. See below for house advantages.)

The house edge for the bank, player and the tie bet can be calculated by multiplying the probability that the hand will win by the amount wagered plus the probability of the hand losing times the amount lost (expressed as a negative value). The result is the player’s expected value per hand, which is the opposite of the house advantage.


(+1 unit) x (.4463 probability of winning) plus (–1 unit) x (.4587 probability of losing) plus (0 units) x (0.0951 probability of tie) = –0.01235.
(this means a player would have a –1.24% expected value, or the house advantage is 1.24%.)


(+0.95) x (.4585) plus (–1) x (.4462) plus (0) x (.0951) = –0.01058 or a house advantage of 1.06%.


(+8 units) x (0.09516) plus (–1) x (.4585) plus (-1) x (.4462) = –0.14356 or house edge of 14.36%.

If you ignore the 9.51% of the hands that result in a tie, the house advantage for the player and bank hand per resolved bet can be expressed as follows:

BANK HAND: 1.17%


How to Play Baccarat, casino game baccarat how to play.
Note: A house advantage of 1.36% on the player hand (excluding hands that tie) means that for every $100 worth of resolved bets that you make on the player hand, your expected loss is $1.36. You could get lucky and win money or lose more than $1.36, but over time you can expect to lose $1.36 for every $100 worth of resolved bets on the player hand. Betting on the bank hand will cost you slightly less money: ($1.17 per $100 wagered). (see chapter 3 for further discussion on betting strategies for baccarat.)

Whether you express the house edge per hand (including ties) or per resolved bet (excluding ties), the expected player losses will be the same.

The following is true about baccarat:

  • Bank hand has a slightly lower house edge than theplayer hand

  • The tie bet has an outrageous 14.36% house edge and should be avoided


How to Play Baccarat, casino game baccarat how to play.
In the past, some casinos have reduced the commission on the bank hand to less than 5%. I once took advantage of a 4% commission on winning bank hand bets at binion’s horseshoe casino in downtown las vegas. There have been other casinos (land-based and online) that have offered a lower commission. This is a good deal for players. The following table shows how much you can lower the house edge on the bank hand based on the commission charged. (from the book gambling 102 by michael shackleford). (note: A negative house advantage indicates a player advantage. A player gains the advantage when the commission is reduced to 2% or lower.

Bottom line: if you ever learn of a land-based or online casino that has a lower than 5% commission on a winning bank hand, take advantage of it before it becomes history.

Baccarat guide: rules, how to play, strategy and tips

How to Play Baccarat, casino game baccarat how to play.

Baccarat is one of the simplest casino games. It is also among casino live games with the lowest house advantage making it popular with high rollers and wise players. Baccarat is very easy to learn.

A brief history of baccarat

Baccarat is among the ancient casino games. It dates back to the 14th century when it first emerged in italy. ‘baccarat’ is an italian name which means ‘zero’. There is a good explanation for the name though. In baccarat, all kings, queens, tens, and jacks have a zero value. It is the same case for any hand that totals ten. For example, a hand of three and seven makes a zero and thus baccarat.

Throughout the centuries, baccarat was known as a game of nobility or high rollers. This is mainly because it was usually played by the aristocracy of europe. However, things changed with the introduction of online casinos in the 1990s. With no hotel or travel expenses, and with low wagering minimus, online baccarat became accessible to online gaming enthusiasts.

Baccarat terminology

Understanding the game’s terminology will help you understand the rules. In addition to helping you remember baccarat rules, understanding key phrases will help you feel confident when playing. Here are some of the terms you should understand:

baccarat: it refers to the worst hand in a game; a hand that totals to zero.

banco/banker bet: betting on either the player or the dealer (but not a tie)

croupier: casino workers who oversee the betting

caller: A croupier who is in charge of cards at a baccarat table

coup: A complete round of baccarat

burning: discarding the top three to six cards after shuffling and before starting a new game

flat bet: A punter repeatedly wagers the same amount in successive betting rounds

laderman: A dealer whose chair is above the baccarat table to oversee the play

le grande: it refers to the best hand in baccarat (a natural total of nine)

la petite: A hand that totals to eight

commission: it is the money a player pays when they bet on the banker and win

loss bet: it refers to a bet against the bank

monkey: it is a slang term used to refer to cards with a value of zero (kings, queens, tens and jack)

shoe: A box which holds the playing cards

Baccarat card values

How to Play Baccarat, casino game baccarat how to play.

In a baccarat game, cards two through nine are worth their face value. Tens and face cards (king, jack and queen) are worth zero. Aces equal one point. Additionally, hand values are slightly different from other games but not complex. The left digit is dropped for any sum that reaches two digits. For instance, a hand consisting of 5 and 7 would be 12, but by dropping the digit on the left, the hand value is 2. In the same way, a hand consisting of 2 and 3 is 5 (no digit to drop in this case). In the case of a hand comprising 5, 7 and 8, the sum is 20, but the hand value is zero (after dropping the left digit). A natural total of 9, referred to as le grande, is the best possible score in a game.

How to play online baccarat

Learning to play baccarat is straightforward. There are only 3 stakeholders in baccarat game:

● the player (remember this is not you)

In a baccarat game, there are only 3 types of bet you can make:

● you can bet on the player position to win

● you can bet on the banker position to win

● you can bet on a tie between the banker and the player

The winning hand in a game is the one with a hand value closest to nine. Therefore, the aim of the banker and the player is to get a hand value of 9 or as close to as possible to 9 and your objective is to predict the position that will win and whether there will be a tie.

Online baccarat games are normally played with 6 decks of playing cards, but there are some games where 8 decks of playing cards are used. A typical baccarat game begins with punters betting on the player position, the banker position or a tie. The dealer draws 4 cards from the shoe (all of them facing down). The dealer deals the first and third card to the player’s position and the second and the fourth card to the banker’s position. Once the cards are on the table, both hands are turned over. If either the player position or the banker position has a hand value of 8 or 9, the hand is referred to as natural, and no more cards are dealt. The losing bets are collected and the winning bets paid. In case the player position has a hand value of 5 or less; the player is dealt a third card.

Drawing the third card

Other instances where the dealer may draw a third card include:

● if the banker's hand is equal to 2 or less, the dealer draws a third regardless of the hand value of the player’s position

● A third card is drawn if the banker's hand equals 3 and the player’s third card is not an 8

● if the banker’s two cards total equals 4, a third card is drawn except if the player’s third card is a 0,1, 8 or 9.

● if the banker's hand is 5, a third is drawn if the player’s third card is not a 4, 5, 6 or 7

● if the banker hand value is 6, a third card is drawn if the player’s third card is not a 6 or a 7.

Winning in a baccarat game

How to Play Baccarat, casino game baccarat how to play.

If you place a bet on the player’s hand and that hand wins, you will get an even money payout - no commission is deducted. For instance, if you had wagered £20 you will get your £20 wager back and an extra £20. If you had bet on the banker’s hand to win and that hand wins, you will get an even payout minus a 5% commission. In case you had wagered on a tie, and it does occur, you will receive an 8/1 payout. For example, if you had wagered £10 on a tie, you will receive your £10 back and an extra £80.

Baccarat variations

There are different baccarat variations found in both land-based and online casinos. They all run along the same line, but they have slight differences in terms of regulations and players participation. The most common baccarat variations include:

● american baccarat/punto bunco

Chemin de fer

It is the most common baccarat variation. It is also considered the most complex variation, but also the most exciting. Chemin de fer is mostly popular in europe. In this game, the casino has very little to do as the banker’s position is taken over by another player who must also act as the dealer. The dealer is chosen through an auction.

American baccarat

As its name suggests, american baccarat is most common in america and is just referred to as baccarat. It is also referred to as punto bunco in some parts of the world. American baccarat is probably the easiest to play. The player needs just to follow the instructions of the caller. In this variation, the player isn’t required to know the rules of drawing the third card - the caller will announce if it’s necessary or not. Additionally, the dealer is not the one who chooses whether or not to draw; it all follows the set rules.

European baccarat

There are two major differences between european baccarat and american baccarat. In european baccarat, a player may choose whether to draw on 5 or stand. The banker can opt to request a third card or not.

Baccarat banque

Baccarat banque is the closest baccarat variation to the original game. In this game, you will require to get as close as possible to a 9. There are 3 decks of cards in a shoe. The bank is dealt one card while the player is dealt 2 cards and the drawing rules are fully optional.

Baccarat strategy

How to Play Baccarat, casino game baccarat how to play.

Baccarat has the lowest house edge compared to other card games such as blackjack and roulette, but one thing is clear - there is no betting strategy that will guarantee you sure profits. However, there are useful strategies that can boost your chances of making profits. The most important thing to understand is the odds and bets to make or avoid. The house advantage is as follows:

The probabilities of winning are as follows:

The banker bet

Due to its high odds, the banker bet seems like the most sensible when formulating a winning strategy. It is a reasonable bet since it wins more than half (50%) of the time. This explains the reason why casinos charge a 5% commission on bankers bet. Despite the commission, it is the most preferred bet for beginners and seasoned players. A banker bet has a great chance for winning streaks. It is therefore recommended that a punter should keep playing a banker bet until it loses. If you choose to switch to player after a loss, wait for at least one bet before switching.

The player bet

Although betting on a banker is considered to be a better option, things change when you are using a system. Bearing in mind the 5% commission, wagering on the banker becomes less desirable when you are playing progressions. Assume you are playing martingale - doubling your betting amount after each loss. After 4 successive losses at a 20-unit wager, you will have lost 300 units (20 + 40 + 80 + 160).

Assuming you bet for the fifth time, and this time you wager 320 units. This time you win and the total payout is 608, i.E. That’s your 320 units stake, plus 320 units win, minus 32 units (5% commission). You will have used 620 units to bet in total. Therefore, you will have lost 12 units due to the commission and the negative progression. If you had a similar betting streak on the player, you would have won a total of 20 units since there would be no house commission deducted. Thus, the player bet is considered a better option when using a strategy.

The tie bet

Avoiding the tie bet is the first thing towards winning in a baccarat game. Although baccarat is a game of chance, betting your money on a bet with 14% house advantage is a poor winning strategy.

Useful baccarat tips

How to Play Baccarat, casino game baccarat how to play.

  1. Understand baccarat rules
    understanding the rules gives you a sense of control when playing online baccarat. Online casinos are programmed to make decisions in a game automatically. However, understanding the payout and the rules assists you in making proper wagering decisions.

  2. Have time and betting limits
    baccarat is not a marathon; it’s a fast-paced game. As such punters tend to get wrapped up in action and may end up playing for too long or excessive wagering. You should set a time limit and a bankroll. Once the set time has elapsed, you should at least take a break or call it a day. Once your set bankroll has been used up, it’s time to call it a day.

  3. Forget the ties
    like we’ve said above, never make a tie bet.

  4. Play the banker’s bet
    A banker’s bet will win slightly over half the time.

  5. Never ignore the streaks
    streaks may sometimes extend beyond reason. If you are playing the player’s side and the banker’s side occurs three consecutive times, take a break until the streak is over.

  6. Never look for patterns
    treat every hand as a separate occurrence.

  7. Practice
    if there is an online casino that offers the chance to play baccarat for free, take advantage of such an opportunity to practice.

Baccarat, card game, rules of baccarat, baccarat strategy, baccarat variations, how to play baccarat, baccarat tips

How to play baccarat - tips & baccarat rules

How to Play Baccarat, casino game baccarat how to play.

How to Play Baccarat, casino game baccarat how to play.

When people go to casino, they would usually head for either the blackjack tables or the slot machines. Only a handful of people go to the baccarat tables, mainly because most of the other people are unfamiliar with how to play baccarat and its rules. What they don’t know is that they’re missing out on something great. Baccarat is a highly enjoyable game and can be a highly profitable one too. It has a low house edge , so players generally have a better chance of winning or breaking even here as compared to that of other casino games. In fact, if you try to notice, high-rollers are usually the ones who frequent the baccarat tables also because because of the easy baccarat rules - it's not that complicated to learn how to play baccarat.

How to Play Baccarat, casino game baccarat how to play.

Baccarat is a very simple game - the easiest to learn . You can learn baccarat rules very easily since there are only a few simple baccarat rules and only three different outcomes: player, banker, and tie. Skill is not a factor in baccarat game and players that just learn how to play baccarat and play it for the first time can play it as good as experienced baccarat players without any special baccarat tips.

Baccarat table

Baccarat is played at baccarat table that can usually accommodate up to 13 players. According to the baccarat rules, each player's position is designated by number. In case of table for 12 players there are numbers from 1 to 12. When players learn how to play baccarat it's important to learn few baccarat tips including where to place the bets. There are boxes for placing bets for each player position. The closer box is for player wins bets and the further box is for bets on dealer. There is also box for tie bet, and here comes the most important of baccarat tips, tie is not recommended as it has too big casino edge.

How to Play Baccarat, casino game baccarat how to play.

Almost all virtual baccarat tables at online casinos are mini baccarat tables . Also in land based casinos mini baccarat becomes more and more popular. The table is similar to blackjack table, accommodates less players and provides faster gameplay. The baccarat rules stay the same. However it lacks some of the elements (players do not handle the shoe) and spark of classic baccarat.

How to Play Baccarat, casino game baccarat how to play.

Game basics & rules

It is very easy to understand the baccarat rules. Players that learn how to play baccarat should first understand the objective of the game. Both dealer and player are dealt two cards or three cards. The one that is closer to 9 wins . Third card is dealt according to third card rules. Players do not have to learn third card baccarat rules as the dealers know them and give instructions to players. Those that would like to learn these baccarat rules can find them below. Also the "player" and "dealer" do not refer to players and casino. Players can bet on one or another. Baccarat is usually played with 8 standard decks.

How to Play Baccarat, casino game baccarat how to play.

Another important thing to know when learning how to play baccarat are the card values . The values of the cards are as follows:

K, Q, J, 10 = 0 points
aces = 1
all other cards = face value
How to Play Baccarat, casino game baccarat how to play.
dealer knows the card values and does the counting for all the players. Baccarat, unlike blackjack, does not use the term ‘bust’. If your hand totals to more than 10, you merely subtract 10 (or even 20) from the overall value. For example, if you got 9-8 which totals to 17, then the value of your hand would be 7.

Playing the baccarat game

At the beginning of the game, both the player and the banker are dealt two cards each. And here comes another thing that makes baccarat stand out form casino games at land based casinos. And that is players participation in card dealing . Each player can deal cards from the shoe. Player that is dealing the card is called "dealer". Also players that are not comfortable with dealing cards from the shoe can just tell dealer that they want to pass it, no big deal. Shoe is passed in counter-clockwise direction. Dealer always gives players that has the shoe instructions according to baccarat rules, what make it very easy even for players that have just learned how to play baccarat. Here is how the card dealing works:

1. Card for the player - player slides card face down to the dealer

How to Play Baccarat, casino game baccarat how to play.

2. Card for the dealer - players deals another card and puts it under the corner of the shoe

How to Play Baccarat, casino game baccarat how to play.

3. Another card for the player

How to Play Baccarat, casino game baccarat how to play.

4. Another card for the dealer

How to Play Baccarat, casino game baccarat how to play.

turning over the cards

1. Turning over player's cards - player that made the biggest bet can then turn over the player's cards. Then the dealer announces the player hand total

How to Play Baccarat, casino game baccarat how to play.

2. Revealing banker's cards - banker reveals the cards that were placed under the shoe and dealer announces total

How to Play Baccarat, casino game baccarat how to play.

winner is announced (sometimes after third card is drawn)
1. Third card for player
How to Play Baccarat, casino game baccarat how to play.
2. Third card for banker
How to Play Baccarat, casino game baccarat how to play.
the hand that is closer to 9 is announced as winning . Sometimes player or banker hand will require third card before the decision which hand is winner can be made. Dealer will give instructions in case third card is needed. So players do not have the know the third card baccarat rules. In our example banker wins with total of 9 - natural.

How to Play Baccarat, casino game baccarat how to play.

Third card rules

Third card baccarat rules are not essential to know when you learn to play baccarat at land based or online casino. However people that learn how to play baccarat can also learn these baccarat rules as understanding the third card rules makes the game more interesting. The chart below explains the third card baccarat rules.

first 2 cards total action
8, 9 natural - stands
6, 7 stands
0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 draws third card
banker first 2 cards total player's third card action 8, 9 not required natural - stands 7 stands 3 8 4 0, 1, 8, 9 5 0, 1, 2, 3, 8, 9 6 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9 any other situation draws third card

Baccarat tips

If you calculate the odds, then you will see that the banker will win more often than the player, but only by a small margin . It doesn’t really matter either way because the house collects a 5% commission on banker bets that win. All in all, the house will have a 1.24% edge on player bets and a 1.06% edge on banker bets. A tie, however, will be your number 1 enemy in baccarat , because it pays 9 to 1 and the house has over 14% edge depending on number of decks used. So as the most important of baccarat tips says never bet on tie. Tie even pays 8 to 1 at some online casinos what makes the casino advantage even bigger.

How to Play Baccarat, casino game baccarat how to play.

If you strip the game free of all the complicated figures, though, you’ll see that baccarat is really just a game of chance . There is no tip on how to decrease casino edge (other than the tie baccarat tip), no advanced baccarat strategy, the best you can do when you are figuring out how to win baccarat, is to manage your bankroll properly and to learn to walk away when you’re ahead. In the long run, the casino will profit off of you even if you know how to play baccarat perfectly and all baccarat tips. However, if you know when to take off with your winnings, then you can guarantee a true victory.


Contrary to many players’ misconceptions, baccarat is not only a game reserved for the james bonds and the high rollers in online casinos. In fact, it is a simple game, which comes with simple rules and is ideal for all types of players. It also comes with loads of entertainment, derived from its fast gameplay and the handsome payouts involved. Its high RTP rates make it one of the most profitable games in casino gaming.


How to Play Baccarat, casino game baccarat how to play.

What is baccarat?

Baccarat is a card game that is played by comparing which hand has the better points between the banker’s and the player’s. To play baccarat, you have to predict and stake your bet on one of the three possible outcomes. The outcome of the game could result in either the ‘players hand’ been the best or the ‘banker’s or result in a ‘tie between both options. The gameplay includes each player getting two cards with the values having to range between 0 and 9 with any value more than that having to be subtracted from 10. It comes in different variants with the option of playing it against a live dealer in some online casinos. Popular baccarat versions include punto banco, mini baccarat, baccarat banque and chemin de fer.

Full list of all indian baccarat online casinos


Play baccarat online

Forget the hustle of having to do your designer wear and traveling to the nearest casino, booking a hotel just so you can play baccarat . Online baccarat brings the glitz and glamour of baccarat straight to your desktop and mobile smartphone. Now you can put on your casual wear and launch a baccarat game by a swipe on your smartphones or the click of the mouse. You only need a stable internet connection in most cases or a simple software download in some casinos in order to play online baccarat. Online baccarat comes with a choice of many variants among them being:

Mini baccarat

If you would like to play baccarat without having to worry about big game limits, mini baccarat is the ideal game for you. The game has relatively lower limits, and the baccarat table is also smaller hence accommodating fewer players. You do not also get to pick the cards since the dealer solely deals them. It is the most popular variant in india casinos.

Baccarat chemin de fer

This is a fast version of baccarat named after the fast railway transport. It is an older version of baccarat, but it comes with an interesting gameplay. There are only 6 decks, and a player can assume the role of a banker and deal the cards. This is repeated with the different players occasionally taking the role of the banker to deal out the cards. It is an exciting game with the banker placing a wager which the other players ought to match or wager smaller amounts. The game then follows the usual baccarat game rules with the only exception being that the player with the highest hand is the decision maker on the game progression. This means that he can decide whether to hit and take another card or stand.

Live dealer baccarat

You can enjoy the thrill of a real casino gaming with the convenience of online gaming when you play live baccarat. The game is officiated by an asian or european live dealer who is professional and understands many languages. The games are also broadcast in high definition hence providing you with the best angles so you can follow the game action just as you would if you were physically present in the broadcasting studio. The most popular live baccarat games include baccarat squeeze, speed baccarat, progressive baccarat, and VIP baccarat.

How to play baccarat

Baccarat is a game of chance and does not rely much on skills. It can thus be played by new players as well as seasoned players. If you are just making a debut into the interesting baccarat games playing, you should have no reason to feel intimidated. Our step by step guide takes you through the different card numbers, how to place your bets, and how-to strategies and play the game like a pro. But first, here’s a summary on the basics.

Understanding the aim of the game

In baccarat, the objective is to bet on the hand whose cards value is 9 or nearer to 9 as possible. You will be predicting whether the player or the banker has the upper hand or if they both tie. You must remember that you are not necessarily the ‘player,’ you are just merely predicting that the player’s hand is the one that wins. In the same way, you must also remember the ‘banker’ is not necessarily the house or casino. As such, you can bet on either of them if you feel that they have the upper hand and are more likely to win.

Understanding how the card numbers work

Since you aim to predict the hand that has a higher score, it is important to understand how different values are arrived at. As you can notice, having 2 cards with a value of 5 and 7 totals 12, which is a higher value than 9. In the normal case, you should be overjoyed, but in baccarat, this is not yet celebration time. The reason is that the cards are above 9. In essence, it is counted that you have a total value of 2 since the first number does not count . The cards are calculated as follows:

  • 0 is referred to as baccarat, the lowest hand. Getting a hand of 7 and 3 totals to 10, with only the last number being considered, so in this case, this would be the worst hand.

  • Numbers 2 to 9 are taken at their face value.

  • An ace is counted as 1

  • Jack, king, and queen are valued as 10 and consecutively have a value of 0 since only the last digit counts.

In this regard, combining a queen and a 3 would equal 13 points and hence will only be counted as a score of 3.

Baccarat betting options

You have 3 options on which to place your wagers based on which hand you predict will get the highest points, in this case, 9 points. It is advisable to consider the house edge or how much you stand to gain should your bet carry through. Below are the betting options and why you should choose them wisely.

Betting on the ‘player’-this is predicting that the player will emerge with the best hand. The pay is 1: 1, and the house edge in this bet is 1.36%.

  • Betting on the ‘banker – this is betting that the banker will emerge as the upper hand closest to 9. The house edge in this bet is lower, giving you a higher chance to strike a win. It comes with a house edge of 1.17%, and the pay is 19:20 on your winnings.

  • Betting on a ‘tie – you can bet on the banker and the player having the same points. The house edge is rather high, coming at 14.2% and is also rare for this scenario to happen. However, it comes with large payouts. In this instance, the pay is 8:1 on your winning. Before you choose which option to bet on, it is also wise to consider that the player bet RTP is 98.76%, while the banker bet RTP is 98.94% while the RTP on the tie is 85.56%.

How to play and win rupees in online baccarat

You start by placing your chips on your betting option. Then the virtual dealer hands the first two cards to you and the banker. If the player or the banker option has an 8 or 9, the best hand wins , and this is called a natural hand. If the player and the banker get an equal score, this results in a tie in and the third option wins.

Should there be no winner on the first bet for the three options, the next highest hand stands. This means that the third card rule is applied which will, in essence, depend on the total points the player has. For instance, if the total of the first two cards is equal or less than 5. Additionally, the banker may also get a third card in some cases. The totals are tallied again, and the option with the highest points close to 9 wins the hand. If you win the hand, the payout is credited to your account. This ends the round, and the game starts afresh.

You should be confident when placing your online bet since you are assured that the game results cannot be rigged. This is because they are randomly generated using tested and audited RNG software.

Interpreting the baccarat win

Now that you have learned how to place a bet in online baccarat, here is what to expect depending on which of your betting option won.

  • A 5% commission is deducted and given to the house when you win after placing your bet on the banker’s hand.

  • You get a full payout when you win by placing your bet on the player since the pay is 1: 1

  • If the game outcome results in a tie between the player and the banker, and you had bet on this outcome, you get an 8: 1 payout.

How to get an entertaining baccarat game session

Aside from the obvious high payouts in baccarat because of the low house edge, baccarat can also provide you with an exciting gaming session. To start with, you can customize the game session according to your preferences. For instance, you can adjust the games graphics, sound volume, auto play, and fast play to suit your moods and tastes.

You can also choose a number of baccarat variants such as live baccarat where you play against a live dealer. You can also play other variants such as speed baccarat, mini baccarat, and baccarat control squeeze. As mentioned earlier, the different variants come with minor differences such as bet limits, game developer, and where you can play them.

Baccarat optimal strategy – is it worth it?

In every game, there are strategies that you can utilize when you need to play like a pro. Online baccarat is largely a game of chance and does not require complicated strategies and lots of skill in order to win. However, it does not hurt to increase your chances of winning by applying some simple strategies.

Firstly, as outlined above, to increase your chances of winning, you should rarely bet on the ‘tie option’ since the house edge is much higher on that option. The ‘banker’ bet offers you more chances for a higher payout since it has a lower house edge. Additionally, the banker bet has a better chance of winning since it is drawn after the player bet has been placed.

You can use the card counting strategy to keep track of the earlier bets when playing land-based baccarat; however, with the use of RNG in online casinos, it would not be of much help. Finally, since there are many casinos where you can play baccarat online, you should practice the game on demo mode before playing it for real money.

How to play baccarat casino games

How to Play Baccarat, casino game baccarat how to play.

If the baccarat rules seem complicated to you, then it must be because they haven’t been properly explained to you yet. Online baccarat is a very simple game to learn, but rather like blackjack online, it becomes more complicated and strategical as you progress from novice to master baccarat player. And if the sophistication doesn't intrigue you, the payouts certainly will!

Best casinos - march 2020

How to Play Baccarat, casino game baccarat how to play.

If you are unsure of how to play baccarat, we are going to fix that right now: below, you will find everything that you need to know about the game in a synthesized and easy to understand manner which is going to help you get into it and start making money in the baccarat casino.

Learn the rules of casino baccarat games

Now, the first thing that we would like to point out before we get in-depth is that before you start to play any real money casino games, we would truly suggest that you start off with something more convenient. Every casino gives you the chance to play for fun with "play" money so you might want to do that before you start putting our own just to see how it goes.

In any case, if you’ve always looked a bit wistfully at the room where people played baccarat and yet you’ve always wanted to join that what seem like a closed society, you’ve stumbled upon the right place. The game is actually not that complicated and there is not a lot for you to do than to simply decide the amount of money you want to put up. Also check out our quick tips for some good advice.

How to Play Baccarat, casino game baccarat how to play.

How to Play Baccarat, casino game baccarat how to play.

How to Play Baccarat, casino game baccarat how to play.

How to Play Baccarat, casino game baccarat how to play.

How to Play Baccarat, casino game baccarat how to play.

The essence of baccarat games

Baccarat is a card game which is traditionally dealt from a shoe which holds a total between 6 or 8 decks of cards. There are two hands that are dealt by the dealer at the start of the game. The first one is the so-called “banker hand” and the second one is the “player hand”. Prior to dealing the hands, the players must place their bets on the banker's hand on the left, on the player hand on the right or no the tie option.

The winning bets on the player or the banker hands are paid 1:1. Therefore, you get exactly what you put up. However, there is always a 5% commission which is charged by the bank so it’s pretty much 1:0.95. Some casinos might actually charge you a lower commission, depending on their policy but it would be very rare to see some charging more. This is something that you should consider as it would be rather essential for your bankroll management when you start playing thousands of hands.

The tie bet is paid 8:1 or 9:1 depending on the casino but, again, this could vary depending on the policy. Usually, if there is a tie, the bets which are placed on the player or the banker hands are returned to the player.

How to Play Baccarat, casino game baccarat how to play.
Calculating value

So, the most important thing that you would have to do is to learn how to calculate the value of your hand. It’s not that hard, really. The strength of your hand is its total value which is determined when you add the value of each individual card. Tens and all the face cards are counted to be “zero” and all other cards have the numbers of their “pips” or the card face. So, pretty much, each baccarat hand has a value ranging between 0 and 9 and the one with the higher value is going to be winning the deal. If the value is the same – it’s a tie. It’s as simple as that.

Player hand: if the player’s first two cards amount to six or more of value, the player needs to stand without being able to draw a card. If the player has a value of the first two card below 5 or equal to it, the player must draw an additional card.

Banker hand: if the banker’s first two cards amount to a value of 7 or more, the banker has to stand without being able to draw. If the banker’s first two cards are at the amount of 0, 1 or 2, the banker would be allowed to draw one card. If the value is 3, 4, 5 or 6, then if the player drew, the banker has to draw as well and vice-versa.

Baccarat casino games in a nutshell

As you can see, there is absolutely nothing challenging when it comes to the rules of baccarat. It’s a fairly straightforward game which kind of resembles playing blackjack but there are some rather obvious differences that you would have to account for when it comes to it. This is quite important and you ought to take into account.

Now, it is important to pick the right casino. There are some great online casinos for aussies that you can take a look at. This is going to make it a lot easier for you to find the best one as there are hundreds of them on the market.

With this in mind, it is also quite important to ensure that everything is handled as per the highest standards so that you can rest assured that your information is secured. Make sure that the casino that you play at has the necessary securities and that it is subjected to high-end encryption which protects your data and makes it impossible for anyone to actually steal it.

Important rule: always keep track of the payout percentages for the games in mind:

How to play baccarat

How to Play Baccarat, casino game baccarat how to play.

How to Play Baccarat, casino game baccarat how to play.

Ever see those old james bond movies with 007 making huge winning bets at the baccarat table? Well, that's just what you can find these days at the baccarat table: famous people and huge bets. However, playing baccarat is fun and relatively easy, and you can learn how to play in just a few minutes.

A crash course in baccarat

The toughest thing about the game is how it is pronounced: "baa-ca-rah," with a silent "t". Now you know more than 90 percent of the players wandering around the casino and can consider yourself pretty smart. However, the truth is, the game offered in casinos in the US is really punto banco, which means player-banker, and all hands are controlled by the casino. The player makes no hitting decisions, only wagering decisions. The object of drawing cards for the player-banker is to get closest to a total of nine. Aces count as one, tens are zero, and 2 through 9 count as their actual (2 - 9) value.

As a gambler at the baccarat table, you may wager on three things: the player's hand winning, the dealer's hand winning, and a tie. That's it, zip - zap and done. If you bet on the most likely of the three occurrences, the banker hand winning, you pay a commission of 5 percent that the dealer will collect should you win. Your payoff is 1 to 1, or even money.

If you bet on the player hand winning, you are paid 1 to 1, or even money should it win. If the player and banker's hand are the same, it is a tie, and neither bet wins or loses. However, you can also bet on a tie before the hand is dealt. Ties pay 8 to 1. While the house edge is 1.06 percent on the banker bet and 1.24 percent on the player bet, the tie bet has a much larger house edge of 14.36 percent with an 8-deck shoe.

Where the fun is

Baccarat tables can be found in the table games area (or the "pit") along with other games, or in a special room. A smaller version of the game, or mini-bac, is sometimes offered on a standard blackjack-size table. It has the same rules and usually offers mini-bets, unlike the table limits that are found in some of the more sophisticated rooms where bets may be from $100 to $100,000.

Regardless of which game you decide to join, make sure you understand the commissions you owe, should you be betting on the "banker" hand. The dealer will keep track of the amount and when you quit or get to a certain level (perhaps $25 or $100) at mini-bac, the dealer will ask you to complete your commissions.​

How to play baccarat

Baccarat is played on a large table that can comfortably seat 12 to14 players. Although the seats are numbered to help keep track of buy-ins and commissions, no number 13 exists, probably because it is unlucky to be superstitious. The game is played with standard english decks of 52-cards, usually, six or eight shuffled and placed in a shoe.

A cut-card is placed 16 cards from the end of the shoe. When it is drawn, it indicates the last hand of the shoe. After all, players make their wagers, a two-card hand is dealt out to the "player" and the "banker" spots, one card at a time, starting with the "player."these are the only hands dealt, and all wagers at the table rest on the outcome of these two hands. The totals are compared, and specific drawing rules are used to determine whether the "player" should receive a third card, and then, based on the value of any card dealt to the player, whether the banker should receive a third card. The outcome is then determined by comparing the totals.

Baccarat card values

  • Aces count as "1"

  • Tens, jacks, queens and kings count as "0"

  • All other cards, 2-9, count as their pip value, or 2-9

Total hand values are 0 to 9 because ten is subtracted from any total of more than 9. If the player has 4-9-3, the total of 16 becomes 6, by dropping the first digit. Two 10's, or 20, becomes zero.

Object of the game

The object of the game is to choose the winning hand, player or banker. However, the object of the player/banker hands is to get closest to a total of "9".

Player's hand

The player's hand is always acted upon first. Their two cards are turned over and the total called out by the dealer. Then the banker's cards are exposed. Any total of 6 through 9 and the player stands, no cards are drawn. A total of 8 or 9 is called a natural and is an automatic winner against any banker hand except 8 or 9. If the totals are the same, the hand is a tie, a push. If the player has an 8 and the banker a 9, the banker wins. If the player has a 9 and the banker and 8, the player wins.

If the player's first two cards are 6, 7, 8 or nine, they stand. If the player's first two cards total five or less they hit and receive a single card. Their play is now finished.

Banker's hand

  • The banker always stands on a two-card total of 7, 8 and 9

  • The banker always hits on a two-card total of zero, 1, 2 and 3 with the exception that the banker will hit a total of 3 against a player total of 8

The banker will hit some 4, 5 and 6 card totals, depending on the player's total:

  • Hit with a 4 against a player total of 2 through 7

  • Hit with a 5 against a player total of 4 through 7

  • Hit with a 6 against a player total of 6 and a 7

The good part of baccarat is that you don't have to memorize any of the above rules! The dealers take care of all the hitting. You just place your bets and hope to win.


Like any gambling game, there are some strategies and tips you might want to consider for the game of baccarat. Because the banker acts last, it has a slight edge at all times over the player bet. The banker bet has the lowest house edge (at 1.06 percent after commission) of any bet in the casino. That's why so many high-rollers like the game, whether they bet the banker or the player. The tie bet is fun, but the house edge will knock you down quickly if you feel the need to bet it regularly. Sometimes a casino will offer 9 to 1 on the tie bet, which reduces it from a huge 14.36 percent to a manageable 4.84 percent.

Casinos offer "outcome" pads like they sometimes offer at roulette tables for players to keep track of trends and streaks. Because they player and banker hands have nearly the same odds of winning, the game tends to have longer streaks than other games like blackjack and craps. And, don't forget your commission!

How to play baccarat

Baccarat rules and strategy

Baccarat is not an exceedingly complex game, but it does have certain idiosyncrasies that take some getting used to. For instance, the banker hand and the player hand:

Regardless of how many people are playing, only two hands are dealt. One is designated the banker hand, the other is the player hand. Any customer may bet on either hand, with the exception that the customer holding the shoe in the full-scale game must either bet banker or pass the shoe. Do not think of the bank hand as belonging to the house or the player hand belonging to the bettor. To avoid confusion, we'll refer to baccarat "bettors" or "customers" rather than "players."

In full-scale baccarat, the bettor holding the shoe slides one card out and passes it facedown to the stand-up dealer, who passes it to the customer with the largest player bet. The next card, the first of the banker hand, is placed next to the shoe. The bettor then deals another player card, then the second banker card. The dealer calls for the player hand, and the customer with the largest player bet first looks at the cards, then gives them to the dealer. The dealer turns the cards faceup and announces the point total. Then the dealer calls for the banker hand, and the shoe holder looks at the cards and gives them to the dealer. If the player total requires a draw, the dealer will say, "card for the player," and the shoe holder will pass a card to the dealer, who will pass it to the player-bettor, who looks at it and passes it back to the dealer, who turns it faceup. Finally, if the banker requires a card, the dealer will call, "card for the bank," and repeat the process with the shoe holder.

The casino is more than willing to offer the time-consuming ceremony to its largest bettors. In mini-baccarat, however, the dealer plays out both hands, with no fuss and in half the time.
The object is to bet on the two- or three-card hand that totals closer to nine. Tens and face cards all are worth zero points; all other cards are worth their face value, with the ace worth one point. If a total is more than 10, the second digit is the value of the hand. For example, a 9 and a 6, which total 15, make up a five-point hand.

Initially, two cards are dealt for each hand. The point totals determine whether either hand gets a third card. The player hand is completed first. A total of 8 or 9 is called a "natural," and the player hand gets no more cards. In fact, unless the banker has a natural 9 or ties the natural 8, no further cards are drawn, and the naturals are automatic winners. Player also stands on totals of 6 or 7. On any other total, zero through 5, player draws a third card, unless banker has a natural, in which case the bank hand wins with no further draw.

Banker rules are a bit more complex. Banker also stands on 7, 8, or 9 and draws on 0, 1, or 2, but on other hands the banker's play is dependent on the value of the player's third card. Banker hits 3 unless the player's third card is an 8; hits 4 unless the player's third card is 1, 8, 9, or 10; hits 5 only if the player's third card is 4, 5, 6, or 7; and hits 6 only if the player's third card is 6 or 7.

Player hand: when first two cards total:

1-2-3-4-5-10 draaws a card
natural -- stands

banker hand

First two cards total:
draws when player's third card is:
stands when player's third card is:
3 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-9-10 8
4 2-3-4-5-6-7 1-8-9-10
5 4-5-6-7 1-2-3-8-9-10
6 6-7 1-2-3-4-5-8-9-10
7 stands
8-0 natural -- stands
0-1-2 always draws

there are a few exceptions. A natural, as noted above, stops play with no further draws. And if the player has one of its other two standing hands, 6 or 7, bank stands on 6 as well as 7, 8, and 9.
And that's it. Neither hand ever gets more than three cards. After the hands have been played out, the hand totaling closer to 9 wins. Winning bets are paid off at even money. Ties push -- neither hand wins nor loses.

Bettors also may wager that the two hands will finish with an equal number of points. Winning bets on ties pay off at 8-1. That sounds tempting, but this wager carries a hefty 9.5 percent house edge. Avoid it.

As in other table games, buy chips by placing cash on the layout and asking the dealer for change. The dealer is not allowed to take money directly from players' hands.

If you are the bettor with the largest wager on player and receive the player cards, do not look at them until both player and banker hands have been dealt. And if you hold the banker hand, do not look at the cards until the dealer has flipped the player hand faceup.

Baccarat players are allowed to keep track of the results of each hand, and most casinos provide score sheets and pencils to do so. Most players simply put an X in a column beneath "banker," "player," or "tie."

This is a pure guessing game. Which hand will win? The banker hand will win slightly more often -- 50.68 percent of all decisions, not including ties -- giving the house its 1.36 percent edge on player bets. But the house collects a 5 percent commission on winning banker bets, leading to the 1.17 percent house edge on banker.

Mathematicians long have suspected that baccarat, like blackjack, might be vulnerable to a card-counting system. But the best system yet developed appears to yield a slight edge to the bettor on the average of about one hand per eight-deck shoe. That's an edge not worth pursuing -- to have the advantage, the customer would have to count down hand after hand after hand, without playing, until this tiny advantage came to pass. The customer would lose more in time than he'd gain in the edge, and the casino would be unlikely to hold a seat for someone spending hours without placing a bet.

For the bettor, baccarat is a game of luck plus money management. Do not make bets too large for your available bankroll, and do not increase bets when losing. Making larger bets while chasing losses is a good way to go broke fast. If you're going to vary your bet size, increase it while winning and bring it down when losing. Set limits on your losses and stick to them.

If you sit down at a mini-baccarat table with $100, tell yourself you're not going to leave with less than $50. Then, if you have a cold streak and you hit that $50 mark, walk away. An important part of casino survival is developing the discipline to leave a table while you still have money.

Learn to walk away with winnings, too. If you have a good run and build that $100 up to $150, try one of these two techniques. Either put the original $100 in your pocket and just play with the $50 in winnings, while keeping that $50 loss limit, or adjust your thinking to tell yourself you'll not walk away from the table with less than $125. Then stick to it.

The longer you play a game with a negative expectation, even one as narrow as 1.17 percent, the more likely it is that the casino will grind down your bankroll. Walk away from the table with at least part of that bankroll intact -- not just at baccarat, but at any casino game -- and you'll be surprised at how much more often you wind up a winner for the day.

Baccarat is not necessarily the most popular game in a casino, but it can be just as exciting as blackjack or craps. Though the organization of the game can seem strange at first, the tips in this article should have you placing bets in no time.

So, let's see, what we have: baccarat is a game of mystery to the betting public even though it's a staple of american casinos. Learn how to play baccarat. At casino game baccarat how to play

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