Fenikss Bet - Casino, fenikss casino online estonia.

Fenikss casino online estonia

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Fenikss Bet - Casino, fenikss casino online estonia.

Fenikss Bet - Casino, fenikss casino online estonia.

Fenikss Bet - Casino, fenikss casino online estonia.

Our mission is to provide the best entertainment, excitement, and a one of a kind gaming feeling in a stylish and club-like world of games through excellent service and popular games. OÜ novoloto was founded in 1996 and has been in business for 17 years. This international company now organises gambling in estonia under the brand name FENIKSS CASINO.

Fenikss bet & casino

Fenikss Bet - Casino, fenikss casino online estonia.

OÜ novoloto was founded in 1996 and has been in business for 17 years. This international company now organises gambling in estonia under the brand name FENIKSS CASINO.

OÜ novoloto is a part of the novomatic AG group, which is one of the largest companies in austria along with its subsidiaries. All the gambling machines used in the casino are from a well-known subsidiary – novomatic gaming industries (NGI). It is one of the largest gambling machine manufacturers in europe. The first casinos in estonia, which are a part of the novomatic AG group, were opened as early as in the autumn of 1993 in hotel tallinn and toome cafe under the brand name of play-in casino.

In 2011 novoloto AS, play-in casino group AS, and novo-investment OÜ merged into OÜ novoloto.In order to always offer new, improved, and technological solutions, as well as motivational victories and the best entertainment, NGI has made major investments into product development during its 27 years of activity. Novoloto OÜ operates with nearly 350 modern gambling machines and 65 electronic roulettes delivered from NGI companies.

In march 2013, AS novoloto was transformed into OÜ novoloto. “admiralu klubs” SIA subsidiary OÜ novoloto provides excellent service and entertainment with unique games in 15 casinos all over estonia, 10 of which are located in tallinn and the rest in paide, kohtla-järve, narva, jõhvi, and tartu. The company employs more than 185 people in estonia.

Our mission is to provide the best entertainment, excitement, and a one of a kind gaming feeling in a stylish and club-like world of games through excellent service and popular games.

OÜ novoloto has been a member of the estonian gaming operation association since 1997.

Fenikss kasiinost

Fenikss Bet - Casino, fenikss casino online estonia.

OÜ novoloto on asutatud 1996 aastal ning juba 20 aastat tegutsev rahvusvaheline ettevõte, mis korraldab eestis hasartmänge nüüdseks FENIKSS CASINO kaubamärgi all.

OÜ novoloto kuulub novomatic AG gruppi, mis koos oma tütarfirmadega on üks suurimatest austria ettevõtetest. Selle kasiino kõik mänguautomaadid on pärit ühest tunnustatud tütarfirmast – novomatic gaming industries (NGI). See on üks suurimatest mänguautomaatide tootjatest euroopas. Eesti esimesed novomatic AG gruppi kuuluvad kasiinod avati juba 1993. Aasta sügisel tallinnas hotellis tallinn ja toome kohvikus play-in kasiino kaubamärgi all.

  1. Aastal ühinesid novoloto AS, play-in casino group AS ja novo-investment OÜ ettevõtteks OÜ novoloto.

Selleks, et pakkuda pidevalt uusi, täiustatud ja tehnoloogilisi lahendusi, motiveerivaid võite ja parimat meelelahutust on NGI oma 27 tegevusaasta jooksul teinud suuri investeeringuid tootearendusse. Novoloto OÜ opereerib kokku ligi 350 kaasaegseima NGI firmadest tarnitud mänguautomaadi ja 65 elektroonilise ruletiga.

2013. Märtsist kujundati AS novoloto ümber ettevõtteks OÜ novoloto. „admiralu klubs“ SIA tütarettevõte OÜ novoloto pakub hea teeninduse ja ainulaadsete mängudega meelelahutust 15 kasiinos üle kogu eesti, millest kümme asuvad tallinnas ja ülejäänud viis paides, kotla-järvel, narvas, jõhvis ja tartus ning meie töökollektiivi kuulub eestis üle 185 inimese.

Meie missiooniks on pakkuda parimat meelelahutust, põnevust ja uuelaadset mängufiilingut stiilses ja klubilises mängudemaailmas hea teeninduse ja populaarsete mängude kaudu.

OÜ novoloto kuulub alates 1997. Aastast eesti hasartmängude korraldajate liitu.

Fenikss casino

Uuendatud: 01.03.2020

OÜ novoloto loodi 1996. Aastal ning praeguseks kuulub ettevõte novomatic AG gruppi. Kui arvestada ka tütarfirmasid, on novomatic AG grupi näol tegemist ühe suurima austria ettevõttega. Kuigi ettevõte on nüüdseks seega rahvusvaheline tegutsevad nad eestis hasartmängude valdkonnas fenikss casino kaubamärgi all. Mis iseloomustab novomatic AG gruppi on see, et kõik kasiino mänguautomaadid on pärit nende ühest tunnustatud tütarfirmast – novomatic gaming industries ehk NGI. NGI on üks euroopa suurimaid mänguautomaatide tootjaid. NGI on praeguseks tegutsenud juba üle 27 aasta ja selle aja jooksul on korralikult panustatud tootearendusse, et võimaldada parim mänguelamus klientidele kogu euroopas.

Fenikss numbrites

Fenikss kasiino ajaloost huvitatult on kindlasti olulised ja huvitavad ka järgmised numbrid:

  • Esimesed novomatic AG grupi kasiinod avati eestis aastal hotellis tallinn ning toome kohvikus. Siis tegutseti kaubamärgi play-in all.

  • Novoloto AS loodi aastal

  • Eesti hasartmängude korraldajate liitu kuulub OÜ novoloto alates aastast

  • Novoloto AS, play-in casino group AS ja novo-investment OÜ ühinesid aastal ning ühinemisjärgselt sai nimeks OÜ novoloto.

  • Enne fenikss casino nime võtmist oli eestis tegutsemise kaubamärgiks admiral casino

  • OÜ novoloto opereerib 350 mänguautomaadiga ja 65 elektroonilise ruletiga

  • Fenikss casino kaubamärgi alla kuulub üle eesti 15 kasiinot. Nendest üksteist on tallinnas ja üks igas järgnevas linnas: kohtla-järve, narva, jõhvi ning tartu

  • Eestis töötab OÜ novalotos üle 185 inimese

Fenikss kasiino eesmärgid, missioon ja filosoofia

OÜ novoloto missiooniks on pakkuda nii parimat meelelahutust, põnevust kui ka head mängukeskkonda. Eesmärgiks on hea teeninduse ja kvaliteetsete ning populaarsete mängude pakkumine.

Nende filosoofiat iseloomustab aga uskumus, et ükskõik millisele tegevusele inimene oma elus pühendub, see peaks võtma vaid mõistliku aja. Kui liialdada, tekitab sellega kahju nii endale kui ka ennast ümbritsevale. Liialdada on seejuures võimalik kõigega, mitte vaid üldtuntud asjadega. Liialdada saab nii meelelahutuse kui toiduga, nii töö kui ka endale meelepärase ostmisega. Arusaadavatel põhjustel arvestab fenikss casino oma tegutsemisel ka vastutustundliku mängimise põhimõtetega. Lisaks sellele, et sellise nõudmise esitab juba riik ja seadusandlus, sobitub see ideaalselt nii fenikss casino missiooni kui ka filosoofiaga.

Fenikss kasiino on aidanud sedavõrd populaarseks muuta see, et tootmistegevus on selgelt ühendatud turu enda vajaduste, nõudluste ning muidugi trendidega. Tänu sellele on fenikss casino ka selge turu liider läti kasiinoturul, kuigi ka eestis on neil lojaalseid kliente.

Fenikss kasiino kampaaniad

Nagu igal teisel kasiinol, on ka fenikss casinol erinevaid kampaaniad, et meelelahutust ikka jaguks. Praegu on näiteks fenikss casinol käimas eriline 777 kampaania, mille põhireeglid on järgnevad:

  • Kampaania kestab: 10.2018 kuni 03.05.2019

  • Võiduauhinna väljaloosimine toimub 05.2019 kell 21:00. Võidu väljamängimise kohaks on marja fenikss casino (mustamäe tee 18, tallinn). Mängija ise peab viibima kas narva, tartu või marja mängusaalis. Kui mängijat kohal ei viibi ja ta peaks võitma, kaotab ta õiguse võidule.

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    • 01.2018 – kõikides fenikss casino mängusaalides. Välja loositakse 1x promotional ticket (väärtus 500€), kokku 15x 500€ ehk 7500€

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    • Osalemiseks peab mängima mänguautomaadil vähemalt 0,01 € suuruse panusega ning andma klienditeenindajale ticket’i, kus on näha triipkood (ja seerianumber), milles on vähemalt üks number 7. Alles siis on mängijal õigus osaleda pealoosimises ja vaheloosimises.

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      Väljastatav fenikss casino kliendikaart on mõeldud üksnes isiklikuks kasutamiseks.

      Kliendikaardi omanikud saavad kõige kiiremini infot fenikss casino kampaaniate, soodustuste ja erinevate ürituste kohta. Info edastatakse vastavalt soovile kas e-maili või siis telefoni teel. Kliendikaarti on võimalik kasutada ka mängusaali sisenedes isikut tõendava dokumendi asemel (klienditeenindajal on siiski alati õigus küsida isikut tõendavat dokumenti), mis teeb kasiinosse sisenemise mugavamaks ja kiiremaks. Lisaks eelmainitule saavad kliendikaardi omanikud:

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      Fenikss casino väljastatav kliendikaart on tähtajaline. Juhul kui kliendikaardi omanik ei ole fenikss casino kasiinosse sisenenud või mänginud ühe aasta jooksul, on novoloto OÜ-l õigus kaart tühistada. Kliendikaarti saab ka ise sulgeda, esitades selleks kirjaliku avalduse ükskõik millises fenikss casino mängusaalis.

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      avatud: 08:00 – 06:00

      Marja fenikss casino
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      telefon: 6116161
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      muu: –
      avatud: 08:00 – 06:00

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      telefon: 6116161
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      avatud: 08:00 – 06:00

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      telefon: 6116161
      mängude valik: mänguautomaadid
      muu: –
      avatud: 08:00 – 06:00

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      telefon: 6116161
      mängude valik: mänguautomaadid
      muu: –
      avatud: 08:00 – 06:00

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      telefon: 6116161
      mängude valik: mänguautomaadid
      muu: –
      avatud: 08:00 – 06:00

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      telefon: 6116161
      mängude valik: mänguautomaadid
      muu: –
      avatud: 08:00 – 06:00

      Mahtra fenikss casino
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      telefon: 6116161
      mängude valik: mänguautomaadid
      muu: –
      avatud: 08:00 – 06:00

      Põhja puiestee fenikss casino
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      telefon: 6116161
      mängude valik: mänguautomaadid
      muu: –
      avatud: 08:00 – 06:00

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      Tartu fenikss casino
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      telefon: 6116161
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      muu: –
      avatud: 08:00 – 06:00

      Jõhvi fenikss casino
      aadress: rakvere 5a, jõhvi
      telefon: 6116161
      mängude valik: mänguautomaadid
      muu: –
      avatud: 08:00 – 07:00

      Narva fenikss casino
      aadress: kangelaste prospekt 2, narva
      telefon: 6116161
      mängude valik: mänguautomaadid
      muu: –
      avatud: 08:00 – 07:00

      Kohtla-järve fenikss casino
      aadress: kohtla – kalevi 3, kohtla-järve
      telefon: 6116161
      mängude valik: mänguautomaadid
      muu: –
      avatud: 08:00 – 07:00


      Fenikss Bet - Casino, fenikss casino online estonia.

      Fenikss Bet - Casino, fenikss casino online estonia.

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      About fenikss

      Fenikss Bet - Casino, fenikss casino online estonia.

      It was in the year of 2000 when brand fenikss first came to the market of gaming and entertainment. At the moment, in latvia the brand is represented by LLC “alfor” and LLC “admirāļu klubs”, but since march 2013 the brand has been well-known also in estonia where it is represented by OÜ novoloto. Currently, brand fenikss can be seen on the front windows of 127 gaming halls in latvia and 14 gaming halls in estonia, and there of course is also online casino feniksscasino.Lv.

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      Lai saņemtu piedāvājumiem, ir jāveic iemaksa vismaz 10€ vērtībā.

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      Fenikss Bet - Casino, fenikss casino online estonia.

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      Pirms izvēlēties un reģistrēties kāda no online kazino, vispirms noskaidrojiet, vai kazino pieņem spēlētājus no jūsu valsts un kādi ir maksāšanas nosacījumi. Vēlāk var iedziļināties papildus pakalpojumus un izvērtēt operatora apkalpošana kvalitāti kā arī piedāvājumu klāstu. Casino-latvia mēs ņemam vērā nozīmīgākos faktorus, kas palīdzēs jums izvēlēties sev piemērotāko vietu, kur izbaudīt spēles garšu:

        Kazino ir licenzēts un pieejams valstī, kurā jūs atrodaties

      Gadījumā, ja kazino nepieņem spēlētājus no valsts, kur jūs atrodaties, bet ļaus reģistrēties, veikt depozītu un spēlēt, problēmas sāksies brīdī, kad operators pieprasīs dzīves vietas apliecinājumu un noraidīs jūsu pieprasījumu izmaksāt laimestu vai jebkādu citu naudas darījumu.

      Labas atsauksmes un pozitīva reputācija

      Starp kazino un spēlētāju notiek patstāvīgi naudas darījumi, ir svarīgi apzināties, ka operators ir taisnīgs un liela laimesta gadījumā nekavējoties izmaksās to spēlētājam. Negodīgi kazino var bieži maldināt savus klientus, atsakoties izmaksāt laimestu un norādot to kā tehnisko kļūdu. Šādos gadījumos kazino mēģina izlīdzināt spēlētāja neapmierinātību un piedāvāt tikai daļu no laimesta. Tieši tāpēc casino-latvia regulāri pārskata visas atsauksmes un komentārus, lai pasargāt savus lasītājus no krāpniekiem.

      Iespēja izmaksāt lielas naudas summas

      Bieži vien kazino iestata minimālu depozīta iemaksu un maksimālo naudas izmaksas summu. Ja kazino spēj izmaksāt lielu laimestu uzreiz, tā ir priekšrocība. Dažiem kazino tik lielas summas var rādīt grūtības, jo kapitālā tā vienkārši neatradīsies. Te runa iet ne par krāpšanu, bet par iespējām, kuras fiziski nav. Tieši tāpēc var tikt uzstādīti dienas limiti uz izmaksas darījumiem. Ir arī gadījumi, kad kazino ļauj izmaksāt tikai līdz 5000 eiro mēnesī, kas apgrūtina lielo laimestu izmaksu. Piemēram, jūs laimējāt 300 000 eiro džekpotu un jau izdomājāt uz ko iztērēsiet šo naudu, taču kazino paziņo par limitiem. Savu laimestu jūs turpināsiet saņemt pa daļām 60 mēnešu garumā. Sliktākajā gadījumā kazino var bankrotēt pusceļā un atlikušo laimesta daļu jūs vairs nesaņemsiet nekad. Pievērsiet savu uzmanību maksājumu sadaļai kazino nosacījumos, lai noskaidrot operatora maksātspēju un finansiālo stāvokli uz brīdi, kad veiksiet lielas likmes.

      Spēļu automātu portfolio no populārākiem spēļu pakalpojumu sniedzējiem

      Pieredzējušiem spēlētājiem jau ir izveidojies savs mini tops ar iecienītākajiem spēļu automātiem un pat mīļākiem pakalpojumu sniedzējiem. Par gaumēm nestrīdas, tāpēc viena spēle, kuru izvēlās viens spēlētājs, noteikti nebūs tā mīļākā kādam citam, tieši tāpēc operatoram ir jāpiedāvā saviem klientiem izvēli un daudzveidību. Sortiments parasti sastāv no tādām galda spēlēm kā blackjack, baccarat un roulette, tiem, kam patīk spēlēt ar dzīviem dīleriem operatori piedāvā LIVE spēles. Ne mazāk populāra spēļu kategorija ir spēļu automāti. Labs kazino noteikti piedāvās iegriezt gan klasisko spēļu automātu, tādu kā book of ra deluxe vai divine fortune, gan arī tādu bagātīgu gonzos quest spēli, kurai ir pieejams progresīvs džekpots. Jebkuram spēlētājam noteikti atradīsies piemērotāka un mīļākā spēle.

      Gan vietnes saskarne, gan klientu apkalpošanas centrs pieejams jūsu valodā

      Daudzi kazino sniedz iespēju izmantot tiešsaistes vietni minimums divās valodās. Latvijā labs kazino vienmēr parūpēsies arī par krievvalodīgo auditoriju, jo valstī ir ap 40% iedzīvotāju, kas pārzina krievu valodu un daļa no tiem nerunā latviski. Tāpēc bieži vien online kazino latvija ir nepieciešams piedāvāt gan produktu, gan arī apkalpošanu latviešu, krievu un angļu valodās, lai aptvertu lielāku auditoriju. Pašiem spēlētājiem tas ir nenoliedzami pluss, jo būs iespēja izprast vispārējos nosacījumus, kā arī sazināties ar klientu apkalpošanas centru un atrisināt problēmas vai radušos jautājumus.

      Klientu apkalpošanas centra darba laiks un kvalitāte

      Kas var būt kaitinošāks, par neziņu un gaidīšanu. Kad mēs griežamies pēc palīdzības pie klientu speciālistiem, mēs sagaidām, ka atbilde un risinājums tiks sniegti momentāli. Visbiežāk spēļu automātus iegriež brīvajā brīdī, biežāk pēc darba un pēc mājas darbiem, šāds laiks izkrīt uz nakts pusi. Tāpēc vislabākais variants, kad klientu apkalpošanas centrs darbojās diennakts stundas un ir sasniedzams jebkurā brīdī. Diemžēl, ne visi kazino ir gatavi piedāvāt šādu pakalpojumu. Vissastopamākie darba laiki ir no plkst. 9:00 no rīta līdz 12:00 naktī. Uz doto brīdi ir pieejami dažādi komunikācijas veidi un parastā epasta rakstīšana vai zvanīšana uz tālruni, kas bieži nereaģē un ir aizmirsts, nāk LIVE čats ar kazino apkalpošanas centru. Pēc mūsu domām tas ir visefektīvākais un ātrākais veids kā saņemt atbildes uz spēlētāja jautājumiem, tāpēc šo pakalpojumu casino-latvia mēs vērtējam īpaši augsti. Momentos, kad klientu apkalpošanas centra darba laiks ir ierobežots spēlētajiem piedāvā iepriekš sagatavotās atbildes uz biežāk uzdotiem jautājumiem. Ir liela varbūtība, ka sazināties ar konsultantu jums nemaz arī nevajadzēs.

      Iepazīšanas bonuss jauniem spēlētajiem un regulāras akcijas patstāvīgiem klientiem

      Jebkurš tiešsaistes kazino mēģina piesaistīt un ieinteresēt savus spēlētājus ar papildus akcijām, kas izplatās bonusu veidā – bezmaksas griezieni, mazāki depozīti, naudas atmaksas, VIP punkti un lojalitātes programmas ar fiziskām dāvanām. Nevajag atteikties vai ignorēt šādus pakalpojumus, jo tie būtiski var samazināt spēlētāja izmaksas. Vienmēr lasiet bonusa noteikumus, jo kā saka bezmaksas siers ir tikai peļu slazdā. Dažādi bonusi var būt aktivizēti ar dažādiem prasījumiem, piemēram, minimālo depozītu, vai noteiktu griezienu atspēli, vai arī pēc lojalitātes punktu saņemšanas. Lasiet noteikumus, lai aktivizēt bonusu un maksimāli ietaupīt.

      Lojalitātes programma un VIP klienti

      Nav noslēpums, ka spēlētāji, kas regulāri spēlē un veic lielas iemaksas tiek īpaši lutināti. Ikviens kazino operators sapņo par tādiem klientiem, tāpēc mēģina izdarīt visu, lai spēlētājs paliek un turpina tērēt ne tikai savu laiku, bet arī naudu. Šādiem spēlētājiem tiek piedāvātas lojalitātes programmas ar VIP punktiem. Tas ir salīdzināms, piemēram, ar aviokompānijas patstāvīgo klientu apkalpošanu, kad cilvēks nemainīgi izmanto vienu un to pašu aviokompāniju, viņš saņem dažādus bonusus, līdz pat bezmaksas lidojuma biļetēm. Parasti kazino piešķir lojalitātes programmu katram spēlētajam, kas veica reģistrāciju. No tā brīža atsākās punktu krāšana, kas sniedz to īpašniekam unikālus bonusus, kuri nav pieejami ikkatram. Tiem spēlētajiem, kas sasniedza augstāko pakāpi tiek piešķirts personīgais menedžeris, kas ir sasniedzams ne tikai steidzīgo jautājumu gadījumā, kaut vai vienos naktī, bet arī ir galvena komunikācijas persona starp tiešsaistes kazino un pašu spēlētāju. Ir arī tādi kazino, kas savus VIP klientus aicina uz unikāliem pasākumiem, dāvina dāvanas dzimšanās dienās un lutina citās nozīmīgās svētku dienās. Tāpēc casino-latvia iesaka spēlēt pēc iespējas vairāk un ilgāk izvēlētajā kazino, lai iegūt augstāko statusu un izmantot absolūti visas paredzētās privilēģijas.

      Vienkārša un saprotama navigācija

      Kazino vietne ir uzņēmuma pirmais iespaids. Bieži vien spēlētāji pamet vietni, ja viņiem nepatīk dizains, izvēlnes izvietojums, ir arī gadījumi, kad spēlētājs nevar atrast reģistrācijas formu. Mēs piekrītam, ka nav neviens cilvēks, kuru apmierinās bremzējoša vietne, kura ilgi ielādē galveno lapu vai pēc lapas atjaunošanas izmet kārtējo tehnisko kļūdu. Atceraties, ka labam kazino vienmēr būs dārga un labi pārdomāta vietne, kur tiks izvietots produkts, jo, kā jau minēts iepriekš, pati platforma ir tiešsaistes kazino vizītkarte. No otras puses, jauni kazino ir ar ļoti nelielu budžetu, kurš bieži piespiedu kārtā liek ietaupīt tieši saskarnes dizainā. Šajā gadījumā ir neobjektīvi vērtēt uzņēmuma drošību balstoties tikai uz šo kritēriju.

      Mobilā kazino lapas versija

      Nav runa par atsevišķām mobilam aplikācijām, kuras lejuplādēt telefonā vai planšetdatorā, bet gan par optimizēto vietni mobilajām ierīcēm. Šodien arvien mazāk spēlētāju, kas iegriez spēļu automātus portatīvajos datoros, nemaz nerunājot par smagnējām kastēm, kuras pieskrūvētas pie galda. Patiešām, kāpēc sēdēt pie datora, kad jūs varat apgulties uz dīvāna un spēlēt iecienīto book of ra deluxe telefonā? Mīļākās spēles vienmēr ir pie rokas. Tāpēc, ja kazino piedāvā mobilās spēles, tas nozīmē, ka uzņēmums iet roku rokā ar tehnoloģijām un patērētāju pieprasījumu.

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      Taking all of these into account, casino.Com got a rating for players from italy of 9.6/10.

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      Taking all of these into account, 888 casino IT got a rating for players from italy of 9.5/10.

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      Taking all of these into account, stanleybet casino IT got a rating for players from italy of 9.3/10.

      This rating consists of our overall reputation rating for this casino (which is very good) and local factors for players from italy, such as the support of their preferred payment methods, supported languages, ease of use, feedback from our local testers, etc. You can learn more about our local rating here.

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      Why using this list is a smart choice

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      Data-driven review methodology

      Each review is conducted in the same way, following our exact methodology, to make sure that they are not biased or influenced by anything else but the casinos’ actual qualities.

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      26626 hours

      Already spent by our review team to create this casino database

      Which casinos are listed first and why?

      A casino can be great for players from one part of the world and terrible for other players. That’s why we’ve created a custom casino rating relevant for players from italy, which consists of our evaluation of each casino on a global level, as well as custom factors important for players in italy.


      Local factors
      for italy

      • Fenikss Bet - Casino, fenikss casino online estonia.

      Do players complain about this casino?

      Complaints tell us how each casino treats its players. If many players complain about unfair practices, we know that something is most likely wrong.

      Fenikss Bet - Casino, fenikss casino online estonia.

      How big are the casino’s revenues?

      Casinos with more active players and higher revenues will not struggle to pay out big wins, so we generally consider them to be a safer choice.

      Fenikss Bet - Casino, fenikss casino online estonia.

      Does the casino have fair T&cs?

      We carefully read the terms and conditions of each casino to determine if they are fair towards players and don’t contain deceitful or potentially harmful clauses.

      Fenikss Bet - Casino, fenikss casino online estonia.

      Does the casino appear on some blacklists?

      If we find a casino on some blacklists, we warn our visitors and consider each of them separately to determine how we should alter our reputation rating.

      Fenikss Bet - Casino, fenikss casino online estonia.

      What about other casinos related to this one?

      Not all casinos operate individually. Many of them are a part of a bigger group of related casinos. For these, we also reflect the related casinos in our reputation rating.

      • Fenikss Bet - Casino, fenikss casino online estonia.

      Does the casino welcome players from italy?

      It only makes sense for us to recommend you casinos which accept players from italy. That’s why this is the most important local factor that goes into the rating.

      Fenikss Bet - Casino, fenikss casino online estonia.

      Can players from italy easily deposit and withdraw money?

      Not all payment methods are available and popular in all countries. We know which methods are used by players from italy and favor casinos which support them.

      Fenikss Bet - Casino, fenikss casino online estonia.

      Is italian language supported?

      It’s no surprise that people prefer playing in the language they understand most. That’s why the support of italian language is an important factor we consider.

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      Pay close attention when choosing an online casino

      Choosing a good online casino is one of the most important steps when you want to start playing casino games for real money online. There are reputable casinos which treat players well, but there are also casinos which do everything they can to exploit them. It’s crucial that you pick a good one, which is exactly where our list of best online casinos comes in helpful.

      All online casinos have a mathematical advantage against players. Casinos rely on this advantage to make a profit, but some of them go even further and use unfair practices to increase this advantage beyond the one provided by the house edge. We inspect each casino in detail, so that we can recommend casinos which behave fairly towards players.

      There are also other factors which go into determining whether a casino is a good choice for you. You can read more about this in our article about how to choose an online casino.

      Use your own details to create an account

      It’s also crucial for you to use your own personal information and make sure that everything you enter when creating an account is correct and truthful. Casinos always check the identity of players when they want to make their first withdrawal (at latest), so you won’t be able to withdraw money from a casino if you use incorrect details.

      The vast majority of casinos trigger a so-called KYC (know your customer) procedure when a player wants to make their first withdrawal. This involves checking players’ identity cards, passports, or other documents, so there really isn’t any sensible way to go around having to use your own personal details to gamble online.

      Consider whether taking a bonus is a good choice for you

      Although casino bonuses are tempting as they give you more money to play with, they are not always the best choice. There are always rules you have to follow when playing with bonus money, which can be quite restrictive and often make it very difficult to actually withdraw money after taking a bonus. We believe that players are sometimes better off playing without a bonus than with it.

      Here are some examples of rules commonly associated with bonus play:

      1. Wagering requirements – you have to play with bonus money and wager a predetermined amount of money before you can withdraw your winnings from bonus play. These are generally so high, that you are very likely to lose everything before you meet them, which is what casinos rely on to stay profitable.

      2. Maximum conversion – even if you manage to meet the wagering requirements, there might be a ‘maximum conversion’ rule in place, which limits how much you can actually win from a bonus. This rule is most commonly used with no deposit bonuses, where we understand and tolerate its use, but we are against using the maximum conversion rule with deposit bonuses (at least some of them, depending on other bonus conditions).

      3. Maximum bet – when playing with bonus money, you can’t place any bets you want to. You are required to follow the maximum bet rule and never place higher-than-allowed bets.

      4. Restricted games – you also can’t just play any games you want. Some games are restricted, and you need to stay away from them when playing with bonus money.

      We’re not saying casino bonuses are always bad. That just wouldn’t be true. We just want you to be aware of all conditions which are in place for each specific bonus before deciding whether taking it a good choice for you or not.

      Deposit money only using payment methods held in your own name

      The payment methods (bank accounts, cards, internet wallets) you use to deposit money into your casino account should be yours and held in your own name. Using someone else’s card, bank account, or wallet can lead to a permanent account closure and can be used as a reason for not paying out winnings.

      Play wisely and know when to stop and withdraw money if you win

      It’s important you understand that gambling is not a way to make money. You can get lucky and win in the short term, but don’t expect to systematically win money by playing casino games. If you get lucky and hit a nice win, withdraw your money, because you will lose it sooner or later if you keep playing. Also, remember that gambling addiction is a serious issue, so play safely and seek help if your gambling starts getting out of hand.

      Casinos always have an advantage, but you can play in a smart way to minimize it and give the house as little edge as possible. Some games are better than others from the mathematical point of view, but you should always remember that you will be playing at a disadvantage regardless of what you do. You can explore this further by reading our article about games of chance.

      From the perspective of safe and responsible gambling, it’s important to remember that gambling addiction has the power to destroy lives, so you should approach gambling as something that is potentially harmful. Read our article with tips on how to gamble safely and explore our problem gambling section for more information about gambling addiction, how to diagnose it and how to overcome it in case it develops.

      Most important factor: your country of residence

      As mentioned above, the list of casinos you can see on this page has already been optimized for your country, which is based on the IP address from which you are accessing our website. To view online casinos that accept players from another country, you can use the ‘for players from’ filter above or change your country preferences .

      You can find selected countries with some information about each of them below, allowing you to easily discover good online casinos if you happen to be from one of the listed countries.

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      United kingdom

      Players from the united kingdom can choose from a big number of great casinos, with one of the best gambling licensing authorities (UK gambling commission) governs all gambling activities in the country. You can check out our list of UK online casinos, or dedicated websites like kingcasinobonus.Co.Uk which specializes in casino bonuses for UK players, but also has a list of best casinos for players from the UK.


      Gambling in italy is legal and regulated from 2011, when a new gambling law has been introduced. Italian players can browse online casinos and casino bonuses right here on casino guru, either in english, or by visiting the version of our website localised for the italian market available at casinoguru-it.Com.


      The greek gambling market is strongly influenced by the country's intention to keep the state-run OPAP a monopoly, which, however, violates EU laws. Greece's gambling laws are being amended and it's expected that other online casinos will be able to get official greek licenses again. Greek players can find relevant online casinos on gr.Casino.Guru.

      Czech republic

      Czech republic has introduced a new gambling act back in 2017, which governs all online gambling operators who wish to legally target czech players. Players from czech republic can find relevant online casinos on the czech version on casino guru available at kasinoguru-cz.Com.

      Learn how to play the smart and safe way

      How to choose a casino

      Games of chance: RTP and variance

      Bonuses and promotions

      Responsible gambling and help for problem gamblers

      Slot machines



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      Frequently asked questions

      It’s impossible to pick one casino as the best choice for everyone. As each player has different needs and preferences, the best online casino for one player might be a terrible choice for someone else.

      That said, we’ve reviewed thousands of casinos to find out how they treat their players, and then considered local factors for each country with the help of local testers. Casinos are then ordered from best to worst based on our findings, so you should be able to find your best pick near the top of this list.

      All casino games have a certain house edge, which means the casino always has an advantage. You can, however, get lucky and hit a win despite the unfavorable odds.

      That said, if you keep playing, you are much more likely to end up with a loss than with a profit. If you manage to win, we advise you to withdraw your money, because you will certainly lose if you keep wagering your money over and over again.

      We have seen many players who managed to win tens of thousands of euros and then gradually lost all of it during the next few days or weeks (or even faster) because they kept playing and didn’t withdraw their winnings. That’s why we recommend players to be smarter than that and take their winnings if they get lucky and win.

      There are reputable online casinos, but there are also casinos with bad intentions. If you choose an honest and reputable casino to play at, you can be pretty much sure that you will be treated well, and your winnings will be paid out to you unless you really do something against the rules.

      However, if you play at a casino with a bad reputation, it’s much more likely that you will run into issues, e.G. Casino looking for excuses not to pay out your winnings, etc. That’s why we stress the importance of casino selection as much as we do.

      All casino games give the casino a certain statistical advantage (house edge), so you are more likely to lose money than to win. However, if you think that casinos manipulate games to give them an even bigger advantage than the advertised house edge, that’s not the case. Casino games are operated by the company which created them, not by the casino itself, so the casino can’t influence the outcome of game rounds at all.

      The only exception to this are fake games, which are created to resemble other original games, but with a different set of payouts and probabilities. Fake games are generally used by dishonest online casinos to trick players and increase their profits, but you will not find them at any casino which has a good rating from us. If we discover fake games at a casino during the review process, we decrease the casino’s rating and warn our visitors.

      The best way to find a trustworthy online casino is to pick a big online casino with a large number of players and big revenues, which we’ve given a high reputation rating. Large casinos are generally safer for players, because they have big revenues which allow them to easily pay out players even if they win really big. And if a casino was rated well by our review team, it means it generally treats its players fairly and doesn’t try to trick them.

      Either way, we advise you to read our full review before starting to play at any casino to learn everything you need to know to decide whether it’s a good choice for you or not.

      Most online casinos can be accessed using pretty much any device with an internet connection and a browser. There are still some casinos which are not optimized for mobile devices, but their number is, fortunately, getting smaller and smaller. Major computer operating systems (windows, mac, linux) and popular types of mobile devices (iphones, ipads, android phones, android tablets) are generally supported.

      If you plan to gamble using a mobile device and want to make sure the casino you choose supports it, use the ‘mobile-friendly casinos’ filter above.

      Available currencies you can play in usually depend on which countries each casino targets. Major currencies like US dollar, euro and pound sterling are supported in most casinos, but many online gambling sites also support less common ones. To make sure you can gamble in your preferred currency, use the ‘currency’ filter above.

      Some online casinos also allow players to deposit in cryptocurrencies like bitcoin, ethereum, litecoin and others. You can browse these using the ‘bitcoin/crypto casinos’ filter above, or by going to our separate page with the list of best bitcoin and crypto casinos.

      This is quite a common myth in the gambling industry. The payout ratio (RTP) is not influenced by the casino you play at, but by the games you play. Generally speaking, if you play the same game at two different casinos, your chances of winning are the same, at least if we ignore factors like bonuses, promotional offers, etc.

      It’s also true that some game providers create their games in multiple configurations from which the casinos can choose the one with their preferred RTP, your payouts generally depend on your game selection and style of play, not on your casino of choice.

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      How to find the best online casino for you

      There is a reason why we emphasize the importance of selecting the right online casino as much as we do. The casino site you choose to play at will affect your entire online gambling experience.

      Choosing a bad site can not only result in a subpar gaming experience, but also in a dishonest casino refusing to pay out your winnings without a legitimate reason. Our list of best online casinos is designed to help you find an honest and secure casino website where something like this will never happen and where you will be treated fairly.

      Now, let's take a look at how to use this list and make the right choice.

      If you don't have any specific requirements, looking at the top 10 online casinos in our 'recommended' tab should be sufficient. This is where you will find the best online casinos. If your preferences are a bit more specific, these other tabs may come in useful:

      • The 'all' tab contains all the online casinos in our database.

      • The 'newly opened' tab contains new online casinos, which often support modern features and offer interesting bonuses to players.

      • The 'big brands' tab contains big well-known casinos, which are usually the safest choice for high rollers.

      In addition to these tabs, there is also the option to use our advanced filters , which enable you to fine-tune your selection in a number of ways by displaying only casinos that support a certain payment method, offer games from a specific game provider, support a specific currency, language, etc.

      If you are new to the world of online gambling sites and are not sure what to look for, read our article on how to choose an online casino. It should help you understand what criteria a top online casino should meet to be the right choice for you.

      Our casino reviews – why we prefer fair, honest and secure casino sites

      In our casino reviews, we focus on qualities that directly influence the casino's trustworthiness and reputation , so that players can choose a trusted casino site that will not cheat them.

      This includes how casinos treat their players, whether they pay out their winnings, the quality of their customer support, withdrawal limits, win limits, their licenses, the fairness of the rules in their T&cs, etc. These factors make up our reputation rating of each casino, and we never recommend casinos with a bad reputation .

      However, in the country-specific rating that you can see in this list of top casinos, we also take into account factors that influence the user experience . This includes language support, quality of customer support, ease of registration and first deposit, support of local payment methods, and so on.

      Our casino ratings therefore reward honest casinos that approach gambling fairly , do not try to use unfair practices to increase their profit at the expense of their customers and also offer a good user experience to players . This is what we consider a top online casino.

      If you want to learn more about our review process, feel free to read our article about how we review online casinos. Also, check out our 'about us' page to learn about our values, as well as the people behind the casino guru reviews.

      How to discover trusted casinos with compelling bonuses

      It is no secret that many online casino players often look for interesting bonus offers when selecting a new online casino. You can see selected bonuses listed directly in this casino list or you can discover each casino's full bonus selection in its detailed review .

      If you are after free bonuses that don't require making a real money deposit, choose from our list of no deposit casino bonuses.

      However, as we always recommend, do not choose your casinos exclusively based on the bonuses that they offer . Consider other qualities too, especially its overall reputation and other factors that we focus on in our ratings.

      Some extremely badly rated casinos may have the best bonuses, but that won’t mean anything if they won't allow you to withdraw your winnings in the end, which is very likely to happen if you play at a dishonest casino. Selecting a good casino can help you avoid issues like this.

      Stick to trustworthy online casinos that treat their players in a fair and honest manner, and you will be much better off overall. Our casino ratings are a good indicator of these qualities.

      Gamble responsibly

      Gambling can be an entertaining activity, but it can also turn into a huge issue in an individual's life. Problem gambling can not only lead to financial loss, but can also lead to a wide array of other problems, including mental and physical health symptoms, family and relationship issues, and work-related complications.

      Never consider gambling as a way to make money. Explore our problem gambling section to learn more about this issue, and if you ever feel like your gambling habits are getting out of hand, do not hesitate to look for professional help .

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      Online kazino spēles priekšrocības

      Fenikss Bet - Casino, fenikss casino online estonia.

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      Fenikss Bet - Casino, fenikss casino online estonia.

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      Estonian online casinos

      There are several online casinos out there, but not all offer the best games and bonuses that you can enjoy. While some casinos may promise you high rewards that looks too good to be true, others are scams trying to rob you of your money. We have put together a list of the top 5 best online estonian casinos that you can play on. You will find several types of games such as slots, live casinos and table games at these casinos. Additionally, we have provided you with the details of each of them in order to help you to make the better choice possible.


      Unibet casino has been around since 1997, and it offers players a broad selection of games. The casino’s website is divided into three game sections: casino black, casino red and live casino. On this casino, you will find slot games from developers such as microgaming quickfire, netent and blueprint gaming. Unibet is licensed by malta gaming authority, and the interface is optimised for mobile devices. To make sure players are safe, the casino adopts the use of 128-bit SSL technology on its website. As a new player, the casino rewards you with 200% of up to £200 on your first deposit.

      Maria casino

      Maria casino is another good casino you can enjoy playing games on. You will find several great games such as slots, table games, jackpots and exclusive offers. Besides, you will also be able to play live casino games, enjoying an experience as close as possible to a land based casino. One feature that makes maria casino special is the customised gaming experience. The casino website is simple, sleek and easy to navigate. It uses software from providers such as play’n go, evolution gaming and quickspin. Luckily there is no withdrawal limit on winnings, and the casino provides several payment options.


      Betsafe casino was established in 2006, and it has been offering players some good promotions since then. When you register, you will be rewarded with a deposit bonus of 100% up to 50.00 and 20 free spins. The casino pays attention to securing their player’s information and account. Not only is the casino’s website highly responsive, but it is also encrypted using SSL. If you need any assistance, you can use the live chat option to communicate with one of their support representatives. You will find a broad selection of online slots, table games and live casino games. The casino also places a withdrawal limit of £50,000 daily.


      Coolbet casino was established in 2016, and has grown to be one of the best in the industry. The casino provides games from two major developers: microgaming and netent. The website design is sleek and it is compatible with both desktop and mobile devices. Apart from playing casino and poker, you can also enjoy sports betting games. By depositing a minimum of 10.00, the casino rewards you with 100% of your deposit. Coolbet casino support service is available between 08-23 CET from mondays to thursdays, and between 08-21 CET from fridays to sundays. You can use the open live chat or email support@coolbet.Com for support.

      Olybet casino

      Olybet casino was established in 2010, and it hosts games from software platforms such as thunderkick, microgaming and netent. The website is well structured and requires using a flash browser before you can play games. However, if you are using a mobile device, you can download the casino’s mobile app that is compatible with android and ios devices. The casino offers sports betting, slot games, virtual sports, table and live casino games.


      We have thoroughly reviewed the five casinos suggested in this post. You can deposit funds on most of these casinos by using mastercard, skrill, neteller and visa. Deposit and withdrawal processing time for the casinos are similar. Withdrawal requests from e-wallets are always treated within 1-2 days, while bank transfers can take from 3 to 5 days.

      Whether you are a fan of casino games or sports betting, we have provided you with the top 5 best estonian casinos where you can play. Why not join any of the casinos, claim your bonus and start having fun playing the games you love?

      New estonian casinos

      Gambling in estonia has been relatively low after the adoption of the gambling act, which was meant to regulate the industry. After opening its gambling market to offshore operators, a number of operators were allowed to begin offering these services as long as they had licenses from the estonian tax and customs board. All investors setting up this kind of establishment are required to observe the general legal conditions and only provide certain types of games.

      In the recent past, there has been a considerable growth of new casinos in estonia. Most of these sites use estonian, which is the country’s official language, with an option to use other languages. The commonly accepted currency for deposits and withdrawals is the euro. Additional currencies, such as the US dollar and the lithuanian litas, are also accepted. The new estonian casinos also have a wide range of banking options and cash out methods.

      Ninja casino

      Ninja casino went live in estonia in 2018. Being one of the biggest online casinos, it has a huge number of players and often pays out big wins. The huge growth is attributed to it being the first casino where no registration is required to log-in and play. The withdrawals are super-fast since they’re powered by the bank transfer provider, trustly. Players are also validated by trustly through access of an existing and approved bank account.

      Ninja casino doesn’t use bonuses and free spins. Bonuses can be received in form of winnings and other promotions that gamblers need to wager on to take part. Free spins are rewarded in-game as you play. It has no welcome bonus, but when a player deposits €20 or more, they get 25 free spins. The casino offers fun and generous no-deposit rewards depending on your wagering. At ninja casino be assured of a no-hassle gambling experience!

      Slots.Io casino

      Slots.Io casino is an online casino, which provides a widespread and enjoyable collection of slots to its gamblers. It has a simple and easy to use functional interface which gives both new and skilled players a great experience when navigating through. With over 400 slots, players are spoilt for choice on popular spins. The casino is fully licensed by the malta gaming authority and players are protected by the SSL encryption.

      Slots.Io casino bonuses and promotions are appealing. All newly registered players and existing ones receive free spins, as long as they’re active players. The promotions are quite rewarding and all winnings are wager free. It has a welcome offer which enables a player to unlock 250 free spins after a first deposit of at least €20. It has several deposit methods and they do not charge any fees on withdrawals or deposits.

      Bet365 estonia

      Bet365 estonia has a wide and varied lobby, with a collection offering almost all genres of games. It uses the playtech software which is very comprehensive and virtually identical to a sportsbook. The website is easy to use and simple to navigate your way around the numerous options. It has a wide selection of deposit methods which will suit your needs and location. Their help center is detailed with a very responsive customer service.

      Any bonus funds claimed on bet365 estonia have a specific wagering requirement, which has been detailed appropriately on their terms and conditions section. Moreover, not all slots have bonus offers. Bet365 estonia has simple but generous rewards for new players. The amount you deposit is usually matched in bonus funds up to a maximum specified amount. Newcomers can get up to €100 new player bonus with a minimum deposit of €10.

      Other allowed casinos in estonia

      Other allowed casinos in estonia include tonybet, optibet, kingswin casino, paf casino and grandx casino. All these casinos feature plenty of offers for all sorts of gamblers. They are mainly delivered through a web-based platform and powered by microgaming and evolution gaming software, with a mobile site also available for players who wish to play on the go. The wagering requirements, welcome bonuses, first deposit bonuses, and free spins differ from one casino to another.


      The online gambling market in estonia is continuously evolving with the state supporting the establishment of new land-based casinos. All new casinos are safe because of the strict regulations, with its citizens restricted to only a couple of online casinos. Each online casino offers different games, payment options, and other features. Whichever choice you settle on, you’ll get a casino with hundreds of different games from different game providers and on a regulated environment.

      How to choose the best estonian online casino

      Nowadays, it might be a bit tasking for casino players to choose one from the numerous online casinos that are available. Picking the right casino from such a quantity is not that easy. When selecting an online casino, it’s imperative to consider some things which are not clear at first glance. While choosing the most suitable casino, you should be sure that it meets your most important expectations.

      What to look out for

      When deciding what casino best suits your purposes, you might want to know the key to choosing the right online casino, right? How can you be sure you’ve picked a site with top quality games, mouth watering bonuses and rapid payouts? Not forgetting the reputation of the casino, and all the other things which can make your gameplay a great experience. Follow our leads and be sure you pick only the best.

      Availability of the casino in estonia

      Before registering in an online casino, it is important to always ascertain that the casino game accepts players from estonia, although there a lots of casino games out there. Unfortunately not all of those casino games are available for users from estonia. This fact makes it necessary to be sure that the chosen casino is playable for estonian users and all winnings can be easily withdrawn to the players’ local account.

      Reputation of the casino

      Before proceeding to play in an online casino, it is also necessary to ascertain its reputation to avoid being defrauded. There are a number of cases where a casino has directly cheated the player. Such situations include the casino refusing to pay out a winning fairly won by a player, casinos releasing a clause about a bonus abuse so as to forfeit the bonus won by the player, and many more. Always beware.

      Casino bonuses

      It is very hard to leave out the importance of bonuses when selecting your choice of online casino. Almost every site has promotions and bonuses of some kind. All you need do is take a look and see if the bonuses are up to scratch, giving you an idea of what to expect. Top bonuses offer decent cash and low wagering requirements that are easy to reach.

      Device compatibility

      There are a number of high quality casino games that only work on desktops, although most renowned developers usually make sure their casino games are compatible with all android and ios devices. It’s still necessary to make sure your device is compatible with the games offered by the casino, especially if you plan on on-the-go gaming. To conclude, always do a background check before registering with the online casino of your choice.

      Online casino bonuses for estonian players

      Estonia is a liberal country when it comes to online casinos and gambling in general – it is believed that there are at least two slot machines for every 1000 estonian citizens. Online gambling was liberalised in estonia in 2011. Local and offshore companies can now provide a variety of services to the citizens. Different types of bonuses are also given to maintain their interest.

      Today, tens of online casinos are successfully operating in estonia, and there are only eight licensed operators in this country. You will have no problem finding a casino that is tailored to the requirements of estonia players like you. The competition among casinos is very tough. This is why all of them try to concentrate on specific niches to appeal to certain groups or people.

      No deposit bonuses

      Online casinos have a lot to offer to their new and existing players. As the name indicates, no deposit bonus means no deposit is required – every estonian player can claim their bonus whenever they go to an online casino or visit a mobile casino of their choice. They may also receive a unique package deal once they sign up and begin playing.

      Certain welcome bonuses are offered along with the no deposit bonus to keep their interest maintained. The local support staff is always ready to assist during the hours to which most people are awake. Sometimes players are allowed to make a payment in the local currency, but if they are new to the casino, they will not have to pay anything.

      Free spins bonuses

      An advantage of playing in a virtual casino is that it offers exciting bonuses, promotions, and deals. Almost every estonian casino has something nice to offer to the players. Different kinds of incentives are given to them, ranging from welcome and no deposit bonuses to cashback, free spins bonuses and match bonuses. A free spins bonus is given as part of the welcome bonus.

      When a player claims the free spins offer, they may find themselves tied to a particular game. For instance, at some netent casinos, an offer is given for starburst free spins (this is a famous netent slot). This type of bonus is also given as a no deposit option and can only be claimed by a new estonian player.

      Deposit bonuses

      A deposit bonus is given to the player when they make a real deposit – this bonus is offered to new players only – and the player has to fulfill the wagering requirements of this bonus. The deposit bonus is often given along with the free spins bonus. For example, at olybet, the minimum deposit is €10, and the player can get ta matching number of free spins.

      A deposit bonus is also called the signup bonus. This sometimes lets the player keep all the money they win with no limits, restrictions or shady terms and conditions. Coolbet is a famous casino that offers a deposit bonus of up to €50. A player can deposit €10 and get a 500% match bonus. There are plenty of such casinos out there.

      Cashback bonuses

      A cashback bonus is a specific type of refund that is given to the player based on its performance. Sometimes the money is returned to them partially, and sometimes they get back the whole amount in their account while playing. This type of bonus is the percentage of the player’s net losses. Once they wager their funds, they will not have to worry about losing anything.


      Besides using these bonuses, players can have the opportunity of playing anytime without any need to leave their comfort zones. This is what makes online casinos an ideal option. They are favourable to people who want to escape their worries. A number of online casinos have started providing mobile app versions of their slot games, which allows players to access them using their smartphones.

      A huge selection of games in estonian online casinos

      Do you like casino games? We provide you with details of several games available online in estonian casinos. You can always be certain to have a good time selecting one of these amazing games, and also stand a chance to win big. Whether you are a newbie or a professional player, you will find the details we provide here useful.

      Video slots

      One of the most common games you will find on estonian online casinos is video slot games. You will enjoy a wide collection of video slot games from developers such as microgaming, netent, playtech and play’n GO. You will be able to select from 3-reels, 5-reels and more, depending on your choice of slot.

      Jackpot slots

      Unlike regular slots, jackpot slots are not fixed. The jackpot size increases whenever a player places a bet, thus allowing them to win even bigger. However, you should note that the risk and bet size associated with jackpot slots are much higher. You will find several low and high progressive jackpot slots on most of the online casinos in estonia.

      You can win millions of money on progressive jackpot slots, but remember that if want to win big, you also have to bet big. However, if you are a risk-taker, then you do not need to worry. You can try out jackpot slots such as hall of gods, mega fortune, mega moolah and divine fortune available in estonian casinos.

      Table games

      If you are a fan of table games, you will find a large selection of in estonian online casinos. Games such as blackjack, baccarat and roulette are some of the most common table games available in estonian casinos. You can win huge on table games depending on the card you have and your stake.

      Unlike slot games, where you need to spin a reel, table games usually involve using tactics, luck and making decisions such as call, fold, and all-in. Not all table games involve the use of cards. Roulette, for example, uses random numbers that hold a multiplier value. Other games such as craps involve the use of dice.

      Live casino games

      Live casino games give players the feeling of being on a land-based casino. You will be able to gamble with other players and a human dealer mediates the game and deals cards – or spins the roulette – to each player. There is a chat room provided that you can use to talk with other players and the dealer.

      There are several live casino games that you can find in estonian online casinos. You can enjoy games such as live blackjack, live poker and live casino hold’em without leaving the comfort of your home. Software providers like netent and evolution gaming put a lot of effort in making sure you have the best experience when playing live casino games.


      The game involves players matching numbers on their cards as they are being randomly drawn by a caller. The first player that completes a pattern and yells “bingo” wins. There are a few estonian casinos that have bingo available, and you can try the game out as it is fun and exciting to play.

      Sports betting

      In sports betting, players can place bets by predicting a particular outcome for a sports game. Many estonian online casinos offer sports betting, and you can also place bets on live games. You can place your bets as singles, folds or accumulator. You can bet on sports such as football, tennis and basketball.

      Online poker

      If you love the traditional game of poker, you can also try out online poker, that will give you the comfort of playing anywhere you are. Online poker comes in different variations such as three card poker and texas hold’em poker. You can play online poker on both your desktop and mobile devices, depending on the casino you choose.

      Many estonian online casinos host online poker tournament games, and by participating in these tournaments, you can stand a chance to win lots of money. The rules of online poker are the same as those that apply to traditional poker games. However, unlike traditional poker, you can stake very low on online poker games.


      We have discussed seven different games that you can find on most estonian online casinos and how to get the best from all of them. Whether you are a first-timer or professional in playing casino games you will enjoy the selection of games discussed in this article. Why not try out one of them?

      Eesti loto and estonian lotteries

      In estonia, the legal framework that defines games of chance is outlined by the law on gambling and the law on lottery. When it comes to organizing games of chance, the state issues a license to a state-owned enterprise that has the power, therefore, to arrange such enterprise. The eesti loto, established in 1991, is the estonian state lottery.

      Eesti loto offers four games: bingo, keno, eurojackpot and vikinglotto. For each lottery ticket you buy, eesti loto pays a gambling tax of 18%. The minimum guaranteed jackpot is €10.000.000. Lottery winnings must be completed within 90 days of the first day following the draw. The final registration of the lottery winnings is on the back of every ticket.

      Bingo loto

      Bingo loto is a very simple and exciting game, as the winning numbers are drawn on a TV show. Taking active part in the game is easy. To play, simply buy a ticket and watch the “big lottery day” show on wednesday nights and check all the boxes in your ticket with the same number as the draw. You might be lucky!

      On the day of the draw, the sale of bingo lottery tickets must end at 6 pm. Those who enter will be decided by drawing lots. To participate in the raffle, a ticket with bingo TV sign and registration in the estonian lottery is required. You can find the TV badge by buying a bingo lottery ticket on a dual playground on friday or sunday.

      Keno is an exciting game with many choices. A player can win €300,000 with keno. Play with 10 numbers and choose the maximum bet of €15. The amount of the win depends on your bet and the number of winning numbers. For example, if you play with a €2 bet and 10 numbers and your numbers turn out to be winning numbers, you win €40,000.


      Eurojackpot is a joint game of many european lottery companies, and the winning amounts at all levels are the same for each participating country. The price of the tickets is also the same in all participating countries. The draw takes place once a week, on fridays from 9pm to 10pm. The results of the draw will be made public within one hour after the draw.

      The exact time of the draw depends on how quickly the info about tickets sold by the participating countries arrives at the control centre in münster. A ticket purchased in another country cannot win a victory in estonia. Only the winning tickets bought in the country will be paid out. Winnings in the eurojackpot are not taxable. All winnings from eesti loto are tax-free.


      Vikinglotto is a popular lottery in countries such as norway, denmark, estonia, iceland, sweden, finland, latvia, and lithuania. Players of vikinglotto are expected to pick six numbers between 1 and 48 and a viking number between 1 and 8. Players can either choose their own numbers or attempt for a speedy pick, where a random set of numbers will be automatically generated.

      How to win

      Any player who has registered a gaming account on the eesti loto website can check any tickets purchased at the terminal. Tickets with unpaid winnings will be displayed in the “terminal wins” menu up until 90 days after the draw for your convenience. It is also possible to place a prize in your gaming account by digitally signing a pre-paid payout application.


      The winnings will be paid to the designated bank account upon registration for the estonian loto internet environment within 10 working days. If 10 working days have passed since the raffle and the winnings have not been credited to your bank account, then check your data in the eesti loto online environment. If the data has been corrected, please notify eesti loto customer service.

      Deposits and withdrawal methods for estonian casinos

      One important aspect that estonian online casinos players must consider before playing is the methods available for them to deposit and withdraw their funds. Being gambling platforms, estonian online casinos have overall made depositing and withdrawing of funds accessible and reliable at any given time. This gives gamblers a sense of trustworthiness and confidence that their funds are well secured and that they can conduct transactions with ease at any convenient time.

      Payment methods

      There are several payment methods provided by estonian online casinos that players can consider. The use of credit and debit cards are so common today that they hey have become a common payment method in several casinos. Players are overall given a wide range of options, like: skrill, neteller, paypal, bitcoin, zimpler, ecopayz, trustly, poli, pugglepay, ukash, entropay, interac, giropay, that can be used as deposit and withdrawal methods.

      Prepaid cards and vouchers

      Prepaid card and vouchers, such as paysafecard, are another popular and suitable method that guarantees a high level of security for estonian online casino players. As soon as the casino completes the withdrawal, the funds are instantly credited to the balance of the player’s paysafecard account. Gamblers can then use the balance of their paysafecard account to make any transaction related to their chosen casino.


      In terms of withdrawing, E-wallets are the preferred method of estonian online casino players due to the ease of use and speed of the transactions, allowing payments in under 24 hours. E-wallet providers overall charge a fee for every transaction made using such methods. However, the said transaction fees charged by the providers are usually low and sustainable, making this a reliable and trustworthy method used by many.

      Bank wire transfers

      This is another accepted payment method in estonian online casinos, and it is preferred by many. This is due to the outermost level of security involved in its transactions, which reduces the risk for all parties involved. Furthermore, a gigantic part of this security comes from an absolute identity check, which takes a while. As a result, it takes 7 days for such transactions to be completed.


      The main benefit of all deposit and withdrawal methods for estonian online casino players is their availability and security. However, the security of the available payment methods varies. Some are highly secure while others are less. It is, therefore, advisable that estonian online casino players do thorough background checks to ensure they pick the most secure and safe deposit and withdrawal method among the available options.

      Land-based casinos in estonia

      Land-based casinos in estonia have a rather short history as they were introduced legally after independence. Are you on vacation and looking for a casino in estonia where you can relax and elevate your gaming experience? Here you find relevant information on what you need to look out for when choosing a land-based casino that can suit your preferences. Let’s dive into the world of casinos in estonia!

      Relaxing at an estonian casino

      The majority of the casinos in estonia are classified as slot parlours, and are found on the main streets in the busy part of the country. Most land-based casinos have an area for relaxation such as the olybet sports in olympic casinos. Others may have pool tables while some are located in a hotel and include other entertainment outside of gambling. The most popular casinos in estonia include olympic casino, fenikss casino and citycasino.

      Casino games

      Availability of games in a casino is one of the criteria one needs to consider when choosing a land-based casino. Land-based casinos in estonia are no exception as they offer you interesting games that will make your stay worthwhile. Are you a lover of slot games, electronic games, video or jackpot games? No matter what your game preference is, you will find what interest you in an estonian land-based casino.

      Choosing the right casino

      Choosing the best land-based casino is dependent on your preference. It is about choosing what is good for you. What do you seek for in a land-based casino? Do you seek for more interesting casino slot , high payouts, low bets or big money V.I.P perks? Are you more concern about the clubs, or a delicious meal? All these need to be considered before choosing a land-based casino.

      Top-notch entertainment and food

      Haven’t had enough fun with the casino games and you want more? Land-based casinos in estonia offers players a lot of entertainment and fun. You can choose to relax in their relaxation area after a stressful gamble or you can choose to grab a delicious meal at their high standard restaurants and bars. Land-based casinos in estonia gives you all the excitement and experience you can ever imagine.


      Land-based casinos in estonia have improved since its legalisation after the country’s independence. The estonia gambling community is still thriving, though the number of land-based casinos have reduced over the years, which has helped to strengthen the overall revenue more than ever. The reduction helps to eliminate the unreliable small casinos and established a more reliable and safer brand that people can gamble at with no fear.

      Gambling in estonia

      Gambling in estonia is in its early stages since all gambling activities were banned when the country was still under the USSR. It wasn’t until 1994 that gambling was legalised. However, illegal casinos were operating before the legalisation. Between 1994 to 2008, before the new gambling act was passed, there was a rapid increase in the number of casinos most especially in tallinn.

      Before 2008, casinos in tallinn were well above 90 but as of 2010, the number of casinos reduced to 33. This decrease was mainly a result of the crisis and the new gambling act in estonia. This new law also affected the operation of foreign online casinos. However, in 2012, the law was revised allowing foreign online casinos to operate with low taxation.

      Are online gambling site legal in estonia?

      Yes, online gambling sites are legal in estonia. However, before an online casino can be fully operational, due to the new law for online gambling in 2011, the online casino must obtain a license from the estonian government. This was a way to boost the country’s economy when it faced a recession during the world economic crisis between 2008 to 2009.

      In 2010, the estonian government banned foreign online casinos from operating in the country giving licenses to local online casinos. However, in 2011, the government gave its citizens the freedom to use international online casino platforms with the requirement that the casinos had a valid estonian license. However, in 2012, the government reduced taxation on online gambling leading to an increased number of estonian online casinos.

      Online casino gambling laws and regulations in estonia

      In estonia, online casinos are governed by two main laws, which are: the gambling act and the gambling tax act. The gambling act sees to the regulation of gambling activities. In previous years, before the adoption of the new gambling act in 2008, online gambling was “somehow” unregulated. This was because the 1995 gambling laws were mainly focused on physical casinos.

      The gambling tax act is focused mainly on taxation of gambling activities in estonia. This new law brought about legal taxation on international online casinos offering their services to people living in estonia, which was overlooked in the previous gambling acts. Since november 2011, online casinos were required to pay 5% tax rate, changing it from the previous 10% set in 2009.

      Estonian gambling licence

      Fenikss Bet - Casino, fenikss casino online estonia.
      There are two types of licenses anyone who wishes to operate in estonia needs to acquire. These licenses are the activities license and the operating license. The activities license shows that a particular casino or operator is legitimate and is ready to fully comply with the requirements of the country’s gambling acts. Additionally, with the activities license, operators must adhere to all specific conditions.

      Before anyone is permitted to provide or organise any specific gambling activities in estonia, you are required to obtain an operating license. This type of license gives the operator the ability to host or provide different kinds of gambling activities in the country, such as the game of chance, lotteries, totalizators, and so on. This license is also known as the operating permit.

      The future of estonian gambling industry

      At first, with the introduction of the new gambling acts, there was a rapid decrease in the number of casinos in estonia, and gambling activities in the country were affected negatively. However, with the introduction of new tax rates and adjustments to the gambling act, there has been a positive change in the overall gambling activities. Making the future of estonian gambling industry a profitable one.


      Gambling in estonia is very popular among its citizens. Although gambling in estonia is relatively young compared to other countries, it has gained a lot of interest from both the government and the citizens. At first, the gambling laws were rather inadequate but in recent years, the new gambling acts have since helped the estonian government turn gambling into a source of income to boost the economy.

      Fenikss casino

      Fenikss Bet - Casino, fenikss casino online estonia.

      Fenikss kazino ir SIA alfor pārziņā esošs licenzēts kazino – tas nozīmē, ka fenikss darbojas saskaņā ar izložu un azartspēļu uzraudzības inspekciju, un viss norit godīgi un caurspīdīgi, kā to paredz latvijas likumdošana. Fenikss kazino latvijā pazīstams ar diviem zīmoliem – fenikss laimētava un admirāļu klubs, bet igaunijā – fenikss casino.

      Fenikss Bet - Casino, fenikss casino online estonia.
      Latvijā fenikss kazino pieder 127 spēļu zāles, tajā skaitā, 87 spēļu zāles atrodas tieši rīgas centrā un dažādos pilsētas mikrorajonos, esot tuvāk tieši saviem klientiem un domājot par viņu ērtībām un labsajūtu. Igaunijā fenikss kazino šobrīd pieder 15 spēļu zāles, lielākā daļa no tām atrodas tieši galvaspilsētā tallinā. Kopā fenikss kazino spēļu zālēs ir nodarbināti vairāk kā 100 darbinieki, un šajās spēļu zālēs kopā ir vairāk kā 3000 spēļu automātu, kas piedāvā daudzveidīgas azarta izbaudīšanas iespējas.

      Vārds “fenikss” ir cēlies no grieķu mitoloģijas un apzīmē putnu, kuram ir ilgs un veiksmīgs mūžs. Ne velti fenikss kazino lielu nozīmi pievērš tieši atbildīgai azartspēļu spēlēšanai, informējot savus esošos un potenciālos klientus, ka atkarība no azartspēlēm, gluži tāpat kā jebkura cita atkarība, var būtiski pasliktināt dzīves kvalitāti ilgtermiņā. Šī atbalstošā iniciatīva ir nostiprinājusi fenikss kazino pozīcijas azartspēļu industrijā un radījusi uzņēmumam pozitīvu reputāciju. Neapšaubāmi, šo reputāciju veido ne tikai sabiedrības uzmanības pievēršana atbildīgai spēlēšanai, bet arī attieksme pret saviem klientiem, piedāvājot dažādus kazino bonusus un īpašos piedāvājumus.

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      Latvijā arvien populārāki kļūst online kazino, tādēļ piedāvājam uzspēlēt uzreiz, nekur nebraucot, labākajos latvijas online kazino!

      Fenikss casino

      Fenikss Bet - Casino, fenikss casino online estonia.

      Fenikss Bet - Casino, fenikss casino online estonia.

      Since 2000, a net of fenikss laimētava slot halls, working in different cities of country, is operating in latvia. It includes over one hundred twenty locations and over 3300 slot machines, while the staff is about one thousand and one hundred employees. Since the beginning of 2015, the operator also provides the customers with an opportunity to play at fenikss online casino. We would like to discuss this portal below in the review.

      Fenikss Bet - Casino, fenikss casino online estonia.

      Fenikss casino website

      The website has a bright design with stunning red elements at dark background. Somebody might say the design is too minimalistic, but nobody can disagree that the website is very convenient in use. The menu is well-structured, fonts are readable and all information is presented in simple form.

      Fenikss Bet - Casino, fenikss casino online estonia.

      Fenikss Bet - Casino, fenikss casino online estonia.

      Fenikss Bet - Casino, fenikss casino online estonia.

      Fenikss Bet - Casino, fenikss casino online estonia.

      Fenikss Bet - Casino, fenikss casino online estonia.

      Fenikss Bet - Casino, fenikss casino online estonia.

      Fenikss casino review

      The owner of fenikss casino is alfor company, registered by gambling and lottery inspection of latvia. Number and copy of the license, as well as the legal address of the official department of the company and other important information about the founders can be found at the official website.

      The company operates under the jurisdiction of latvia.

      The website is powered by novomatic software, one of the leading software developers on online gambling market. The customers have access to original models of this brand, as the owner of the portal is the only certified representative of novomatic in latvia.

      It is possible to play directly in a browser. There is no need to download and install any special client software. There is also a mobile version of the interface, but its functionality is not complete.

      To have an access to all services of the portal, it is necessary to fill the form, providing reliable data, including residence address and phone number. It is allowed to open only one account. The customer must be of legal age. All responsibility for acting according to the law is on the gambler.

      The casino cooperates with gambling addition preventative center in riga and other organizations, helping to fight with gambling addition. You can find all contact information at «responsible gaming» page.

      The website is available in latvian (main version of terms and conditions), russian and english languages.

      Fenikss casino slots

      Fenikss casino offers games of novomatic to the customers. Let’s discuss the gaming assortment by categories it is divided into at the website:

      • All games – full list of models.

      • Exclusive – title of the category writes itself.

      • New – latest novelties added to the assortment.

      • Top games – most popular slot machines.

      • Jackpot – games with progressive jackpots by novomatic.

      • Theme – thematic video slots with various features.

      • Fruits – traditional slot machines with fruits and berries at the reels.

      • Casino – a few table and card games, including blackjack, video poker, roulette and brag.

      • Mobile casino – games with adapted interface for playing on smartphones and tablets.

      Search by name is also available. There are no advanced filters.

      All slots and other gambling games are available only after registration and signing in to the account. Manuals provided with all models should help understanding the rules.

      Live dealers

      Games with live dealers are not provided here.

      Bonuses, promocodes and special offers 2020

      We haven't found any information about bonuses and other rewards at the official website of fenikss casino.

      Real money deposits and withdrawals

      The only currency of fenikss casino is euro. It is impossible to fill the balance or place bets in other money units here.

      To make deposits and withdraw the wins, it is possible to use debit and credit cards, wire transfers and nordea. Payouts are made during five days.

      It is possible to fill the balance for from five to seven hundred fifty euro per transaction. The minimal amount for withdrawal is also five euro. Maximal limit depends on selected method. The operator is in right to change the limits.

      Please read financial points of the user’s agreement carefully and remember the administration might require copies of personal documents for verification.


      Operators of the support service are available to the customers daily from 8 a.M. To midnight. You can call them by phone and write by e-mail.

      «help» provides answers to frequently asked questions, as well as lots of other useful information.


      In conclusion of the article, we would like to tell about major advantages and disadvantages of fenikss casino:

      • Licensed operation;

      • Original software of the famous developer;

      • The interface is available in three languages;

      • Progressive jackpots are raffled;

      • The very convenient and informative website.

      So, let's see, what we have: fenikss bet & casino OÜ novoloto was founded in 1996 and has been in business for 17 years. This international company now organises gambling in estonia under the brand name FENIKSS at fenikss casino online estonia

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