The Big Number Trick at Roulette, internet casino roulette trick.

Internet casino roulette trick

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The Big Number Trick at Roulette, internet casino roulette trick.

The Big Number Trick at Roulette, internet casino roulette trick.

The Big Number Trick at Roulette, internet casino roulette trick.

Players do not have to bet straight up on the numbers. After all, with a one in 38 chance of winning on the american double-zero wheels, there can be long waits for a number to hit (yes, true, the number could hit right away) and this could be discouraging to many players. The big number roulette trick is to take whichever number has been a repeater and bet that number. If there is more than one number you then bet on each of those numbers.

The big number trick at roulette

The Big Number Trick at Roulette, internet casino roulette trick.

The Big Number Trick at Roulette, internet casino roulette trick.

  • In this article I will explain a couple of interesting “roulette tricks” to use at the game of roulette. Mind you, these cannot give you a mathematical edge but they are fun to play and using my money management advice they might reduce the overall negative expectation of the game.

Roulette and craps are probably the two oldest games that are now found in our modern casinos and on any online casino. Actually, dice games were played all the way back to caesar’s time – and perhaps even further into the past than that.

Those bones people rolled were from sheep and (wait for it) sometimes from humans – and roulette of a type goes just as far into the past. Heck, shields could be used for more than just shielding oneself. Soldiers needed their games to play and those spinning shields could give a lot of enjoyment without worrying about being killed by an enemy.


First things first: what is the difference between a gambling system and a gambling trick? Actually not much. I look at gambling systems as a more complicated type of approach to a game such as roulette. I think of a roulette trick as a shorter, simpler method of approaching a game. One requires a certain type of discipline to follow; the other is short and sweet and not very taxing.

One of the most enjoyable of my roulette tricks is the utilization of a big number roulette strategy. This is a straight number strategy where you bet directly on the chosen number or numbers.

Take a look at any roulette scoreboard, those that usually show the last 20 numbers that hit, and what do you almost always see? That’s right; some number or numbers have repeated. Don’t get too excited; this is not unusual; in fact, it is usual in any random game of which roulette is one. Numbers do tend to repeat even in such short lengths as 20 spins.

The big number roulette trick is to take whichever number has been a repeater and bet that number. If there is more than one number you then bet on each of those numbers.


Whatever your normal bet is then that is the bet you make on that one number. If there is more than one number than you bet your minimum bet on all the repeaters.

It is rare indeed that there will be three repeating numbers. Still, although I haven’t seen that a profound number of times, it does happen.

Please note: if you are a player who bets more than the table minimum, then try to apportion your betting amounts so that you are not betting more than what is usually a single bet if you are betting multiple big numbers. A $50 player might want to break up his bet $25/$25 on two big numbers.

The Big Number Trick at Roulette, internet casino roulette trick.


In the big number roulette trick you are betting with the scoreboard. Once a number disappears from the scoreboard you stop betting on that number. If no number repeats you do not bet until a repeater shows. Not betting does take a modicum of discipline on the part of players but not betting on certain rounds does save you some money. That is not something to be dismissed. No bet is not susceptible to the house edge – naturally.

The Big Number Trick at Roulette, internet casino roulette trick.


What about roulette players who prefer to bet against numbers that have hit? Or what if they want to bet numbers that have not shown up as yet on the scoreboard?

These negative betting methods are just as valid as the one I am proposing but they are in a different category. The big number is a positive betting trick, going with the scoreboard’s numbers and not against them, and it is far simpler than the negative category which requires the player to keep track of the numbers that have not hit (if they are not on the scoreboard) which might require a notebook and pen. And how many of these numbers that have not hit or repeated do you wager on? Those can be tough questions to answer.


Let us say that a certain number repeated once but another repeated twice? Do you treat them differently? Some players might want to bet more on the number that repeated more than once. I wouldn’t recommend that as such larger bets can be dangerous to your bankroll. Just go with one bet on the repeating numbers.

You are not enhancing your chances of winning when you bet more money. You are merely increasing the overall amount you are expected to lose over time. True, if a number with more money on it hits, you certainly make more money but that does not mean the house will win less over time when you wager this way. The more money you wager the more money the house edge will grind away at.

Please note: you must always keep in mind that whatever betting trick or system you are using cannot change the fundamental mathematics of roulette. In the american double-zero wheel you have a one in 38 chance of your number hitting and in the european single-zero wheel you have a one in 37 chance. Those probabilities do not change based on your betting methods.

The Big Number Trick at Roulette, internet casino roulette trick.


Players do not have to bet straight up on the numbers. After all, with a one in 38 chance of winning on the american double-zero wheels, there can be long waits for a number to hit (yes, true, the number could hit right away) and this could be discouraging to many players.

If we use the american double-zero wheels as our guide, we can postulate other ways to play the big number. You can use the same exact technique for the european wheel so those of you lucky enough to play the european single-zero wheel, I envy you!

Please note: the european single-zero wheel is almost twice as good as the american double-zero wheel. The house edge is 2.7 percent while on the american double-zero wheel the house edge is 5.26 percent. So whenever given the option think in terms of playing the single-zero wheels.

If you wish to avoid straight-up bets, then you could make outside bets on one, two or a few of the outside proposition bets such as the red/black, odd/even, high/low, 1st dozen, 2nd dozen, or 3rd dozen. By doing this you reduce possibly long waiting times between decisions. Many players prefer more frequent hits; to them this makes the game more enjoyable. I tend to be one of those players!There are many combinations of these bets that can be made. I’ll cover a few here and you can, I am sure, come up with more. You might even want to wager straight-up bets and outside bets!

The Big Number Trick at Roulette, internet casino roulette trick.


We look at the scoreboard and we see that 10 has repeated. That number is a black one, it is an even number, and it is also a low number (low numbers are 1-18, high numbers are 19-36). Also 10 is one of the inside dozen numbers.

Please note: on all the outside bets a hit on the 0 or 00 loses the bet. Yes, the 0 and 00 can also be the big number but that would mean a straight up bet on that number. Avoid making the five-number bet at the top of the layout as the house edge is 7.89 percent.

Now you have some choices to make if 10 is the repeater. Here they are:

  • Make a black bet which has a one-to-one payout

  • Make an even bet which has a one-to-one payout

  • Make a low-number bet which has a one-to-one payout

  • Make an inside dozen bet which has a two-to-one payout

You can also make any combination of the above bets, or all of them! The truly aggressive player might decide to also plop down a straight-up bet on the number. Such an aggressive player would be making five bets.

I think five bets are somewhat overboard as you are betting a lot of money. I would go with one or two of the propositions. You don’t want to throw too much money into the game at once because a losing streak could wipe you out. However, if you are breaking up a single bet into five units – say a $50 wager into $10 each – then that would be fine, as long as your minimum bet is really that $50.


Let me go over some of the obvious problems with betting these outside propositions.

  • If you have two big numbers of different colors then you obviously do not bet red or black.

  • If you have two big numbers and one is high and one is low, you do not bet that proposition.

  • If you have two big numbers and they are on two different dozen lines you bet one or the other.

  • There are other combinations on the inside numbers to spread out your betting. These you can create for yourself.


I am a very conservative player. I try to protect my money even as I am betting my money. To me gambling is a combination of fear and fun. I find it fun to play the games but I do not find it too much fun when I get clobbered and I have been clobbered at times in my almost 30 years of casino play. I am sure that many of my readers have been clobbered at times and I am guessing that it was a miserable experience for them as well.

So my fear can also be my protection against foolish play. Such fear has helped me study the games for the best possible ways to play them. I think all players should incorporate fear within themselves. How can that fear manifest itself? Here are the good products of fear:

  • Do not make too many bets at once. The more money you bet the greater the chance that bad luck can knock you out. Go slow. You worked hard to earn your money.

  • Do not increase your bets to make up for previous losses. This is often called “going on tilt” and it has hurt many a player. Going on tilt is a sure way to get destroyed on bad sessions. If you are feeling rotten, quit for that session and do something else. The games will always be there. In fact, there are probably more casinos in the world today than there were yesterday.

  • Make sure you have enough money in your bankroll not to get upset should you lose. Use the large bankroll to small bet equation. The larger your bankroll, the less a loss will hurt you.

  • Have a separate bank account for your gambling money. Never mix your daily-living money with your play money. You can make deposits in your gambling account so that it grows. Put your wins in it too!

  • Recognize that all casino games have a built-in advantage for the casinos. Casinos are in the business of making money. They have structured their games mathematically to beat the players. The casino’s math will defeat the player’s luck over time. Players ultimately need good luck to win; casinos just need the math; luck does not play a part on the casino end of things.

Please note: although the betting advice I am giving cannot overcome the math of the game, using such roulette tricks can be fun and give you a satisfying strategy for the playing of roulette. Just be cautious. Play with discipline and enjoy the thrills of the games.


Question 1: what is the house edge on roulette?

The european wheels’ edge is 2.70%. The american wheels’ edge is 5.26%.

Question 2: what is the fibonacci system?

The fibonacci system using the following number sequence to establish one’s betting levels. If you are a 10-unit bettor, the sequence would go like this: 10 units, 20 units, 30 units (on up).

Question 3: what is the difference between the american wheel to the european/french wheel?

The american wheel has two green (or blue) zeros (0 and 00). The french or european wheel has only one green (or blue) zero.

Question 4: should the odds be the same on an RNG game?

Yes, the odds on an RNG game (such as online roulette) and the payouts should be the same (or better than) the odds and payouts on a regular roulette game.

Question 5: what is the RNG?

The RNG is the random number generator. It is a computer program that randomly selects number sequences that will correspond to symbols or elements of a casino game or slot machine.

10 killer tricks to win at roulette in casinos

There is no surety that you are going to win in roulette but you can soar up your chances of applying proper strategies.

10. Pick the color

We are always in dilemma which color to choose. It could be either red or black. As there are 50% chances of occurring of both the color (minus the 0). Always bet on a color. You can invest a dollar to get yourself started. If you have made up your mind to play for some time than you can start with three or five dollars but that I will not suggest as losing a $3 on the very first bet will not be good for you. If you win for the first time you have played, play again and leave the original bet to take that one home. As long as you win or lose till you have original bet, you can play and if this is not happening, cut the losses and leave. There is one more thing you can do that you can play roulette that will not cost you a penny and is free and you must bet on outside table’s one. There are always same chances for a color to occur and I have won 8 times straight.

The Big Number Trick at Roulette, internet casino roulette trick.

9. Betting on numbers

Betting in numbers between 1-18 and 19-36 is a bit dicey. These bets pay the same amount as on betting on colors but are a onetime lose or win system. You can only bet once or at most twice on the casinos I have played while betting once. It happens only few times when the ball has not landed on the either two sides. It has been conducted in a survey that after seven spins place bet on the numbers that have not come yet. At this time, I bet $10, if I won I would have a good amount of money and if results in a loss I do one of the two things: quit or wait for my chance again and start with $1 so that next time I won I have my cut plus $1 (original bet).You can try this strategy at top rated online casinos listed at this site for real money without going to a casino.

When I have good night I quit after four straight wins and if I have invested $10-$20, I quit after straight three wins. Sometimes though i’ll play on from the comfort of my own home, spinning a few wheels, placing a few bets from one of the many good online sites and taking advantge of some of the good bonuses they offer – see this up to date list of good welcome offers as an example of what you can get online

The Big Number Trick at Roulette, internet casino roulette trick.

8. Betting on rows.

Playing with colors and betting on rows are the same. If you made a success on the first attempt, play again with the winning and kept aside your original bet. If it results in a loss, bet again the same amount and result in a win cover your los of the first one and if you think you have made 2 straight losses than there are two things to do. Either quit or doubles the amount of bet this time and bet again. You have to get lucky only once if you keep on repeating but remember do not keep on doubling the bet. There is high risk of losing a large amount of money but when I do this I always come out happy.

The Big Number Trick at Roulette, internet casino roulette trick.

7. Force the zero.

It is based on the malfunction of program installed on a computer. There are total 36 numbers and adding a number of zero there are 37 in total and each of them have equal chance of occurring. In real time games there is no surety a number would come but computer generated roulette has certain algorithm to generate a specific number to mix up some reality to the roulette. If you have made up your mind for a particular number it might not come for the first 75-85 spins but will come surely. I have seen very less gamblers betting on green zero. People are interested on betting red and black and zero will come eventually a few times to offset the red and black. You have to on that few times and make some money. This method is further divided into steps.

The Big Number Trick at Roulette, internet casino roulette trick.

Step 2

In internet casino place a dollar each on both the red and black chip and three dollars on the green zero. If you are lucky and able to hit zero within the first 10 trials you would make 16 dollars. If you are able to achieve zero on first 10 trials than go to some another site or log out of site so that you can restart the whole process again. It is very likely that zero would not occur for the first 30-34 spins and within 60-70 spins it would occur two to three times. If you are able to achieve what I have illustrated here than you will make more than 120 dollars.

Step 3

It is very much similar to the above step. Place 4 chips of 1 dollar each on green zero. In the first 10 trials you hit on zero at least once than you will make $2. Like I have said before there are high chances scoring on zero after sixty spins and than if you hit on zero twice you would make more than $130?

Step 4

Start again and this time six chips of dollar each and a dollar each on red and black. If you make zero in the first 10 trials than you can make at least 42 dollars and there are high chances of occurring zero after 30 spins and that would generate revenue of more than 170 dollars.

Step 5

Place a dollar each on both red and black and this time place 8 chips of a dollar on the zero. Scoring a zero in the first 10 trials would give you sixteen dollars. There are very less chances of scoring zero in first few spins. What I have researched is that I did not encounter 0 in 60 trials and had scored zero 3 times in just 15 trials after the first 60. I won two times but lost the third time. If I could have easily made $300 and you can make it too.

Last step

This is the “guru mantra” when it comes to internet roulette. Place a dollar each on both red and black and start with two dollars on green zero. Double the amount of bet on green zero after every 10 trials and you would encounter zero within first 60-70 trials you would end roulette every time with a profit. I always do 70 trials on zero and double the bet after every 10 trials.

If you follow this guideline than you are surely going to win and if you have lost than you have not implemented properly what I have told above or you are too misfortunate.

Additional tips for winning roulette casinos while you not playing online

1. Keep eyes on the table

If you have been playing for long than remember what numbers, colors a particular table hit mostly. Keep track of your previous score and it will help you predict colors and numbers for next rounds.

2. There is nothing that cannot be mastered. Get a table at home and play roulette and when you get the clear idea which number is most likely to come, than start playing roulette at casinos.

3. Take what you have won. You commence gambling by $10 after sometime you have made $40, than you know it is time to quit as you have already made 300% of what you have invested and it is too much. Do not be too greedy if you have some luck some attempts.

4. There are 2 types of tables at roulette. American and european roulette table do not play on the american table as they have 00 in addition that decrease your probability of winning. There are chances of 1/37 while playing european casino and 1/38 while playing american casinos.

5. If you are playing online, go to some repudiated place as they are many people who try to scam you. Play where they generate a random number.

6. It is not a new one and it is not a slot machine so some tables are very likely to generate some particular even or odds.

7. I have experienced it personally that multiple of 5 are the most uncommon numbers to hit on roulette.

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Mit meinem system ist es möglich beim online roulette zu gewinnen!

Hätte ich zuvor nicht bei bekannten und angesehenen online casinos gearbeitet, wäre es für mich unmöglich gewesen geld zu verdienen beim online roulette. Genau genommen gewinne ich fast jeden tag dank eines "bugs", den ich als computerspezialist in der roulette software gefunden habe, und lebe mein leben mehr als gut dadurch, dass ich endlich finanzielle freiheit habe.

Die methode wurde von mir getestet und ist absolut todsicher.

Allerdings habe ich monate und viele schlaflose nächte damit verbracht die fehler in der software herauszufinden, um eine methode zu entwickeln, die die roulettebanken einiger online casinos sprengt und es stellte sich heraus, dass meine methode in 97% der fälle funktioniert und daher sehr sicher ist!

Mit der anwendung meiner kinderleichten methode kannst du am tag zwischen 400 und 500€ nur durch online roulette verdienen.

Es ist möglich deutlich mehr zu gewinnen, aber es ist besser NICHT zu gierig zu sein.

Mittlerweile lebe ich seit 4 jahren ein gutes leben durch online roulette und habe mein mickriges gehalt von einstigen 1900€ im monat als computerspezialist auf das 5 fache steigern können.

Es hat mein leben verändert. Ich bin nicht reich, aber ich es geht mir finanziell sehr gut und ich kann mir alles leisten, was ich möchte ohne nach zeitvorgaben arbeiten zu müssen, wie ich es zuvor als "angestellter" tat.

Ich generiere konstant unglaubliche gewinne und am allerwichtigsten, die casinos die ich nutze, zahlen sofort ohne verzögerung.



Übereinstimmed mit der reihenfolge der 36 zahlen im roulettekessel und kontinuierlichen tests der software algorithmen, habe ich herausgefunden, dass ich oft sehr einfach durch das simple spielen einer spezifischen kombination von zahlen gewinne; immer die gleichen und diese ändern sich NIE!

Zudem ist diese methode sehr einfach und deshalb auch geeignet für spieler, die noch keine experten sind. Eine wichtige und grundlegende sache ist, dass dieses system nur mit dem europäischen oder französischen roulette funktioniert, NICHT aber mit dem amerikanischen roulette, das zwei nullen hat.

Ich berichte euch jetzt von meiner gewinnmethode

Es werden (9) chips (horses) auf folgende zahlen gesetzt:

5/8 6/9 10/11 13/16 14/17 23/24 27/30 31/34 33/36

Ich warte bis (3) DREI mal hintereinander (spins) keine der oberen zahlen gewinnt und dann fange ich an zu setzen. Wenn ich verliere, dann verdoppel ich einfach bis ich gewinne und dann starte ich wieder von neuem.

Beachtet, dass manche online casinos verlangen, dass man für einen spin etwas setzt. In diesem fall setzt ihr einfach einen chip auf rot und einen auf schwarz . Komplett risikofrei.

Du denkst dir vielleicht: ist das alles? Ja. Das ist alles. Sehr, sehr einfach.

Aber leider funktioniert meine methode nicht in allen online casinos (ich habe es selber schon mit verlusten ausprobiert) aber NUR und EXKLUSIV in den folgenden:

Allerdings ist nachdrücklich empfohlen, dass ihr aufhört zu spielen, wenn ihr etwa 500€ in einer session im jeweiligen online casino erspielt habt.

Es ist besser, das casino zu wechseln und nach einigen tagen zurück kommen, um noch mehr und mehr zu gewinnen.

Ich gebe nun meine erfolgreiche roulette methode kostenlos preis und lade deshalb andere dazu ein von ihr zu profitieren, aus dem einzigen grund, um zu vermeiden, dass ich entlarvt (und als kunde gebannt) werde, da ich der einzige bin, der immer und immer wieder mit der gleichen methode in den oben genannten casinos gewinne.

Es ist tatsächlich schon einmal passiert bei einem dieser casinos, ich spiele allerdings mit neuem nickname und registrierungs ID mit dem namen meiner frau weiter (und verdiene geld. ).

Ich möchte niemanden dazu überreden mit meinem system roulette zu spielen, aber sollte jemand enttäuscht sein von den ganzen pseudo-systemen und einen weg suchen, verluste aufgrund solcher systeme wieder auszugleichen, dann kannst du dich heute SEHR GLÜCKLICH schätzen auf diese webseite gekommen zu sein. Verschwende keine zeit.

Suche dir eines der obengenannten casinos aus und registriere dich jetzt kostenlos für einen echten account.

Im übrigen, wenn du deine erste einzahlung tätigst, frag nach dem üblichen GRATIS willkommensbonus. Damit spielst du mit deren geld, während deines sicher bleibt .

Noch einmal: nach deiner einzahlung, benutz das geld des casinos, NICHT deins!

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The Big Number Trick at Roulette, internet casino roulette trick.

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The Big Number Trick at Roulette, internet casino roulette trick.


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Roulette tips to win

The Big Number Trick at Roulette, internet casino roulette trick.

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For many people, when casinos are mentioned, they immediately think of the glamorous world of monte carlo and the rich and famous enjoying traditional table games in that refined setting. And the game that most people associate with that casino lifestyle is roulette – with all the roulette bonus options that come with it.

Like all good games, roulette is very easy to understand but still retains the sophistication of the numerous hollywood films it stars in. And unlike some other popular casino games, learning how to bet is simple too. There aren’t any technical terms or complicated betting systems – at its very simplest you just choose what number that little ball will land on. Of course, there is more to it than that but it is a very easy game to start to play. But that is not to say that you can’t pick up some roulette wheel tips and tricks. Let’s teach you how to win at roulette!

Tips on roulette betting

Although roulette is a game of chance you can give yourself a better chance of winning if you follow a strategy when it comes to what you bet on and how much. Newcomers will tend to concentrate on their lucky numbers and although that can work as part of a strategy – or just as a stroke of beginner’s luck – if you want to win more often than not you will have to have a better plan.

The basics

For any complete novices out there, a roulette wheel is made up of 37 numbered pockets (or 38 if you are playing american roulette – and as an initial piece of advice you shouldn’t, as it decreases your chances of winning!). Half of these numbers are coloured red and half are black with the ‘0’ pocket green. A small ball is introduced when the wheel is spinning and players must predict where the ball will land.

Betting chips are placed on a betting table on the corresponding number, colour or section of the wheel giving fixed odds of the outcome. Players play against the house (or casino) rather than against the other players.

A croupier places the ball in the wheel – or in the case of an internet-based game a random number generator will produce the outcome. The roulette tips to win we will be sharing here work with either so you can count these as online roulette tips and tricks too.

One very important point you should understand right from the start though is that even if you become some sort of roulette expert , the house will always end up winning most of the time!

The Big Number Trick at Roulette, internet casino roulette trick.

Roulette strategies

When it comes to roulette tips to win there are basic rules you should follow – such as never bet more than you can afford to lose and don’t chase losses. There is no guaranteed winning system so don’t expect to learn how to win every time. But if you use some of these roulette tips to win you might be able to minimise your losses.

There are a number of well-known strategies that can be followed if you want to regulate your betting and we are going to take a look at a few of them here.

Easy to understand roulette betting tips

One of the most well-known systems when it comes to betting on roulette is the martingale strategy. It is a very simple doubling up betting system. For example, if you start off by betting £10 on red and it comes in black, double your next bet to £20 on red. You need to keep on doing this until it lands on a red and this will cover your losses. The only thing to think about before embarking on this strategy is whether you have enough money to lose before that first winning spin.

Another strategy that is good for more wary players is one known as the paroli system. Here you make an initial bet of say £10 and if it loses you repeat the stake for the next spin. When your bet wins you double your stake for the next game and so on. If you then win three games in a row you should return back to your original stake. The thinking behind this system is that your luck will run out so it reigns in any outlandish bets before you get carried away.

Being organised is a good trait when it comes to roulette. Another one of the roulette betting tips that uses this to good effect is the la bouchere system. Here you decide how much you want to win – let’s say 30 chips – and split the amount into sections: 4, 8, 6, 4, 6, 2. You take the numbers on the outside – here it would be 4 and 2 – and add them together to make your stake. You then bet on one of the 50:50 outside bets such as even. Repeat this until you have used all your chips. If any of the bets don’t win you add the total stake to one of the ends and bet as before. The system predicts that you should be able to end up with your desired amount of winnings. And that is when you leave the table before you discard the system and bet uncontrollably!

Tips for roulette online

The thing about these roulette tips to win is that they apply whether you are in a real-life casino or just playing online. As long as you are playing on a betting site that employs a random number generator the systems may be able to help you.

One way that you can ensure not to lose too much money – especially if you are playing online – is to concentrate on the outside bets. These bets only apply to boxes outside the numbered grid of the betting table and are for red or black, odd or even, or for groups of numbers either in rows or number bands. The odds are not as big but that means that there is more chance of winning.

The inside bets refer to the numbered grid and the intersections joining them. You will win more per stake if you gamble on these but they are less likely to come in.

Practice makes perfect

An advantage of playing roulette online is that you can also use the betting site’s offers to good effect. Depending on what site you sign up to as a customer account holder you should be able to get yourself an attractive welcome bonus. This means that you could head straight for the site’s roulette games – and there are bound to be quite a few to choose from – and use your free bets or bonus cash to start off with. You could start winning before you’ve even spent much of your own original money!

And most online sites will allow you to just play for fun first as well. Although you obviously won’t win any money this way it will give you a chance to get accustomed to the game – and the site – so when you think you are ready for the real thing you can put some of these other roulette tips to win to good use.

The Big Number Trick at Roulette, internet casino roulette trick.

Roulette tips and tricks

Make sure that you are playing in a reputable casino – or on a site that gives you a chance to win by having the random number generating software. In a real casino you may not be able to use the systems that cover all possible outcomes but with some practice, a disciplined approach and a little bit of what every roulette player needs – luck – you could find that it becomes your new favourite game.

Using roulette tips to win

As you can see, there are some very well known strategies and systems that are used, as well as some basic hints and tips, that will help you as you get into playing roulette, either in a real casino or online. But obviously, none of these are guaranteed to help you win big every time.

Playing sensibly and keeping to your own financial guidelines and limits will give you more of a chance to win at a steady rate and the more you play and practice, the better you will start to get a feel for the game.

Roulette is one of the most exciting sports in a casino and one that attracts a lot of players – physically or virtually. As long as you remember that the long shot bets are exactly that – long shots – you can hopefully put some of the strategies here into practice and use these roulette tips to win .

Even if you go on a bit of a losing streak you just need to remember that someone always wins – so why not you? Remember to play a steady game and it could be you leaving the casino with the money in the end!

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Best winning online roulette strategy

The Big Number Trick at Roulette, internet casino roulette trick.

Here we’ll discuss how to win roulette online. If you only want to know which roulette strategy works best for online casinos, see the cross reference roulette system. It’s the most effective roulette strategy that’s legal everywhere. The roulette computer devices at www.Roulette-computers.Com are even better but more designed for real casinos.

Just about every player asks for the best online roulette strategy that works (a winning roulette strategy or bet selection). Although playing roulette online at home is appealing, my first advice is that you will find real casinos more profitable. This is because you are able to win more without being detected, and you won’t have the hassle of needing multiple online casino accounts.

To play roulette professionally, see www.Rouletteadvantageplay.Com for the best winning system, and www.Roulette-computers.Com for hidden devices that predict spins.

With a reasonable roulette strategy for online casinos, you can learn how to win roulette online from the comfort of home, at suitable online casinos without needing an online casino bonus. And many of my players do this. I often say that the main issue faced by professional roulette strategy players is avoiding detection, because no casino will tolerate a consistent winner.

Some of my players have won close to $100,000 online in a very short space of time. In each case, it was done using large bets at a reputable casino, that is never reported to have refused payouts. Can you do this with $5 units, with the same account? Not likely, because your account will be restricted well before you win this amount.

The below video explains the recommended roulette strategy for bet selection:

Betting red, black, odds, evens and outside bet combinations

Basically outside bets don’t work, specifically because they are a deliberate randomization of the bets. So if you bet red or black, you cannot increase the accuracy of your predictions within one pocket accuracy, so you cannot beat roulette this way. There is one very rare exception but it involves covering zero too, although it is beyond the scope of this article. Betting 1-18 or 19-36 is really no different, same as highs or lows, the dozens (1-12, 13-24, 25-36). You can also include street bets, corners and so on. There are some exceptions where a combination of various bets can represent sectors of the wheel, and these are the only types of bets that can win. Any successful roulette strategy must cover specific areas of the wheel.

European (single zero) vs american (double 0)

An inexperienced gambler may think they have twice the chance of winning if there were two green pockets. It sounds unbelievable, but some players have said to me that they believe it to be true. The fact is the casino has twice the advantage over the player on an american wheel which has both single and double zero pockets. Where possible, you should always play on single 0 european roulette wheels, which have only one green pocket.

The betting tables are identical, with the exception of the additional double zero betting area. The payouts are also identical.

The difference between a roulette strategy and roulette system

Many players consider them much the same thing. But I consider a roulette system to be a method of bet selection. An effective roulette strategy is more your plan for everything else, including:

  • How you will cash in winnings without being detected

  • Your plan of attack: will you win fast and large, or slow and small for discretion.

There is much more to it, and the strategy that works best depends on the conditions you encounter. This article will discuss the best strategies specifically for online roulette.

The two best online casino roulette strategies

There are over 20 online roulette casinos that are suitable for professional roulette systems such as mine. But this is no comparison to the countless real bricks & mortar casinos spread throughout the world. You will infrequently share a roulette wheel with one of my players in a normal casino. But you will very frequently be sharing the same wheels with my players at online casinos. And the more winners that are on a particular wheel, the more likely the casino will notice that something isn’t right.

If you win too much, the casino will not allow you to continue one way or another. A dishonest casino will refuse payouts and recite obscure fine print in their terms of service that makes their behavior “legal”. An honest casino will make your life more difficult by applying a countermeasure, although unknown to them, it may not even be effective anyway. One way or another, you cannot openly win lots from the same account and expect the casino to do nothing to stop you.

Below are the two online roulette strategies that work best, ultimately so you can win the most:

METHOD 1 – slow discrete winnings, with multiple accounts: this is usually the preferred method, but it involves having multiple accounts. This way you can close an account after achieving significant winnings. But the problem is online casinos allow only one account per person. However, there are relatively easy ways around this, including:

  • Using another person’s account: many players are happy to loan you their account, for a split of the winnings. You can also find individuals in various countries who will setup an account for you, for as little as $50. You can find such people at freelance websites where people offer their services for everything and everything. But you need to be sure the target casino allows players from the correct jurisdiction.

  • Fake identification: this is quite common, although consider the legal ramifications of doing this. Generally though, it is a victimless crime, and it is perhaps rather unlikely a prosecutor’s office will waste $50,000 or so of tax-payer’s money when there was no victim. The reality is written law and applied law are different things. While written law can be applied, very often if it isn’t because government resources must be prioritized. I’m not advocating this using fake ID – I’m just explaining common practise by players. If you take this option, it is entirely your responsibility.

The advantages of method 1 are that many online players can win from the same wheel. For example, there may be 5 of my players winning with my system on a particular wheel over a week period, and there may be 100 other players who use a losing system. This way the winning players blend in with the typical losing players. The casino will still overall profit, although not as much as they could without professional players exploiting the wheel.

The disadvantage of method 1 is winning takes longer for each individual. But at least the players don’t blatantly alert the casino staff to what’s going on.

METHOD 2 – large winnings in short spaces of time

This is a somewhat selfish strategy. It may be profitable for the individual, but it is not beneficial to multiple players who all attack the same wheel online. Basically you may play only once per month or so. First you identify when the wheel is most predictable, then play with large bets and a large bankroll. By the time the casino has evaluated your play, you will have made your winnings, and any countermeasures they apply wont matter, except to other players.

Some players have earned hundreds of thousands online this way, but at a cost to other players, because casinos became more vigilant with applying countermeasures that make winning more difficult. However, keep in mind the application of countermeasures is not a viable long-term strategy for casinos, because they usually slow down play, and this causes fewer bets to be made by the losing players. This in turn means the casino doesn’t earn as much.

So which is the most effective roulette strategy?

This depends on the conditions you encounter. For example, the ultimate roulette strategy for william hill would be to play in the short-term, because they are notorious for restricting accounts. If you play over the longer-term, they’ll ban your account before you can win a significant amount. But better still, don’t bother with william hill because they’ve probably banned more players than any other online casino. Reputable casinos won’t ban you like this. Instead, they’ll apply countermeasures. And if you haven’t properly evaluated the wheel each day, you won’t know about it until you’ve lost. Wheel evaluation is something I only reveal to my players though. And to further explain which strategy is best for individual conditions, I’ll write separate articles.

Rapid roulette is also a very useful option for avoiding detection, and also allows you to place roulette bets quickly without interference.

Managing your bankroll

No money management is going to profit you unless your system for bet selection is effective in the first place. And by effective, I mean that it increases the accuracy of predictions. But bankroll management can help you sustain play longer. For example, while the chips are down, bet lower and you can stay at the table longer. If you are clearly profiting, then you can afford to play with the casino’s money. Be very careful of betting progressions where you vary bet size after wins or losses because you can end up blowing your bankroll very quickly if you hit a losing streak.

The worst systems

Let’s be honest. Most websites preaching tips to win roulette are written by people wanting to promote online casinos. And they’ll give you the worst advice that will lose you money. The only way you’ll win in the long term is with sheer luck.

Some of the worst but most popular systems include:

The martingale: this is basically doubling up on losses.

The fibonacci: this is where your bet size is the sum of the previous two bets, assuming you lost on the previous spin.

Among other losing systems include the labouchere. There are too many to name, and they often have one thing in common – they don’t even attempt to predict the winning number on the wheel. They are also usually high risk betting strategies that don’t even consider basic rules of roulette such as the payouts. They don’t take into account croupier behavior, ball bounce, scatter or anything that is actually important.

Gambling vs professional betting strategies

Gambling is when you bet without any defined strategy. Whether you profit or lose depends on luck. And when you gamble, your money if gradually lost due to the house edge. An ineffective betting strategy is no different to random bets on the table. And although the betting logic may make sense in your mind, the patterns may be an illusion. So I always advise properly testing the working principles of your betting strategy.

The best types of bets

The two main types are inside bets and outside bets. Inside bets include single-number bets and splits. Outside bets include colors, dozens, streets, highs and lows, odds and evens, and columns.

You simply cannot win roulette with outside bets. So if you base a system on say a dozen, losing in the long term is a mathematical and scientific certainty.

Neighbor bets are a much better option because the numbers you bet on are physically next to each other on the wheel, hence the word neighbors.

If you check our page explaining the mathematics of roulette, you’ll understand the house edge for any of the bets are the same. There are some bets with better odds of winning, but they all have the same house edge. It’s the same case for american roulette or european roulette.

Should you use progression bets?

Progression bets are when you increase or decrease the amount you wager, based on whether you’ve had wins or losses. This doesn’t increase your chances of winning because roulette spins are independent events. One spin is not related to the next, at least in the way most players think. So a bet staking plan based on progression wont at all change the odds of winning. The progression sequence of betting only changes the amount you risk on an individual spin.

You can confirm the concept by analyzing past spin results from real wheels. Never test your strategy by first betting real money.

Best casinos to win roulette online

There are more online casinos than you’ll ever play at, but presently around 20 wheels. This is because many casinos use the same video footage of wheels, provided by companies such as netent. See the articles about the best live roulette casinos, which use real wheels to bet on. I don’t list all of the live roulette casinos, but they aren’t hard to find. I’ve only listed the most reputable ones that have never refused payouts, at least that I’m aware of. Before you invest time and risk real money playing, take some times to ensure the casino doesn’t have a reputation of payout refusal. There are many dishonest casinos – even some of the big names, including william hill.

Top 7 online roulette real money casinos [2020] | spin the wheel

#1 ignition casino

Ignition is one of the leading names in internet casinos, amongst all games, not just the game you’re currently interested in. If you want to play roulette online for real money, this is going to be one of your very best bets. This is a website that offers many types of betting options to its players, in addition to allowing each user to play for free. You can place inside bets on specific numbers, outside bets on the area outside of the table. The website boasts many wonderful promotions, easy access to the withdrawal of your funds, as well as a dedicated customer support service team that is available at all hours of the day. Designed for US players, ignition casino is one of the top names in internet casinos. If you want to spin the roulette wheel, you can’t go wrong choosing ignition. Also, if you need some extra cash check out the best payday loans online.

Harrah’s casino

Harrah’s casino is another one of the leading names in casinos, both on the internet and offline. Like many of the top names in casinos, they offer a wide variety of bonus promotions that are sure to increase your enjoyment of playing roulette, dedicated customer support ensuring that your playing experiences go as smoothly as possible, and then. Many different variations of roulette to ensure that your online roulette real money game never gets old. Harrah’s has been in operation since the 1970s and ever since into breaking the online casino market, they have transferred their quality of casinos to the sphere of the world wide web as well. The games that are offered by this casino are some of the most professionally run in the entire sphere of internet gaming.


In comparison to established names such as harrah’s and caesar, royalpanda is a relatively new upstart in the realm of internet gaming. However, despite being newer, royalpanda is every bit as worthwhile of a place to play roulette online real money as some of the more established options. Spinning the roulette wheel at royalpanda is every bit as rewarding as spinning it in a dedicated real-life setting. American roulette is one of the hardest games to get right, yet, royalpanda are managing to perfect it in a very short amount of time. Like the more established places that let you play roulette online, royalpanda offers very competitive promotions, customer service that is dedicated and is always there for players and quick withdrawals, ensuring that the player is always able to access their money in very short order. It is very easy to find an online roulette game here, as there are always people playing.

Although it can be difficult to find the type of game that is the best suited for you, this is truly a casino that you can’t go wrong recommending to anyone that is interested in this style of internet gaming. With this information, you should have no problem finding the type of casino that will provide you with the maximal joy and hopefully see to providing you with some of the greatest benefits within other areas as well. Have fun with your real money online roulette game!

Roulette tricks: so verschaffst du dir einen vorteil!

The Big Number Trick at Roulette, internet casino roulette trick.

Strategien und systeme für beliebteste glücksspiel der welt gibt es viele. Doch was ist mit legalen und illegalen roulette tricks? Von erlaubten strategien wie dem kesselgucken bis hin zu eindeutig kriminellen handlungen wie dem verwenden von magnetischen kugeln oder dem trickbetrug mit unterschiedlichen jetons haben wir uns die ganze bandbreite der roulette tricks mal angesehen.

Legale roulette-tricks


Kein trick, sondern vielmehr eine hohe kunst, die jahrelange erfahrung und übung braucht, ist das kesselgucken. Hierbei berechnet der spieler anhand des einfallwinkels der kugel und der geschwindigkeit des kessels das wahrscheinlichste feld. Da dennoch die streuung ein paar weitere felder betragen kann, wettet man auch auf die benachbarten zahlen.

Der deutsche christian kaisan ist einer der bekanntesten kesselgucker der welt. Doch auch er ist sich bewusst, dass die fetten jahre vorbei sind. Die kessel drehen sich immer schneller, und viele spielbanken erlauben keine späten einsätze mehr. Das braucht ihn persönlich nicht mehr zu stören, denn er hat in 20 jahren millionen gewonnen und seine schäfchen ins trockene gebracht. Wenn du dich dennoch für diese technik interessierst, dann haben wir für dich eine kleine einführung in das kesselgucken auf unserer seite.

Strategien und systeme

Seit jahrhunderten beschäftigen sich wissenschaftler und gelehrte mit den wahrscheinlichkeiten beim roulette. Dies macht auch vor strategien und systemen nicht halt. Am bekanntesten sind sogenannte progressive strategien wie das martingale-spiel.

In der theorie ist das eine tolle sache. Wenn man verliert, verdoppelt man – bis man wieder gewinnt und die vorherigen verluste wieder drin hat. Klingt nach einem unschlagbaren system, doch leider hat man hier die rechnung ohne den wirt gemacht, wie meine oma immer sagte. Denn es gibt in jedem casino ein tischlimit. Wenn es also richtig schlecht läuft, stehst du mit einem totalverlust da.

Besser sind systeme wie das paroli-spiel. Hier setzt man ebenfalls auf einsatz-erhöhungen. Allerdings ist das risiko deutlich abgeschwächt, und man kann länger spielen.

Ganz egal, welche strategie du auch verwendest: bei allen gibt es einen sogenannten negativen erwartungswert. Du wirst also auf lange sicht keinen gewinn machen, weshalb diese strategien als roulette tricks nichts taugen.

Systemfehler ausnutzen

Unter systemfehler verstehen wir gerade bei glücksspielen fehler, die so vom system nicht vorgesehen sind. Ein neueres wort hierfür wäre bug. Fast alle casino-spiele werden intensiv vor der veröffentlichung getestet – sowohl von dem hersteller selber als auch von externen test-instituten. Dennoch kann es sein, dass während der entwicklung bestimmte funktionen von den programmieren eingebaut wurden, um zum beispiel verschiedene funktionen auszuprobieren.

Ein bekanntes beispiel war eine roulette-variante des in deutschland sehr beliebten herstellers merkur. Doch dieser ist natürlich bereits behoben, und die wahrscheinlichkeit, im netz andere systemfehler zu finden, geht gegen null.

Da man selber nichts manipuliert, ist dies nach der auffassung einiger kein illegaler roulette-trick. Jedoch zeigt die erfahrung, dass die meisten casinos meistens selber schnell realisieren, wenn ein spiel nicht wie vorhergesehen funktioniert. Solltest du mit einem solchen systemfehler gewinn gemacht haben, so wird dir meistens dein gewinn NICHT ausgezahlt.

Ungeachtet der rechtlichen lage würden wir dir von systemfehlern abraten. Profitieren kannst du aber dennoch. Warum kontaktierst du nicht dein online-casino und fragst freundlich an, was diesem es denn wert wäre, wenn du ihnen einen systemfehler berichtest? Die meisten anbieter werden dir unserer erfahrung nach einen großzügigen bonus oder sogar echtgeld-guthaben schenken.

Bei artikeln zu angeblichen systemfehlern beim roulette würden wir dir zudem zur vorsicht raten. So gehört zum beispiel die 18-18-taktik ganz klar ins reich der märchen, weshalb wir gar nicht erst auf diese verlinken. Denn artikel über angebliche systemfehler und geheime roulette tricks werden meistens nur geschrieben, um naive spieler dazu zu verleiten, sich bei bestimmten casinos anzumelden. Doch dazu weiter unten mehr.


Dieser roulette-trick funktioniert garantiert. Bei der anmeldung in einem online-casino erhältst du teilweise sogar ohne einzahlung kostenloses bonusguthaben. Und mit diesem kannst du echtes geld gewinnen – ganz ohne risiko. Die besten angebote für spieler aus deutschland findest du hier.

Roulette tricks: wir fassen die erfolgreichsten tipps zusammen

Suchen sie nach tricks für online roulette? Sie spielen gerne online casino und brauchen tipps für online roulette? Wir geben ihnen roulette tricks für das roulette spielen in casinos. Um das roulette system zu knacken, braucht man eine gute strategie um geld zu gewinnen. Deshalb haben wir die besten strategien getestet und zwar sowohl in der spielbank, als auch im online casino. Erfahren sie jetzt, welche strategie sich als die beste herausgestellt hat.

Was ist der cleverste roulette trick und wie wende ich ihn an? Wir beantworten die wichtigste aller fragen

Mit unseren roulette tricks erhältst du strategien (sie können sie auch auf einem deutschen online-casino verwenden). Wir haben nicht nur einen testbericht für roulette tricks ausgewertet, sondern eine runde nach der anderen selbst gespielt um dich ganz einfach gewinnen zu lassen. Du musst nur auf die zahlen setzen, unsere roulette tricks anwenden und hast du jede menge chancen deine gewinne zu maximieren. Um ein erfolgreicher spieler zu werden, gibt es viele roulette tipps und tricks, die wir dir zusammen stellen um deinen einsatz zu gewinn zu machen.

Die roulette strategie als katalysator ihres gewinnes. So kommen sie schnell und effektiv zu mehr geld

Falls du neu im game sein solltest, haben wir hier ein paar roulette tipps für anfänger. Casino roulette hat immer die gleichen regeln, die gleichen roulette tricks und keine anderen als das herkömmliche roulette. Man sollte sich ein wenig damit beschäftigen und schon hast du keine probleme mehr live zu spielen, nachdem dem du dich angemeldet hast. Top spieler setzen nach verschiedenen roulette strategien, die wir dir im folgenden erklären. Setzt man eine kugel auf rot, zahl, null oder schwarz, je nach roulette setzstrategie kann man mehr gewinnen oder kann seinen gewinn sogar verdoppeln. Mit etwas glück und einem guten instinkt am tisch, gewinnt auch der anfänger schon beim ersten spiel beim online roulette und kann so euro nach euro gewinnen.

Einige roulette tipps für ihre individuelle spielweise. So finden sie heraus, welcher spielertyp sie sind

Es kommt ganz auf sie an. Beachten sie die online roulette tricks ohne bedenken und verlieren sie bei diesem spiel richtig viel cash. Wir haben roulette statistiken erstellt und ausgewertet um ihre chancen zu erhöhen. Lesen sie sich einfach die roulette tipps durch und finden sie heraus wie sie ihre gewinne erhöhen.

Das roulette system und seine feinheiten in wenigen schritten leicht und verständlich erklärt

Das european roulette unterscheidet sich nur minimal von anderen spielarten. Die roulette wahrscheinlichkeit ist sogar höher, hier geht der gewinn in die höhe mit unseren roulette tricks. Auf unserer seite hast du alle roulette tricks, die du brauchst. Finden sie das casino unter tausenden casinos und wenden sie unsere roulette tricks an, wir versprechen ihnen, sie werden nicht enttäuscht sein.

Wie sie ihre roulette gewinnchance erhöhen und vorsichtsmaßnahmen ergreifen, lesen sie im folgenden abschnitt

Es kann so einfach sein mit unseren roulette tricks viel geld zu verdienen und weniger arbeiten zu müssen. Die seriosität ist dabei eine wichtige bedingung, lesen sie deshalb sorgfältig die bedingungen bevor sie sich für ein online roulette entscheiden. Dabei ist es wichtig darauf zu achten, welche boni geboten werden, ob es freispiele gibt und ob das roulette system online oder offline zum download angeboten wird. Die offline variante ist sehr zu empfehlen, wenn sie einmal keinen internetanschluss parat haben.

Die effektivität dieser roulette tricks ist unbestritten

Unsere roulette tricks fanden sie richtig gut? Dann lesen sie doch auch andere artikel von uns.

Wenn sie weitere tolle angebote möchten, klicken sie hier

so, let's see, what we have: here I will explain a couple of interesting “tricks” to use at roulette. Mind you, these cannot give you a mathematical edge but they are fun to play and using my money management advice they might reduce the overall negative expectation of the game. At internet casino roulette trick

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