The biggest comp was a $100, 000 bill the guest earned but he spent $10, 000, 000 so that was no problem, slot casino host.

Slot casino host

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The biggest comp was a $100, 000 bill the guest earned but he spent $10, 000, 000 so that was no problem, slot casino host.

The biggest comp was a $100, 000 bill the guest earned but he spent $10, 000, 000 so that was no problem, slot casino host.

The biggest comp was a $100, 000 bill the guest earned but he spent $10, 000, 000 so that was no problem, slot casino host.

We often receive a lot of questions about casino hosts: how do i get one? How much gambling is expected to be considered a high roller? How much should i tip my host etc… if you are a new to the gambling world, a casino host is basically someone employed by the casino to take care and deliver various services to gamblers in order to please them and ensure they become regular patrons.

"the biggest comp was a $100,000 bill the guest earned but he spent $10,000,000 so that was no problem!"

The biggest comp was a $100, 000 bill the guest earned but he spent $10, 000, 000 so that was no problem, slot casino host.

Interview with an executive casino host

If you are a new to the gambling world, a casino host is basically someone employed by the casino to take care and deliver various services to gamblers in order to please them and ensure they become regular patrons.

We often receive a lot of questions about casino hosts: how do i get one? How much gambling is expected to be considered a high roller? How much should i tip my host etc…

We talked to a host who works in a major strip casino and she was kind enough to sit down with us and answer some of your questions regarding the job.

Note that, for privacy reasons due to her job that we can understand, she spoke on condition of anonymity so we will not mention where she works but it is one of the major casinos on the strip.

Lasvegasjaunt: in a few words how would you define a casino host?

Casino host: A casino host will usually try their best to please patrons of their casino and to fulfill any reasonable requests their customers might have. The casino host has the power to issue complimentary services (or “comps”) to players. Comps can range from complimentary meals, beverages, and show tickets right up to full accommodation in the hotel. A casino host develops a relationship with every level of gambler, from first-timers playing quarter slot machines to multimillion-dollar gamblers (a high roller).

LVJ: could you talk about your professional path that led to your position today? Or more generally how can one become a host? What schooling is needed to become one? What type of training do hosts get?

C.H.: I started working in the casino as a beverage server. Several years later, I moved to the hotel as a manager. I worked very closely with casino hosts managing their guest reservations. After a while I decided to apply for the host position. I was very well known in the casino and the manager hired me right away. There really isn’t any schooling one can get to prepare for the job. It’s more important to provide great customer service.

LVJ: as a player, how do i get assigned a casino host? What would be a minimum amount to gamble a day to get noticed by a host?

C.H.: every casino has their “criteria” to get assigned a casino host. Normally if a person plays slots for sereval hours a day during their trip, they would get a casino host. The table game amounts really range from casino to casino.

LVJ: as far as how casinos categorize players, is there such a thing as gambling range or minimums that could define a low roller, medium and high roller?

C.H.: definitely. A person who plays $5 a hand on blackjack for 30 minutes would not get assigned a host. They would need to play $200 a hand for at least 2 hours to receive a host. Same for slots, if a person puts $20 in a machine they will not receive a host. At my casino a low roller for table games would be a $25 bet on a table for 30 minutes. Medium would be $250 bet for two hours, and high would be $500 a hand for 4 hours. Slots low roller would be $100 spent in 30 minutes. Medium would be $500 spent over several hours and high would be $2,000 spent each gaming day.

LVJ: could you explain to us what “ADT” refers to and how do you estimate the amount of comps that a player can get?

C.H.: ADT is average daily theoretical. That is a number calculated not on how much money you win or lose, it’s calculated by how much money you cycle through the system. So for instance, if you put $100 in a machine and you win some money, then put more back in, then win some, the computer gives us a number at the end of your session and that number is your average. Each casino is different but hosts can comp up to a certain amount of that number.

LVJ: regarding the calculation of comps, what are the differences between slots and table games and how does that affect the amount of comps one player can expect?

C.H.: at my casino for tables we comp based on theo and loss, but it is very hard to earn a high theo on tables. We comp a lot more on slots. It’s very easy to have a higher average playing slots. Partly because the games on tables are somewhat controlled by the customer. The customers can pick or choose what cards they want to keep or throw away. Slots are completely random, so the casino has the advantage.

LVJ: how do you get paid? Is there some kind of commission based on a percent of what your guest spends, a one time payment for the guest showing up?…

C.H.: hosts are either compensated quarterly or yearly. At the beginnining of the year or quarter hosts are given a benchmark, a number that represents how much money they need to bring into the casino for that time period. If a host meets their goal they will receive a bonus. Casino hosts are also paid a yearly salary.

LVJ: is there such a thing as competition between hosts working fort the same property i.E. Trying to get the biggest gamblers assigned to them for bigger commissions/tips?

C.H.: yes most hosts are extremely competitive!

LVJ: people are sometimes confused on how much they should tip or take care of their casino host. What do you think are the good practices on that matter?

C.H.: I think it’s very nice when people want to tip, but a host should never “expect” it. We are paid a nice salary, so anything extra is just that….Extra.

LVJ: what is the difference between an “executive casino host” and a “casino host”? One of our readers heard that an executive casino host is for a higher player and can comp more freely than a casino host?

C.H.: an executive host does have higher players, and the comping ability is higher as well. That is correct.

LVJ: with the trend towards automation of comps (I.E the recent changes in comping drinks at the bars with tickets for video poker play) do you feel your job is on the way out for all but high rollers?

C.H.: no because there are a range of casino hosts and a range of players. The first position starting out in the host department is a junior host. They act as an assistant to the department and can make room reservations for guests or issue food comps. They will often help with special events while learning the in’s and out’s of being a host. Once they are officially promoted to casino host they will have the title “casino host”, and they will take care of the lowest qualified players. Notice I said qualified. Not everyone plays enough to receive a casino host. Then there are the executive casino hosts. They have the next level of players. Then there are senior executive casino hosts who have the next level players and finally there are player development hosts who have the highest level players in the casino. If there is a celebrity guest that plays at a casino, they will often be assigned directly to the general manager of the casino and not a host. Not every casino has the 4 levels of hosts but the bigger ones will.

LVJ: is it better to email or call our host?

C.H.: it depends on the host and the guest. I always tell my guest to contact me in whatever format they are comfortable with. A host should adapt to what the guest wants.

LVJ: what are the most difficult requests you have had, and the weirdest requests?

C.H.: the most difficult request was to book 20 rooms for a birthday and half the guests didn‘t play much but the main guest was a huge gambler. He wanted all the charges on all the rooms comped. That was a difficult conversation….

The weirdest request I had was to put up a christmas tree in my guests room before they arrived on christmas eve. I had been off for several days due to the holiday, and wasn’t due to come back to work until christmas night. Plus I lived 45 minutes away from work!

LVJ: what is the biggest comp you have provided to a guest?

C.H.: the biggest comp was a $100,000 bill the guest earned but he spent $10,000,000 so that was no problem!!

If you you have more questions about the job of a casino host or your relationship with them as a patron, please write them in the comment section below and we’ll try to do another interview soon!

A guide to las vegas casino hosts

The biggest comp was a $100, 000 bill the guest earned but he spent $10, 000, 000 so that was no problem, slot casino host.

What is a casino host? What exactly do they do and do I need one? And if so, should you tip a casino host and how much?

These are questions we often get asked by people planning to visit las vegas casinos, who have read about casino hosts on forums, heard about them from other gamblers, or of course, have watched the hit TV series las vegas in the past.

Here we'll answer those questions so that you're well informed on your next trip to the fabulous city of las vegas.

Casino hosts

A casino host is employed by a las vegas casinos to bring in players who will become loyal clientele on a repeat basis. As part of their job, casino hosts will try to make players as happy as possible, often seeing to it that any reasonable requests by certain players are fulfilled. Casino hosts therefore have the authority to offer their guests a variety of complimentary services from beverages to meals at various restaurants, show tickets and of course, full room and board at the hotel.

That said however, they do report to management and have to justify the giveaways, so don't expect to take advantage of endless offers, there are limits. Contrary to popular belief, casino hosts do not just see to "whales", and while they prefer these types of players for obvious reasons, they do develop relationships with all levels of players. After all, a beginner player who starts out small and spends conservatively may end up becoming a high roller in future.

The general rule however is that you need to be spending a decent amount of time and money at the casino in order to be officially assigned a host. So if you haven't been assigned one and feel that you're doing that and deserve one, then ask a casino staff member who the host on duty is and chat to them. Of course, you should still be polite in your request for their service at all times, even though it is their job and there is no minimum level of play required to secure host service ‐ and remember that host service doesn't necessarily mean comps, it just means host service. Bear in mind too that unless you're going to be playing at the casino they work for, they won't be able to do much for you.

Do I need a casino host?

If you're a low to mid roller and intend to visit a number of casinos on your trip to vegas, or just one but are not planning to gamble too often, then seeking out a casino host won't really help much.

If you're a player's club member at a specific casino, then you'll probably already be receiving the standard comp offers through their various communications and unless you're already receiving full room comps due to your players club rewards structure, you don't really need a host. But if a casino is consistently comping your room for your entire stay on a RFB basis and you still feel that you deserve more, then contact a host to discuss it, although if you're on their radar, you generally won't have to contact then as they'll be seeking you out first.

Out of interest, to give you an idea of what hosts are looking for in terms of specialized service and comps, at the las vegas aria, they require bets in the region of $150 per hand for around four to 6 hours per day ‐ so around $36k or around 3,000 slots points per day. Yes they are a high end casino and there are places where you'll get the same host service for your loyalty and spend between $5k or $10k will earn you the same host service, depending on the number of visits and daily play figures.

So all of the free stuff you get is actually paid for ‐ often way more than you think. This is because casinos are a business and as mentioned previously, hosts are accountable to management for what they give away, so it has to be justifiable and ultimately show a return to the house. This also makes their job very competitive and there is pressure to secure the repeat business and loyalty of valuable players, which means that if you're worth the effort they will ensure that as many of your requests as possible are granted to your satisfaction. So always examine where you spend the most time and money and chat to the hosts at that casino if there are any on hand.

Some people feel a bit uncomfortable about approaching a host to ask for service, but it is important to remember that it is their job to make players happy and secure loyal patronage. You don't necessarily have to be a high roller to work with a host as they are still available to assist with hotel and dinner reservations, getting show tickets or arranging activities with just a single e-mail, which can make them a great asset whether or not they offer comps.

Should I tip a casino host?

You will find a great deal of conflicting information on the various travel and player forums regarding this, with some saying that casinos hosts cannot accept tips but do welcome gifts in the form of chocolate, wine or the like.

So on our recent visit to las vegas last week, we chatted to our own host and a few at other casinos along the strip and the general consensus among them was that tips in cold hard cash were greatly and most appreciated. Although it should be noted that you should always be discreet in tipping your casino host this as it is not always permitted by the casinos, still it is welcomed. After all, how many chocolates and bottles of wine or gift hampers can these hosts really need each day? Cash on the other hand makes life way easier, so next time you're in vegas, tip your casino host for his/her service.

What are casino hosts?

The biggest comp was a $100, 000 bill the guest earned but he spent $10, 000, 000 so that was no problem, slot casino host.

Many casinos, especially the larger ones, employ a team of casino hosts whose sole job is to make players happy and assist them in getting the most out of their experience with the casino, within reason, and sometimes even beyond reason depending on the value of the player.

Casino hosts work for the marketing department of a casino, and marketing is what they do. The idea here is to develop relationships with higher value players so that they not only stay at your casino longer, they come back more often, and they hopefully play less or preferably not at all at competing casinos.

So as marketing agents, their role is to provide extra value, reasons to play with them, and these reasons go beyond the normal features of the casino or even the players club. Pretty much all casinos have a players club which reward players based upon their play, and casino hosts pick up where that leaves off and provide additional value, incentives, and special to very special treatment.

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The biggest comp was a $100, 000 bill the guest earned but he spent $10, 000, 000 so that was no problem, slot casino host.

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The biggest comp was a $100, 000 bill the guest earned but he spent $10, 000, 000 so that was no problem, slot casino host.

The biggest comp was a $100, 000 bill the guest earned but he spent $10, 000, 000 so that was no problem, slot casino host.

The biggest comp was a $100, 000 bill the guest earned but he spent $10, 000, 000 so that was no problem, slot casino host.

The biggest comp was a $100, 000 bill the guest earned but he spent $10, 000, 000 so that was no problem, slot casino host.

As a rule, casino hosts server higher value players, not necessarily the huge ones, the whales, but certainly players that the casino finds to be very desirable. How desirable does vary by casino, and it is probably easier to get assigned a casino host at a smaller casino or one that doesn’t tend to attract a lot of high rollers than at one of the higher end casinos on the las vegas strip, where your more modest play will get rewarded but won’t be enough to get the personal treatment a dedicated casino host can offer.

The higher your value as a player, meaning the more you bet in total, the better treatment you will get, and while this is true for all players really, where you can earn yourself things like discounts off meals or tickets at the casino resort, or even free meals or tickets if your play warrants it, or even be able to stay there for free, we’re talking bigger than that really, when having your meals and room comped doesn’t do quite enough for you and you deserve more.

So we’re talking fairly high rollers here generally, those who would typically use $100 black chips and up, and have a pretty good stack of them, and preferably a nice line of credit to buy more.

How you get assigned A casino host

Higher rollers at casinos often don’t bring money actually, they are given credit lines and are expected to pay back losses within a set period, depending on the arrangement.

Not surprisingly, this is a more effective way to part big players with their money as this tends to have them risking more than they perhaps would if they just brought a bankroll to play with.

Based upon how much of a credit line you get approved for, if it’s a worthy sized one, you may get assigned a casino host right off the bat, especially if we’re talking a real large sum here. The bigger players, the whales, who are good for a million or more a trip, don’t have to ask, casino hosts will aggressively pursue you if you are in this category, and the competition for these players is pretty fierce as you might imagine.

Other than that, as a rule if you are playing at a casino and wondering whether or not you merit being assigned a host, typically they will find you, not the other way around, and casinos are well on top of your play if you are in the players club, and you can bet that big enough play for this will not go unnoticed.

However, one is free to ask to be assigned a host if they feel like they may warrant one, and at some places more modest players may get treated to this extra service.

What casino hosts do

A casino host may be called upon to do a lot of things, with the lengths they are prepared to go for you, for the most part anyway, limited only by one’s imagination and one’s value to the casino.

They are there to assist you, that’s their only job actually, although keep in mind that they do report to the casino so they have to justify both their time and their spending the casino’s money to their bosses, so you have to be worthy of this special treatment.

To the extent that you are though, casino hosts can do anything from helping you book your dinner and show reservations, to just about anything. Some of the requests can be quite strange, like the player who had a fetish for urinating on walls, and so his host provided that opportunity to him as requested.

Sometimes casinos have special events where you have to be a VIP to even be invited, and the bigger vips get even better special treatment, such as things like ringside seats, or invitations to private parties.

If you’re worth it, you may be treated to one of those very expensive villas that you might see at a casino’s site, although it might be very difficult to impossible to book them, because they are often kept for these huge players to stay at for free as a token of the casino’s appreciation for their play.

Some of these accommodations run five figures a night, so you can get an idea of how big this stuff goes from that.

Given that casino hosts often actively recruit players, in addition to providing all they can at the casino, the hosts themselves may propose deals, such as an expensive trip to an exotic location, where the casino host himself or herself may accompany the player on and continue to take care of the player’s needs while they vacation together.

Of course any problem a player may have is sent to the casino host, who sometimes go a long way to resolving them. It doesn’t even matter if the request is reasonable or not, for instance one casino got in trouble with gaming authorities when it was discovered that they were permitting late bets from a player, the player felt that he deserved to make these late bets and he was important enough that even this sacred rule was broken for him.

There’s also a lot of babysitting that goes on with this job, especially given that some big players act in ways not considered appropriate, like throwing temper tantrums, and your job is to help keep them out of trouble and smooth things over as much as possible, because after all, these are valuable players.

Having a casino host though is definitely a very nice perk that will almost certainly make your stay at a casino better, and you get to decide what better means for the most part.

Casino hosts

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13 things your casino host won't tell you

The biggest comp was a $100, 000 bill the guest earned but he spent $10, 000, 000 so that was no problem, slot casino host.

Gamble enough in las vegas or other casino destinations and you’ll get a casino host. This person helps you with travel arrangements. She also offers perks like free rooms and meals.

If you have a host, take advantage of the situation. Use their services for whatever you need.

But a casino host won’t tell you everything.

1- which games offer the highest comps

The core of a casino host’s job is to get you to gamble as much money as possible. As long as they can get you to put as much money as possible into play, the casino advantage will eventually take the correct amount of it.

Good casino hosts know which games have the highest house edge and highest hold percentage. They also know which ones have the lowest. This information is usually directly tied to the level of comps you can get.

A casino determines a player’s comp level by how much the player is expected to lose. This is determined by the expected house edge on the game being played multiplied by the total amount wagered.

A player bets $100 per hand on blackjack. He plays 500 hands. His total amount wagered is $50,000.

With an expected win rate of 2%, the casino expects to win $1,000 ($50,000 X 2%).

The more money the player is expected to lose, the better for the casino host.

2- which games offer the lowest house edge

The casino host doesn’t want you playing the games with the lowest house edge. So they probably won’t tell you which ones have it.

It doesn’t matter which games have a low house edge if you don’t play them with the best possible strategy. But your host still wants you to lose as much as possible. They won’t steer you to better games.

3- they don’t have your best interests in mind

Your casino host doesn’t have your best interests in mind. Sure, they want you to have a good time, but only because people gamble more when they’re having fun.

Your casino host wants you to gamble as much as possible during your stay. Everything they do is directly related to this goal.

4- they don’t like you

Not every casino host dislikes every one of their customers. But the host isn’t your friend, and she doesn’t like you. Depending on your behavior, she might not dislike you, but don’t make the mistake of thinking she likes you – no matter how she acts.

The casino host’s job is to get you to gamble as much as possible.

Thinking your casino host is your friend? Try this little test:

Call your casino host – tell her you need to come to town on business but won’t have any time to gamble at all. Ask them what they can do for you or recommend for your stay.

If you drop thousands of dollars a year, you might still get a room. The casino doesn’t want to risk losing your future play. But even this has limits.

And if they do comp your stay in this situation, expect them to encourage you to gamble.

5- they don’t care about your stories or your family or your business

Casino hosts listen to your stories and look at the pictures of your kids or pets. But they don’t really care.

Their job is to make you think they care enough to get you to start gambling.

6- nothing in the casino is free

The free drinks, meals, rooms, and flights aren’t really free. They’re paid for out of your expected losses. The casino tells you all of these things are free. They want you to be grateful that they’re taking care of you.

Take the blackjack player who’s expected to lose $1,000 per 500 hands played. He comes to the casino and plays 5,000 hands four times a year. His expected loss for every trip is $10,000. He will have a winning trip every now and then. But on average the casino will have their percentages figured correctly.

The casino knows the player is going to lose an average of $10,000 every time he comes. They also know they can afford to give him thousands in “free” things and still make lots of money.

How much does a round trip flight, hotel room for a week, five buffet comps, and four or five nice meals cost?

7- everything you get is directly tied to how much you play

Your casino host might hint at this if you aren’t playing enough. But they don’t like to come straight out and say you have to play a certain amount up front.

If you want more comps you probably need to play more. You’ll see exceptions to this rule, but for the most part, what you get from your casino host is directly tied to how much you gamble.

8- if you don’t ask you won’t get

Many players don’t ask their casino hosts enough questions. Your host will probably take care of your meals and room if you play enough. But you really have no idea how much more you may be able to get. If you don’t ask you’ll never know what you might get.

Want to see the grand canyon or the blue man group? Ask if your host can help.

What about a trip to the spa for your spouse?

You don’t even have to ask for monetary value things. Sometimes information can be valuable. Your host should either have a great deal of information or be able to access it.

9 – you can get a better deal at other casinos

Your casino host doesn’t want you to consider another casino. She doesn’t even want you to start thinking about talking to another host.

You should shop your play as much as possible. Get as much in return for your play as you can.

10- you can get an upgrade for $20

$20 is an arbitrary amount. But often you can get a room upgrade for a small amount of extra money. Has your casino host arranged for a room?

Ask her how much you would have to pay to get an upgrade.

11- when you’re just short of a big upgrade or perk

Unless you track your play (which you should do) and know how the casino determines the amount of your comps (almost impossible to find out), you won’t know where you are on the scale of players at the casino. The bigger the player, the more you can get, but there’s always a line separating one level of play from another.

If you’re just a few thousand short of the next level of player it would be nice to know so you could play a little more.

A smart casino host may let you know when you’re close, but most of them won’t. If they do tell you, make sure you know exactly how much more you need to play and what you will get in return. You don’t want to lose twice what it would cost you to buy the same perks.

12- when you’ve had too much to drink

Why do you think casinos offer free drinks to players?

The more you drink, the more you gamble.

Because your casino host wants you to play as much as possible, she’s more likely to order you another drink than tell you it’s time to stop.

13- where to find a new casino host

The casino host business is competitive. Hosts protect their clients fiercely. If you start thinking about finding another host, don’t tell your current host.


Playing enough to have a casino host and getting perks from the casino feels great. But you still need to make sure you’re watching out for your best interests.

The casino host wants you to play as much as possible. Everything she does is done with this ultimate goal in mind. Remember this. You should be able to take advantage of their services and have a good time along the way.

How to get the most from your casino host

The biggest comp was a $100, 000 bill the guest earned but he spent $10, 000, 000 so that was no problem, slot casino host.

Spend enough time gambling in casinos and eventually a guy in a suit will approach you. He’ll slip you his business card and ask if you need a room or dinner or tickets to a show. It will all be comped. That seemingly generous person is a casino host. His job is to divvy out free stuff that will induce you to come back and gamble some more.

The nature of his largess – which can range from a gratis dinner at the buffet to a ride home on the casino’s private jet – is based on how much money you risk. Just as there are ways of winning at games, there are ways of outsmarting hosts. Follow these slightly sneaky but perfectly legal gambits and you’ll be beating the house out of rib eyes and lobster tails in no time.

Reputation is everything

If you are known as a big gambler in one casino, hosts at competing casinos will be happy to treat you as a high roller before you wager your first dollar. “let’s say you gamble your ass off at the mirage and attain a high level of status but don’t ordinarily risk that much money,” says steve cyr, super-host at the recently opened westgate hotel & casino in las vegas and subject of the book whale hunt in the desert.

“other casinos will be willing to match that status and give you comps [free rooms, meals, whatever] upfront. You can hit every casino in town, let them check out your action, take advantage of the comps, and stiff them on the gambling.” of course, you can do that only once, but if there are enough gambling joints around, you can look forward to a few fun months of exploiting casino good will.

Look like a loser

Casino executives like to say that they don’t care whether you win or lose. “they definitely care,” says max rubin, author of comp city, a guide to getting exemplary treatment from casinos. “they love losers and if you look like one, you will get more comps than a winning player gets.” rubin’s method for achieving this is simple: surreptitiously pull chips off of the table and squirrel them away in your pocket. Then buy-in for more chips.

“let’s say you buy-in for $1,000 with the intention of making $50 bets,” rubin says. “if you make $50 bets for 10 hours, without a significant loss, you will receive about $60 in comps. But if you can hide $300 per hour and play for 10 hours, it will look like you lost $3,000.” generally speaking, that kind of loss will earn you $300 in comps. Rubin suggests playing at a crowded table and pocketing the chips (a move known as "rat holing") when the dealer and pit-boss are not looking. “gin up some serious losses and you’ll get nice freebies because the casino will think you’re an idiot.”

Arrive and depart in style

If you normally bet $50 per hand but sometimes go as high as, say, $200 per hand, open with the big bet and close with it as well. “dealers only have a hand or two for a reference point of your average bet,” rubin says. “so begin with a big bet and announce it. Make sure the pit boss hears you. He’s entering information on you into the computer when you play that first hand, so you want him to know what you’re betting. After he puts in your details, he’ll have other things to do and won’t be paying much attention.”

When you finish, says rubin, make a big show of your last bet and raise it nice and high as well. “then take your chips, cash them in, and find another table in a different part of the casino. You do it all over again, and you’ll spend the weekend looking like a $20,000 gambler when, in reality, you only had a couple thousand on you.”

Play with "promotional chips"

Gamble high enough and long enough, and you will eventually receive the ultimate perk: free money. These come in the form of so-called promotional chips. To woo desirable players, casinos give our free chips. You walk in, present the offer you most likely received in the mail, and get, say, $500 worth of chips that cannot be cashed but only played. It’s known as a free roll. “guys will capitalize on several of these offers around town.”

Says cyr: “they go to each casino, play the promotional chips, and then leave without ever digging into their pockets.” start off winning, and you have the opportunity for a sweet score with no risk. If you lose, who cares? You did it with the house’s money. “of course,” cyr points out, “most gamblers are such degenerates that they come in here with that plan in mind but ultimately can’t help themselves. I had one guy tell me he was only going to use the promo chips; then he lost and wound up blowing $6,000 of his own money."

Know your do's and don'ts:

In the game of craps, there are two ways to bet. Most players bet "the do", which is wagering on players to win. But some who bet "the don’t", which is a wager that the house will win. A good way to get big comps while taking virtually no risk is to show up with a partner and make identical bets both ways. When the don’t wins, the do loses, and vice versa.

“you find a crowded table and each bet the opposite way,” says rubin. “almost always, the bets will cancel each other out. In the end, you put the money together and both end up pretty close to even while looking like big gamblers.” rubin hesitates for a beat and brings us back to resembling a loser:

“but you’ll both look like you blew a lot of money because you’ll be pulling chips off the table and putting them in your pocket. With tens of thousands of dollars being wagered on a busy craps table, nobody can keep track of what you and your buddy are doing.”

Casino host job description example

The biggest comp was a $100, 000 bill the guest earned but he spent $10, 000, 000 so that was no problem, slot casino host.

Casino hosts provides excellent service to players to get them to be loyal customers.

Casino host job description example

What does a casino host do?

The casino host provides varieties of services to casino players with the aim of converting them to regular and loyal customers of the casino.

His/her job description entails answering queries posed by casino player and resolving their complaints.

His/her role is to please the players and ensure compliance to casino rules, regulations, procedures and policies.

The players will of course have a number of in-house requests while playing and the casino host is expected to fulfill these requests, provided such requests are reasonable.

Most casinos usually empower the host to issue what is called complimentary services to any player; these include complimentary show tickets, beverages, meals, and also accommodation, provided the casino also has a hotel.

A casino host is expected to develop working relationship and good rapport with gamblers, irrespective of their particular level of gambling.

He/she is responsible for keeping first-timers under watch and serving them satisfactorily to ensure they come again; multimillion-dollar gamblers are also expected to be taken care of by the casino host.

The casino host work description also includes making reports of his/her activities and experiences on the casino floor to the marketing manager.

He/she is also treated as a member of the casino’s management, since his/her experience on the casino floor can help the firm in formulating procedures that will further promote its business interest.

He/she is almost always the first person the player will meet when they enter the casino and he/she must be able to nurture the businesses relationship of the casino with the players. This way, he/she will help enhance clients’ loyalty, which will help to maximize profit.

In the event that the casino is organizing any special event for the future, the host is expected to send invitations to the players on behalf of the casino.

He/she is expected to respond to all inquiries made by players regarding service provision issues.

He/she is expected to be knowledgably about the casino’s activities to enable him/her solve customer issues.

Other duties and responsibilities of the casino host include managing database of clients, and providing periodic reports to the marketing manager of the casino, as hinted earlier.

Issues beyond his/her ability are equally expected to be reported to the marketing manager.

The host is expected to be a highly courteous person, as well as having a sales-orientation. Needless to say, the casino host should possess excellent interpersonal skills and he/she should be a perfect communicator.

Teamwork skill is also a must to succeed as a casino host. Considering the prevailing circumstances at the workplace, he/she is expected to be a computer literate person.

Casino host job description example

The casino host plays important role in the running of a casino, as he/she performs various duties, tasks, and responsibilities for the success of the casino.

Here is a job description example that presents the major role of a host in a casino environment:

  • Market the services of the casino to existing and prospective players

  • Intimate the players on new games and programs, and events of the casino

  • Cater for the needs of the players while they are within the casino

  • Send emails or place calls to players to promote the image and services of the casino

  • Oversee the promotion and progress of the loyalty programs organized by the casino

  • Determine the level of comps to be given to any particular player

  • Oversee service delivery to the players

  • Ensure players are satisfied with the services provided by the casino

  • Listen to complaints and concerns of clients and get them resolved without delay

  • Book reservations for the casino’s valued customers

  • Coordinate all special events organized by the casino towards attracting new clients

  • Draft and distribute periodic or daily report to the casino’s management.

Casino host resume preparation

When preparing a resume for the job of casino host, you need to concentrate on presenting the kind of information employers are looking to see.

One of such information is your work experience, which you can present in your resume by adopting the sample job description shown above, with some modifications wherever necessary.

The functions of the casino host stated in the above work description are appropriate in making the job experience section of a resume for the position.

Requirements – skills, knowledge, abilities – for casino host role

To increase your chances of getting a job as a casino host, you will need to have the following abilities, skills, and knowledge, which form a major requirement by employers for the job that applicants must meet:

  • Education: it depends on the particular casino. While some insist on bachelor’s degree, some others do accept associate degree. However, there are some that accept high school diploma

  • Previous experience in casino environment is added advantage

  • Possess outstanding skills in communication, both oral and written

  • Possess a likeable and professional demeanor

  • Ability to work fast and meet deadlines

  • Ability to manage players and their needs

  • Possess computer literacy and ability to handle some important microsoft office packages

  • Ability to multitask and get several assignments completed within a short time

  • Possess jovial and positive outlook, which invariably rub off positively on clients.

Casino host skills for resume

Having a strong and compelling resume is important when searching for a casino host job as you will certainly have other applicants to contend with for the position.

The strength of your resume can determine if it’s going to be read or not, and if the hiring manager will give you an interview appointment or not.

Another section to pay attention to in making a strong resume is the skills section, which shows the employer the skills you have acquired to be able to perform excellently on the job.

To make the skills section for the casino host resume, you can easily apply the required qualities for the role stated above.

How did you find our casino host job description? We will like to hear from you. You can also share your job description and experience if you are presently working or have worked in the past as a casino host. Many thanks!

Casino host job description

The biggest comp was a $100, 000 bill the guest earned but he spent $10, 000, 000 so that was no problem, slot casino host.

If you enjoy working with the public in a fast-paced gaming environment, you may be well suited to be a casino host.

Casino hosts usually work within casino marketing departments and are mainly responsible for keeping high rollers and vips from gambling in other casinos that compete with their employers. Casino hosts, on behalf of their employers, offer an array of comps, such as free rooms and meals at the casino, that are meant to entice high rollers to come and gamble. But a large part of a host's job is forging lasting relationships with the casino's most valuable guests and catering to each of their specific needs.

Retaining high rollers

A large part of a casino host's job is initiating contact with guests that the casino identifies as being a high roller, or who has the potential to become one. Casinos large and small, from las vegas to local indian casinos, offer player loyalty programs that provide valuable marketing information about who is spending a lot of time or money in the casino. These are precisely the type of people that casino hosts will cater to with personalized service with the goal of keeping the player coming back. Moreover, casino hosts must form good relationships with co-workers who interact with players on a daily basis, such as dealers and pit bosses, as they can be an invaluable resource when it comes to satisfying players.

Issuing comps

Hosts must maintain a professional demeanor at all times and provide outstanding customer service. One of the primary ways that casinos cater to preferred guests is by offering comps. Comps typically include rooms at the property’s hotel, meals and access to VIP lounges.

It’s up to the casino host to ensure that players are comped appropriately. In other words, you’ll be responsible for determining what level of play warrants a complimentary night in the hotel’s best suite and which warrants a free buffet. Moreover, you also need to stay current on the types of comps that other casinos are offering players so that your employer doesn’t lose a loyal player to the competition. As a host, you may need to justify the cost of each player's comps to a marketing executive or other casino manager -- so you'll need to balance player retention with the cost of comps to the casino. Overall, part of your job is to ensure that the casino has a good chance of coming out ahead.

Day-to-day duties

Many casinos will have a number of hosts on duty 24/7 who are responsible for marketing and catering to players. The level of responsibility a casino host will have mainly depends on the particular property they work for, but typically, you'll spend your days emailing or calling players from the casino's loyalty program, determining the appropriate level of comps and overseeing that players are satisfied with them. Some employers may also have you booking the reservations for valued guests, coordinating special events meant to attract new players, resolving customer complaints and drafting and distributing reports to management.

Background & experience

Each casino has its own requirements when hiring hosts. Some require a degree, others value prior casino experience and some may even be willing to hire you without either. But generally, you can count on any combination of business experience, outstanding communication skills and a professional and likeable demeanor as the qualities casinos will demand.

Meeting a casino host

The biggest comp was a $100, 000 bill the guest earned but he spent $10, 000, 000 so that was no problem, slot casino host.

Jon feingersh/getty images

One of the most important members of the casino staff you will meet is the casino host. Establishing a good relationship with a host can save you hundreds of dollars. The job of a casino host is to cultivate relationships with players who will become loyal patrons to the establishment. The casino host has the authority to issue comps to players. Comps can range from free meals and show tickets up to full room and beverage.

The casino host reports directly to the marketing managers in most casinos. Marketing managers are constantly trying new ways to bring patrons into the casino. The host can help keep them coming back by assuring their needs are met while they are playing there. Casino hosts are outgoing and friendly individuals. They will try to accommodate the player's reasonable requests for comps. If you don't qualify for a particular comp they can suggest an alternative or let you know what you need to qualify for the comp you are requesting. They want to please the player but they also must be accountable to their bosses in the marketing department. A casino host also must have business sense and the ability to make difficult decisions involving the issuing of credit and the disbursement of comps.

Contact the host

Meeting a casino host is not difficult. You can talk to a host on the phone before you check into a casino or you can meet them once you are there. If you are planning to stay at a new casino you should call and ask to speak to a casino host before making your reservations. Introduce yourself and tell them you are planning to book a room and would like to inquire about their qualifications for the casino rate. You can tell the host what games or machines you play and what your usual betting levels are. In most cases, you can qualify for casino rate up front. The casino host can usually book the room at that time. You then get their name and tell them you look forward to meeting them upon arrival.

The most important thing you must do before dealing with a host in the casino is to make sure your play is getting rated. This means joining the player's club and using your card if you play the machines. Table game players will need to ask the pit boss to rate their play. If you are playing a table game you can tell the pit boss you would like to speak to a casino host.

How to get what you want

Once you meet the casino host, always introduce yourself. If you are looking for a comp you should ask the host if you qualify for a comp to the restaurant, show, or whatever else you are looking for. In the frugal gambler, jean scott states that by asking you are avoiding putting the host in an awkward situation if your play has not met the requirements for that particular comp.

If you have been staying at a casino, always make sure you contact a host before you check out. You may have enough play to qualify for free nights or at least a reduced rate. Many players who feel they didn't have much play are surprised to find out that they qualified for a free room. You don't know unless you ask!

Ask is what you should do. Never demand a comp of feel you should get something for nothing. The hosts will do their best to make your stay a pleasant one but they must be accountable to their bosses. Also, you should never abuse a comp. Some players will look at a restaurant comp as an invitation to order everything on the menu whether they want it or not. Don't be a pig. It will only come back to haunt you when you ask for a comp in the future.

Say thank you

Finally, remember that a host is a person with feelings. All of us like to be appreciated for our efforts. Be sure to thank your host for their hospitality. It's a nice gesture to send a written thank you note when you get home. You can even send a letter to the host's supervisor praising the fine job they do. Establishing a good relationship with a casino host can make your visit to the casino even more enjoyable.


The biggest comp was a $100, 000 bill the guest earned but he spent $10, 000, 000 so that was no problem, slot casino host.


Think of them as your gaming concierge! Our casino hosts are here to help you make the most of your visit to saratoga casino black hawk. Feel free to reach out to one of our casino hosts.

The biggest comp was a $100, 000 bill the guest earned but he spent $10, 000, 000 so that was no problem, slot casino host.


Host cell phone: 303.808.7397

When asked about her favorite thing about being a casino host, joanie answers without hesitation – it’s the people. And there is no greater testament to that than her 21-year tenure at the property. “I meet so many wonderful people every day,” adds joanie, “but the best part is that, after all these years, my work relationships have become more than personal friendships, they are now my extended family.”

Joanie was born in nearby boulder, colorado, but grew up in california. She began her gaming industry career in 1995 as a slot club supervisor at fitzgerald’s, after finally returning to her home state to start a family surrounded by the beauty of the rockies.

After a long day of taking care of her saratoga family, joanie’s favorite past time is to play with her seven grandchildren. She also enjoys tending to her yard and gardening, which must be where she gets the knack for arranging beautiful flower arrangements and centerpieces for VIP dinners, where she always ensures every little detail is just right for the enjoyment of her players.

If you don’t see her on the casino floor bonding with players and inquiring about their families, she’s probably visiting relatives in new mexico or cruising to foreign lands with – you guessed it – her family!

The biggest comp was a $100, 000 bill the guest earned but he spent $10, 000, 000 so that was no problem, slot casino host.


Host cell phone: 303.808.7397

Kerri comes to saratoga with 12 years executive administration in the casino industry and 2 years as a casino host. She enjoys getting to know the guests and making sure they are having a good time while visiting saratoga. Those of you that have known kerri have seen her wear “many hats”-from decorating for the holidays to waiting tables to chaperoning guests on VIP trips- whatever it takes to get the job done!

Kerri is a colorado native and grew up in littleton. Her favorite things are spending time with her family and traveling. Having finished raising her two sons, kerri has most recently traveled to new orleans, cozumel, lake tahoe, arizona, las vegas and hawaii, where her son attends the university of hawaii. She also loves finding new restaurants, exploring denver, keeping up with current events and relaxing with a glass of wine on her patio with friends.

So, let's see, what we have: in this interview we talk with a casino host who works in one of the main casino on the las vegas strip about her job & her relationship with patrons. At slot casino host

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