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A green new deal for nada, now! Animation and the art of exploitation

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Fare-free transit is an essential part of the solution to the combined crises of climate change and inequality. But, we n and should dream much bigger. A green new deal could provide the framework within which to demand everything from nationalized electric bus companies, to the return of inter-city transit, to high-speed rail. Keep reading…

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A green new deal for nada, now!

Is politil will and timing on the side of a green new deal for nada? There is a strong demand for change, but people often don’t know where to start, says patricia chong. Keep reading…

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Edution unions are fighting against increased class sizes, mandatory e-learning, cuts to special edution staffing and supports, and so much more. I thank them. Keep reading…

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Animation and the art of exploitation

Next time you’re dazzled by the animation or special effects in a film or video game, consider the artists behind the scenes. In vancouver — nada’s largest animation hub — many love their work but not their working conditions. Keep reading…

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The world changes, one heart at a time

Nadian history isn’t boring! Go see this new, emotionally charged movie musil that sets a love story against the harsh drama of the winnipeg general strike. Keep reading…

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The reason for homelessness is simple: people don’t have housing beuse it is simply unavailable at rents they n afford to pay. Keep reading…

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Elder women share their wisdom

Seniors activists suzanne clancy (left) and janice gairey (right) want to see more conversations with younger women. “they support us and we support them. These issues affect all of us,” says gairey. Keep reading…

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The halifax workers’ action centre

There’s a real need for the halifax workers’ action centre, says lawyer and activist katrin macphee (holding banner, far right), “beuse work in nova scotia, and elsewhere in the country, is becoming increasingly prerious.” keep reading…

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A ll to nationalize GM oshawa

The GM plant closure in oshawa, ontario, will throw 15,000 people out of work: 5,000 assembly-related jobs and 10,000 indirect jobs will be lost. Faced with this crisis, auto workers and allies have come up with a creative solution: nationalize the plant and re-tool it to make electric vehicles. Keep reading…

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Of blind spots and brown faces

Race and class in the running

I want to talk about the toxic cocktail of race and privilege within the context of a federal election in which one of the major parties is running with a racialized leader who wears a turban. Keep reading…

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Born in 1885 in fleet street, london, the RA has been promoting reason, science and humanism and standing up to irrationalism and religious intolerance ever since. We currently publish new humanist magazine in print and online.

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Rationalist press association dinner, trocadero, london. 16th of may 1936

A slightly less brief history of the RA

The rationalist association was founded, as the rationalist press association , by the radical publisher charles watts at his print works in johnson's court, just off fleet street, london, in 1885. As a publisher of books and pamphlets dedicated to free thinking, science and a critique of organised religion charles was following in the footsteps of his father, also called charles, who was a prominent figure in the victorian freethought movement and founding secretary of the national secular society. In 1874 charles snr had taken charge of a well-established secularist publishing business and when he began spending much of his time in north america, control of this was handed to his son.

In addition to publishing books charles watts put out watt's literary guide, the forerunner of new humanist, which he set out to print "literary gossip" that might be of interest to freethinkers, together with "a complete record of the best liberal publications in this country". Within its pages the christian establishment was criticised on every imaginable front, from science and metaphysics to history and poetry.

Watts created an organisation to support his work, initially called the propagandist press committee (later incorporated as the rationalist press association), which provided him with a large group of subscribers and enabled him to expand the guide until it averaged 20 large pages an issue, with thousands of grateful readers not only in britain but around the world.

Towards the end of the 19th century, watts & co started to expand from producing the guide and a range of propagandistic pamphlets, to publishing books, including a celebrated series of cheap reprints which made the works of sceptical victorians like charles darwin, thomas huxley and john stuart mill available to working people at only sixpence a volume. In 1929 watts began publishing another famed series of books, the thinker's library, which printed 140 volumes over 22 years, including works by HG wells, bertrand russell, mark twain and JBS haldane.

In 1924 watts acknowledged in the guide some of the eminent supporters who had been associated with the RPA over the years – these included the philosopher herbert spencer, ramsay macdonald, and the bombastically freethinking marquis of queensberry.

Charles watts died in 1946, but this did not spell the end for the RPA. The book publishing arm became less prolific in the post-war years, but publication of watt's literary guide continued, as did publication of the RPA annual. This had started as the agnostic annual in 1884, becoming the rationalist annual in 1927 and question in 1968, before ceasing publication in 1980. Great names published in the annual included bertrand russell, karl popper and HG wells.

Watt's literary guide dropped the name of its founder in 1894, becoming simply the literary guide. This name was changed to the humanist in 1956 and in 1972 the magazine adopted its current title of new humanist.

One lesser known part of the RPA was the rationalist benevolent fund, a charitable arm established after the first world war for the "relief of distressed rationalists". In an age when welfare services and relief were often provided by the church, it seems that the trustees of the RPA sought to provide a similar service for its members, who would not have wished to turn to religious organisations in order to make ends meet. In 1992 the RBF was wound up and its funds and function transferred to a new charity, the rationalist trust, which was committed to the wider charitable objective of advancing rationalism, humanism and education.

In 2002 the rationalist trust was succeeded by the rationalist association and the RPA's membership was transferred to this new body, the RPA itself becoming dormant. The RA is a charity whose aims are to promote reason and evidence-based understanding of life. A great deal of this work is done through the publication of new humanist, but also includes public events and raising funds, for example, for secular humanist schools in uganda.

Part of this piece is extracted from jonathan rée's new humanist article on the history of the rationalist association, written to celebrate our 120th birthday in 2005. Further details taken from bill cooke's the blasphemy depot: A hundred years of the rationalist press association.

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Fare-free transit is an essential part of the solution to the combined crises of climate change and inequality. But, we n and should dream much bigger. A green new deal could provide the framework within which to demand everything from nationalized electric bus companies, to the return of inter-city transit, to high-speed rail. Keep reading…

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A green new deal for nada, now!

Is politil will and timing on the side of a green new deal for nada? There is a strong demand for change, but people often don’t know where to start, says patricia chong. Keep reading…

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Edution unions are fighting against increased class sizes, mandatory e-learning, cuts to special edution staffing and supports, and so much more. I thank them. Keep reading…

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Animation and the art of exploitation

Next time you’re dazzled by the animation or special effects in a film or video game, consider the artists behind the scenes. In vancouver — nada’s largest animation hub — many love their work but not their working conditions. Keep reading…

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The world changes, one heart at a time

Nadian history isn’t boring! Go see this new, emotionally charged movie musil that sets a love story against the harsh drama of the winnipeg general strike. Keep reading…

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The reason for homelessness is simple: people don’t have housing beuse it is simply unavailable at rents they n afford to pay. Keep reading…

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Elder women share their wisdom

Seniors activists suzanne clancy (left) and janice gairey (right) want to see more conversations with younger women. “they support us and we support them. These issues affect all of us,” says gairey. Keep reading…

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The halifax workers’ action centre

There’s a real need for the halifax workers’ action centre, says lawyer and activist katrin macphee (holding banner, far right), “beuse work in nova scotia, and elsewhere in the country, is becoming increasingly prerious.” keep reading…

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A ll to nationalize GM oshawa

The GM plant closure in oshawa, ontario, will throw 15,000 people out of work: 5,000 assembly-related jobs and 10,000 indirect jobs will be lost. Faced with this crisis, auto workers and allies have come up with a creative solution: nationalize the plant and re-tool it to make electric vehicles. Keep reading…

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Of blind spots and brown faces

Race and class in the running

I want to talk about the toxic cocktail of race and privilege within the context of a federal election in which one of the major parties is running with a racialized leader who wears a turban. Keep reading…

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Hiking nose hill on voting day

I was up at 3:40, because I have no say in the matter.

That’s how it is with me. What’s a guy to do? So, I threw on the coffee and worked for a couple of hours.

At 6:15 I was out the door, the eastern just sky starting to lighten. I had decided last night to hike up to nose hill. It’s about a two kilometre hioke from casa solberg to the hill top, half of it amongst the manicured lawns and tended yards of the suburb of dalhousie.

I must have been the first person in the park this morning. There was the lightest of reflections on the pond in the park’s southwest corner. Then it was the long walk up the trail along a shallow ravine past aspen and wolf willow. By the time I hit hill top the sun was not yet above the horizon but it was light enough to see the sky-broken cloud and some promising blue.

A few birds moved ahead of me on the trail, which passes through acres of prairie and tall grass.

My way back took me through many owls valley where grows perhaps the park’s biggest stand of aspen. Near the bottom of the trail a young white tail buck blocked the trail-or a “spiker” as we would call them when I was young.

God knows why but those walks in the woods and across the prairies always makes me inordinately happy, grateful and strangely proud.

Now I must head off to vote soon for the next leader of the PC party of alberta.

I’ll support ted morton, in part because ted gets it. He also knows that the land and unspoiled nature is part of what makes albertans independent and strong. In fact it’s at the core of what makes alberta great.

Edgemont hill on september 11th

Just before 7:00 this morning I humped up an asphalt path through suburbia to the large grass and aspen bowl that sits on the side of the hill immediately to the west of nose hill park. It was cool too. It must have come close to freezing last night. Mist rose from a schoolyard soccer field. I had been up at 5:00 for no particular reason, but the sun is pretty pokey these days so I had to wait until 7:00 to see what the day held.

Over the fifteen or so minutes it took to pass through a couple of neighbourhoods I saw no one else. A month ago the same path would have been busy with dog walkers and runners. The flip has switched. Summer is over, but I’m not despairing. Fall has it’s merits.

The path to the top of the bowl passes through a couple of hundred metres of meadow. Mostly it’s non-native grasses, buck brush (or snow berry) wild rose and wildflowers like smooth aster, gaillardia, and what I believe is fleabane, but maybe I just hope it’s fleabane, because I like the name. To the right a draw held a copse of aspen trees.

At the end of the trail I come to a pile of boulders, excavated I assume by builders when they cleared the neighbouring land for houses. They would have originally arrived with a glacier bizarrely named the jasper tongue, which my reading tells me brought these great erratics south from the jasper area some 15 or 20,000 years ago. In other words when I was still very young.

From the top of the hill the calgary skyline was lit up by the rising sun. To the west I could see the mist that concealed the bow river.

Apart from the view the highlight was to kick up a covey of hungarian partridge. First, two exploded from the grass along a fence line. Another ten or so flushed out of an adjacent backyard. That set my blood pumping and I thought of long ago hunting trips with my dad and brothers.

Telling you this has no real point except it occurs to me that despite what happened a decade ago, life can still be good. I’m onside with the idea that the best way to honour the memory of the dead has something to do with living well, making things better for others and being grateful for whatever we have. Not that I’m an exemplar of any of that.

A good morning

I was up very early this morning, around 3:40. I’m not sure why exactly but I was too hot when I woke up and that was enough I guess. I can stay asleep if the room is, say 17 degrees, but if it hits 17.5 that’s it and I’m awake.

Anyway, it worked out well because I had things I needed to do like drink coffee, surf the internet and read about the missouri coteau (never mind, I’ll explain in subsequent posts).

I finally went outside to irrigate my trees at around 6:15 and then went hiking down our service road, up on to the secondary highway and started walking west.

I decided to take the highway because even though the morning was cool enough to warrant a jacket, the mosquitoes would be murder in the grass. It turned out to be a good choice.

After leaving our little rural suburb I passed the par 3 golf course bordered at one point by lilacs and russian olive trees. There were no clouds this morning. Just that beautiful blue vault that for some reason makes me fiercely proud, as though I personally own it. But then again in a sense I suppose I do.

A half a mile from the house I saw a red fox crossing the road. We’ve seen her many times. This time she was leaving a neighbour’s yard and crossing into a low area by a canal.

When I reached where she crossed I saw her looking at me through the white prairie clover and the willows. I nodded at her. She nodded back. Two great hunters paying homage.

Okay neither of us nodded and I’m not a great hunter but it’s still fun to imagine. Further on what looked like a swainson’s hawk sat on a power pole looking ominous and screaming periodically for no obvious reason. A quarter mile on a black-crowned night-heron stood slumped over in a slough waiting for some poor critter to swim within its ken. It slouched in a way that brought to mind peter falk playing columbo.

After the hot, unpleasant scirocco-type wind the day before it was a cool and calm morning. The odd truck roared by. Probably oil patch workers off to check wells. But for that moment at least it was largely peaceful with most of the noise coming from nature itself. A great start to the day.

#nosehill #hiking #nature

I hiked nose hill to celebrate canada day. At least that’s my excuse, though I never need much of a reason to go hiking.

I humped up many owls valley cutting through the aspen woods and then east along the brow of the south slope.

The springs continue to flow with some force here and there throughout the park. Amongst the aspen of many owls valley the springs have carved their own modest channel and especially in the shade robins come there in large numbers to search the mud for worms.

On the south slope the wildflowers are blooming in full force. My favourite may be blue flax, whose scientific name acknowledges its discoverer meriwether lewis of lewis and clark fame.

In one location I found them turning the prairie a stunning blue over most of fifty square metres.

Speaking of explorers a common but pretty purple flower on nose hill is mackenzie’s hedysarum, named of course for alexander mackenzie who also lends his name to the great mackenzie river.

Finally it is said that david thompson was the first explorer to lay eyes on nose hill in 1787. Then fellow explorer peter fidler joined thompson on another expedition to the bow valley ten years later.

Obviously the aboriginals were here first, by a long way. Some camps have been found showing occupation going back over 8,000 years. Later this would be blackfoot country, and in particular the territory of the fierce peigan. How odd to consider that those hunting grounds below nose hill are now suburbs.

But on top its easy to forget that you’re in the city. As you walk through hollows the sounds of the city disappear. And nose hill is big-four square miles. You can especially lose your self in the old gravel pit on top, now covered by balsam poplar, which seems to thrive in gravel.

The gravel it seems was deposited there by the bow river which is a bit baffling when you consider that the bow now flows several hundred feet below nose hill.

According to nose hill, A popular guide prepared by the calgary field naturalists’ society the bow valley has eroded a titch since the end of the last ice age 15,000 years ago.

Back then it was on a plain with the top of nose hill on one side and broadcast hill on the other. But of course ice ages produce a lot of water when they melt and this swept millions of tons of gravel downstream to be deposited in all kinds of places including nose hill.

There are erratics (large stones deposited by glaciers) all over the hills as well, many of which were used by buffalo to rub against. Over millenia many have been rubbed smooth.

The same terrific little book told me that these stones had actually been transported to nose hill from jasper, hundreds of miles to the north, by a glacier known as the jasper tongue, a name that would probably cause some teasing from other glaciers. At any rate it seems these stones are the same as naturally occur around jasper. The things you learn when you read books!

Anyway, a seasonal slough has formed in the gravel pit which many mallard ducks and some shore birds are happy about. It’s a bit of a marvel that something so temporary as that little body of water could be so full of life, but so it is.

On my way back coming back down through the aspen a young white tail deer and I face off 30 yards apart. He is, as they say, “in the velvet” referring to his antlers still covered in fuzz. We look at each other for a minute. Finally I move forward and he flees, his white tail fully extended.

That’s about as good a canada day as anyone can have.

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Cyberpunk 2077 gameplay demo review

At the E3 event of 2018, cyberpunk 2077 gameplay demos were unleashed to the public. With this move, fans, media, and other gaming panies can see for themselves the gameplay of this new console. On monday, the first release of the gameplay of the new game was presented by developer CD projekt red. This followed a cryptic twitch stream of several codes.

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While the public is yet to see what the gameplay of cyberpunk 2077 really looks like, this release will bring home a clear view. Some gameplay demos released by the publishing firm will give fans an idea of what is really onboard. This content will give an insight of what the gameplay of the cyberpunk 2077 looks like.

CD projekt red has been able to position itself in the leading spot of the RPG world with amazing changes. The game design, graphics, and other items have been greatly improved. At the moment, it is safe to mention that cyberpunk 2077 can be called an RPG fire. This is with plex interactions, player choice, the environment to reflect the storyline, non-player characters, and in-depth character personalization.

It is not only the hair color or gender that players can tweak in this game. In fact, players will be offered the opportunity to state their favorite character’s back-story. This can be found in childhood events that can touch the way people players the game. The view of the game is also another thing that can be surprising to players. One amazing thing about this game is that it remains a first-person RPG.

The elements of world traverse, loot and bat in the game’s demo are like that of the first-person rpgs. Fallout and deus ex are good examples to back the view of the cyberpunk 2077 gameplay demo. There is a hacking device that enables you to explore the entire network of the game after checking every person connected to the system. There are branching dialog options, slow-mo shooting and other amazing features in the game.

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Scanning to know enemy characteristics and weaknesses is something you will find in the game. In short, the cyberpunk 2077 gameplay demo is something you should properly review. Having a clear understanding of cyberpunk 2020 is a gateway to know the new game’s gameplay. The cyberpunk 2020 game came into reality around events of the late 1990s & 1980s and a beloved role-playing console. It introduced cyberpunk tropes in the opening of the game.

The new game es with trench coats, freaky future drugs, neo-noir aesthetics, devious punk-rock hackers, nefarious corporations, and cybernetic enhancement. After the globe goes to hell, you will also discover the US sitting at the support of mega-businesses. These businesses will bee fiefdoms at the pleasure of their own secret plots and interests to dominate the world.

California night city will be within the fighting environment. This is the environment that gamers can play their foes as street doctors, rebel rock-and-roll stars, corporate raiders or even clear old cyborg assassins.

AOC AG322QCX 32″ ultra HD freesync curved gaming monitor review

Do you know that it is a great deal about the AOC AG322QCX 109ppi? This is a single feature that will help keep and maintain windows at a crystal clear status. Another thing to know is that this monitor does not need dpi scaling to operate. If the vision is not too sharp, you will always see images well.

The screen area of the product is increased gradually by reducing the density at 93ppi. The gaming experience is the major focus of this monitor. The freesync operates at 48 hz with a refresh rate of 144 hz, making players experience a smooth game. Using this product means not experiencing any tears. Low framerate pensation will be brought to the mix with the help of the large operating range.

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Features of AOC AG322QCX 32

  1. Calibration of this product is proper and great

  2. Classic OSD setup

  3. Gamma, grayscale and color are excellent

  4. Amazing response time, large viewing angles and low lagging

  • Contrast well

  • DCI-P3 color

  • 144 hz

  • Freesync

  • Ideal balance of performance and resolution

  • Large screen

  • OSD controller is clunky

  • In RGB mode, there is no calibration

AOC AG322QCX 32 product overview:

The metal stand of the AG322QCX is classic and amazing. Buyers will notice the solid handle of the product at the top. While the stand of the product is designed from the same material as the bottom, you can be guaranteed of its solid strength. Among the product’s bundled cables are analog audio, USB, HDMI, and displayport. The AG322QCX has a mon power supply that emanates from the external section.

Finding a slim curved panel is difficult. When talking about the AG322QCX, you will always notice a slight difference. This means that the top section of the product is slightly reduced to the bulging part. The product es with an anti-glare layer, flush-mounted and hidden bezel. When accessing the controls, check properly to see them in two different forms.

There is one joystick at the bottom section of the product. This joystick helps to carry out the functions of the monitor. Buyers have the opportunity to plug the puck controller of the product. This will help in providing quick access and navigation to the different gaming modes. ?The lighting feature helps to create illumination to your system. Take advantage of the 4 accents located behind the product’s back.

The built quality of this product is priceless. It gives you premium and upgraded functionality. Even at a low cost, you can buy the product and enjoy your video games. There are higher frame rates for this particular product. Take advantage of the FRC, freesync and the 144 hz features of the AG322QCX and improve your gaming skills.

The product offers a smooth response, vivid color and high contrast. To use this monitor, you do not need any form of expensive video cards. If you are looking for?Best gaming monitor with a curved edge, then give this product a try. It is a super quality for newbie and veteran gaming monitor lovers.

Benefits of exploring the 5 best anime series on showbox

Do you know that showbox is one of the most fascinating and trending activities movie fans can engage in? Showbox on PC has continued to display its supremacy in providing TV show and movie fans amazing streaming services. Part of the showbox streaming service is to provide viewers with interesting anime series. This content will unveil the 5 best anime series available on showbox.

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Baccano remains an amazing caper involving outlaws, gangsters, immortals, alchemists and an elixir of immortality disseminated over a plethora of decades. This anime features maxey whitehead, akemi kanda, caitlin glass, michael tatun and much more. To be factual, baccano remains a rare anime to find on showbox. This well-designed and nonlinear anime is acted upon by some of the best minds in the world.

This anime contains morbid assassins, sinister alchemists, charming mobsters, insightful disenfranchised hoodlums and a group of refreshing edic characters from the 1920’s street of america. Baccano has impeccable storyline, impressive animation and classic characters that name this series great to view.

Ghost in the shell – stand alone plex:

In this anime series, you will find out about a female cyborg that displays futuristic adventures. This cyborg es with her own support crew and a counter intelligence agent. The anime features richard epcar, william knight, mary elizabeth mcglynn and shiro saito. In fact, it is one of the most reliable, technical, stimulating and intellectual shows ever designed.

It contains driving music, realistic characters, beautiful animation quality and concepts that will make steven hawking look like a choir boy. The political and moral implications, technology being created and the ideology behind this anime series are beyond anticipation. With this anime, you will begin to ask what is left of the human race.

Berserk is an innovative anime series that display the intelligence of guts. Guts remain a talented swordsman that later find himself among a mercenary tem called the band of the hawk. The charismatic griffith is the leader of the group that guts attached himself to. As the group struggled its way to the royal palace, guts fought alongside with them.

The anime features kevin T. Collins, carrie keranen, marc diraison and nobutoshi canna. The anime has lots of shakesperean activities that will help you to learn. It also contains castle politics, demons and knights. The reality of the characters in this anime will make disappearing look like something small. Berserk is truly one of this best anime series that you can watch on showbox.

Neon genesis evangelion:

In this anime series, a young boy was hired as a member of elite pilot’s crew. The recruitment was done by the young boy’s daddy. The anime features spike spencer, kotono mitsuishi, megumi hayashibara and megumi ogata. In this anime series, shinji ikari remains the shell boy. A neo tokyo was attacked by terryifying and mysterious goliaths named angels. The neo tokyo has the intention of defending himself from any external attack. Blasphemous science and humanities bined efforts are controlled by shinji’s daddy.

This led to the creation of evangelion. Shinji received a message to save humanity and kill evangelion. If shinji did not act according, it will be thrown away to a life of loneliness and useless. This is simply the useful hint that you can get from the anime which remains the entrance of the labyrinth. This is one of the best anime series that you can find on showbox. The gloriously violent choreography and the earth shaking battles remains the figure to match the plex storyline of the technical tenacity of this anime series. It is now the best standard and level for mecha anime series now.

Code geass – lelouch of the rebellion:

This anime series depicts how someone was provided the authority to control other people. In the anime, a likeable prince later became the head of a rebellious team over a glorious empire. The anime features takahiro sakurai, jun fukuyama, yuri lowenthal and johnny yong bosch.

It es with intense mecha battles, character design and unique art style and a game of chess. If you are looking for an amine series with the proclivity of learning something new, then give this movie a try.

The content is a true view for people that need anime series with plete entertainment. These movies will always make you excited when watched

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Act as if our house is on fire.
Indeed it is.

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Gobble gobble your turkey wisely this christmas + beyond

Cassie duncan 2019-12-17T15:52:45+11:00 december 17th, 2019 | 1 comment

Turkey isn’t a regular menu item for many australians until the festive season hits, so surely they’re raised outdoors in fields just like the christmas advertisements suggest? [. ]

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Fighting for equity in education

Call for private schools to pay local government rates

Private schools should pay rates according to the municipal association of victoria. It claims that local councils are missing out on millions of dollars in revenue because private schools are exempted from paying rates. It says the exemptions are unfair and inequitable as other ratepayers must pay more to cover the revenue loss.

OECD says 3 in 4 australian students do not try on PISA tests

One factor not considered in the commotion over the continuing decline in australia’s PISA results is whether students try their best on the tests. The OECD’s own report on PISA 2018 shows that about three in four australian students and two-thirds of students in OECD countries did not try their hardest on the tests. There are also wide differences between countries. It has potentially explosive implications for the validity of international comparisons of student achievement based on PISA.

The PISA data also shows increasing student dissatisfaction with school which likely contributes to lack of effort on tests and is a factor, among others, behind australia’s declining results. There is also a perplexing contradiction between australia’s declining PISA results and its improving year 12 results. Lack of effort in PISA may partly explain this because performance on PISA has no consequences for students as they don’t even get their individual results. In contrast, year 12 outcomes affect the life chances of students and even students dissatisfied with school have greater incentive to try harder. The fact that australia’s year 12 results have improved significantly since the early 2000s raises further questions about the reliability of the PISA results.

Is the shepparton super-school merger valid?

The following is a press release issued by the save our schools – no transition group in shepparton, victoria. It shows that the shepparton schools merger plan was not formally agreed by all four school councils as required by the school merger guidelines.

We have evidence that the shepparton education plan was not formally agreed to by all four school councils as required by school merger guidelines, prior to the announcement on 19 april, 2018, by education minister, james merlino, that it would proceed.

Despite a requirement that the motion to accept the model proposed by the strategic advisory committee be passed at a properly constituted meeting with a quorum, it appears that the motion was not passed in accordance with school merger guidelines and school council governance.

An FOI request written in september, 2019 requesting written advice to the minister as required by school merger guidelines that all four councils had voted on the plan at a meet- ing with a quorum has been completed and together with existing evidence appears to confirm that two of the four schools did not pass the motion to accept the recommendation of the strategic advisory committee of one school on one site, based on the schools within a school model, before the announcement in april 2018. It was not voted on until months later when it was finally carried.

Community information is that three of the four schools did not pass the motion prior to the announcement and it was never voted on by one and later ratified by two.

In fairness to all concerned parties, this plan needs to be halted until this issue has been investigated and satisfactorily addressed with adequate consultation with the families of greater shepparton as requested at a public meeting in august, 2019.

Local MP refuses to discuss shepparton super-school

The following is a letter by a member of the stop shepparton super-school group in response to a refusal by the local independent MP, suzanna sheed, to discuss the super-school proposal.

The executive committee of save our schools no transition in shepparton has been trying for months to obtain a meeting with our local independent MP, suzanna sheed, in order to present to her the reasons and concerns of members of the community that are against having one huge super school in shepparton with no choice for schooling and poor communication about its planning.

We have been aggressively refused a meeting with ms. Sheed. She needs to remember that she was elected to represent her constituents.

Stop shepparton super-school rally

The stop shepparton super-school group will hold a rally on friday 4th october at 11.30am to protest against the merger of four secondary schools in shepparton/mooroopna.

The march will assemble at suzanna sheed’s office where we will try to present letters from the public to her again, then march down wyndham street to queens gardens and wendy lovell’s office where we will call on her to receive letters. There will be speakers and information for the public.

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Stop the shepparton super-school

We have been fighting hard for over six months to have our voice heard on the merger of four greater shepparton secondary schools into one school of 2,700 to 3,000 students. We have met a stony wall of silence. We have been told ‘you need to get on board for your children’s sake, during this difficult time of transition.’ frankly, if one more educator, politician or mayor says that sentence again, we might choke.

The decision to amalgamate the four schools was made during september/october in 2017. The so-called ‘community consultation’ involved only an online survey and two workshops held in mooroopna and shepparton on the same day, that families of secondary students could attend. The consultation was not advertised either in time or adequately for parents to take part in.

School spending cuts lead to declines in student achievement

A new study has found that recession-induced spending cuts in school education in the united states led to declines in student achievement, particularly in school districts serving economically disadvantaged and minority students. It is the second study in recent years showing the effect of spending cuts and the 27 th study since 2015 showing that school expenditure has a significant effect on student achievement.

The facts about school funding in the northern territory

Total government funding of northern territory private schools adjusted for inflation (“real funding”) increased massively between 2009 and 2017 while funding for public schools was cut. Even during the gonski funding period of 2013-2017 the funding increases for private schools were 20-30 times that for public schools.

The NT government took the opportunity of increased commonwealth funding for public schools to massively cut its own real funding of public schools.

Government funding increases have been badly mis-directed in favouring private schools. About 83% of disadvantaged students in the northern territory are in public schools and 88% of disadvantaged schools are public schools.

Under the new commonwealth/northern territory funding agreement, NT public schools will continue to be badly under-funded to 2023 and beyond while private schools will be nearly fully funded by 2023.

Shepparton community continues the fight against super school

The following is an open letter to victorian politicians and education department officials from a member of the shepparton community.

I am concerned about the lack of evidence to back the victorian education department’s claims that the super school is the best option for education in shepparton. Studies have shown that large schools do not improve academic outcomes and small schools perform better in academic outcomes, discipline, mental health and safety. In the USA and UK large schools have been made into smaller ones. Studies show smaller schools graduate a larger proportion of their students than do large schools. Schools with populations of diverse or disadvantaged backgrounds should be limited to 600 or fewer students. Schools with advantaged students should be capped at about 1000 students.

New study shows that increased funding improves student outcomes

The evidence that increased expenditure on schools improves student outcomes continues to accumulate. Yet another study has found that it increases test scores, reduces drop-out rates and increases tertiary education enrolments.

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My climate 2050

Visualising your climate in 2050. #climateelection

SLNSW visionaries explorer

Generous interface for the SLNSW visionaries collection

Corley explorer

Suppoting community contribution & enrichment of the SLQ corley collection

SLNSW visionaries explorer

Generous interface for the SLNSW visionaries collection

Tangible dataform

Climate coaster for ANU climate change institue

Discover the queenslander

Exploratory web interface for the state library of queensland

Unlocking corley explorer

Presentation at the state library of queensland

Tate gallery colour explorer

Use colour to navigate over 50,000 images

Three hundred & sixty six

Presenting a painting-a-day

Collaborating around collections



Innovative retail site for MAKE designed objects

Visualising raynal

Generous interface to raynal's histoire des deux indes


DADA visualisation

Dataviz as creative cultural practice


Multi-disciplinary design exhibition

NDF 2016

Presentation for national digital forum

Font sort

Sort google fonts by visual likeness

Joining the dots

The art and science of data visualisation symposium




Scaling & packing twitter posts


Generative laser cut cardboard brooch

Power of 1

Tangible data visualisation


Museums & the web asia

Colouring digital collections


Craft ACT members' exhibition 2017



Tiled timeline with macro map



Autonomous display of social media data


Discussing design futures & data-viz




Dynamic depth-of-field with CSS


Digital + material engagement + innovation


JS optical kerning engine


Kinetic mechanical text input


Software poetics in the everyday phd thesis

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