Creating a Slot Machine Game in C#, unity slot game tutorial.

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Creating a Slot Machine Game in C#, unity slot game tutorial.

Creating a Slot Machine Game in C#, unity slot game tutorial.

Creating a Slot Machine Game in C#, unity slot game tutorial.

Today in C#, i will teach you how to create a program called slot machine game. 3. Insert the following image files to the resources of your project.

Creating a slot machine game in C#

Creating a Slot Machine Game in C#, unity slot game tutorial.

Today in C#, i will teach you how to create a program called slot machine game.

Now, let's start this tutorial!

1. Let's start with creating a windows form application in C# for this tutorial by following the following steps in microsoft visual studio: go to file, click new project, and choose windows application.

2. Next, add only one button named button1 and labeled it as "SPIN". Insert three picturebox named picturebox1,picturebox2, and picturebox3. Add also a timer named timer1. You must design your interface like this:

Creating a Slot Machine Game in C#, unity slot game tutorial.

3. Insert the following image files to the resources of your project.

Creating a Slot Machine Game in C#, unity slot game tutorial.
Creating a Slot Machine Game in C#, unity slot game tutorial.
Creating a Slot Machine Game in C#, unity slot game tutorial.
Creating a Slot Machine Game in C#, unity slot game tutorial.

4. Put this code in your code module.

Creating a Slot Machine Game in C#, unity slot game tutorial.

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How to make a match 3 game in unity

Learn how to make a match 3 game in this unity tutorial!

Creating a Slot Machine Game in C#, unity slot game tutorial.

Creating a Slot Machine Game in C#, unity slot game tutorial.

In a match 3 game, the goal is simple: swap pieces around till there’s 3 or more in a row. When a match is made, those tiles are removed and the empty spaces are filled. This lets players rack up potential combos and tons of points!

In this tutorial you’ll learn how to do the following:

  • Create a board filled with game tiles

  • Select and deselect tiles with mouse clicks

  • Identify adjacent tiles with raycasts

  • Swap tiles

  • Detect a match of 3 or more using raycasts

  • Fill empty tiles after a match has been made

  • Keep score and count moves

Getting started

Download the match 3 how-to starter project and extract it to a location of your choosing.

Open up the starter project in unity. The assets are sorted inside several folders:

Creating a Slot Machine Game in C#, unity slot game tutorial.

  • Animations: holds the game over panel animation for when the game ends. If you need to brush up on animation, check out our introduction to unity animation tutorial.

  • Audio: contains the music and sound effects used in the game.

  • Fonts: holds the fonts used in the game.

  • Prefabs: contains various managers, UI, and tile prefabs.

  • Scenes: holds the menu and game scene.

  • Scripts: contains the scripts used in the game. Boardmanager.Cs and tile.Cs are the ones you’ll be editing.

  • Sprites: contains the UI assets and various character sprites that will be used as tile pieces on the board.

Creating the board

If it’s not opened yet, open up the game scene and click play. It’s simply a plain blue background with a score and move counter. Time to fix that!

First, create an empty game object and name it boardmanager.

The boardmanager will be responsible for generating the board and keeping it filled with tiles.

Next, locate boardmanager.Cs under scripts\board and grid in the project window. Drag and drop it onto the boardmanager empty game object in the hierarchy window.

Creating a Slot Machine Game in C#, unity slot game tutorial.

It’s time to dive into some code. Open up boardmanager.Cs and take a look at what’s already in there:

  1. Other scripts will need access to boardmanager.Cs , so the script uses a singleton pattern with a static variable named instance , this allows it to be called from any script.

  2. Characters is a list of sprites that you’ll use as your tile pieces.

  3. The game object prefab tile will be the prefab instantiated when you create the board.

  4. Xsize and ysize are the X and Y dimensions of the board.

  5. There's also a 2D array named tiles which will be used to store the tiles in the board.

  6. An encapsulated bool isshifting is also provided; this will tell the game when a match is found and the board is re-filling.

  7. The start() method sets the singleton with reference of the boardmanager .

  8. Call createboard() , passing in the bounds of the tile sprite size.

  9. In createboard() , the 2D array tiles gets initialized.

  10. Find the starting positions for the board generation.

  11. Loop through xsize and ysize , instantiating a newtile every iteration to achieve a grid of rows and columns.

Next, locate your character sprites under sprites\characters in the project window. Select the boardmanager in the hierarchy window.

In the inspector window, change the character size value for the boardmanager script component to 7. This will add 7 elements to the characters array and display the slots for them in the inspector window.

Now drag each character into the empty slots. Finally, locate the tile prefab under the prefabs folder and drag it into the tile slot.

When finished, your scene should look like this:

Creating a Slot Machine Game in C#, unity slot game tutorial.

Now select boardmanager again. In the boardmanager component in the inspector window, set X size to 8 and Y size to 12. This is the board size you'll be working with in this tutorial.

Creating a Slot Machine Game in C#, unity slot game tutorial.

Click play. A board is generated, but it's strangely going offscreen:

Creating a Slot Machine Game in C#, unity slot game tutorial.

This is because your board generates the tiles up and to the right, with the first tile starting at the boardmanager's position.

To fix this, adjust the boardmanager's position so it's at the bottom left of your camera's field of view. Set the boardmanager's X position to -2.66 and the Y position to -3.83.

Creating a Slot Machine Game in C#, unity slot game tutorial.

Hit play. That looks better, but it won’t be much of a game if all the tiles are the same. Luckily, there's an easy way to randomize the board.

Creating a Slot Machine Game in C#, unity slot game tutorial.

Randomizing the board

Open the boardmanager script and add add these lines of code to the createboard method, right underneath tiles[x, y] = newtile; :

These lines do three key things:

  1. Parent all the tiles to your boardmanager to keep your hierarchy clean in the editor.

  2. Randomly choose a sprite from the ones you previously dragged in earlier.

  3. Set the newly created tile's sprite to the randomly chosen sprite.

Run the game, and you should see a randomized board:

Creating a Slot Machine Game in C#, unity slot game tutorial.

As you may have noticed, your board can generate a matching 3 combo at the start, and that kind of takes the fun out of it!

Prevent repeating tiles

Creating a Slot Machine Game in C#, unity slot game tutorial.

The board generates up and then right, so to correct the “automatic” matching 3 combo you'll need to detect what sprite is to the left of your new tile, and what sprite is below your new tile.

To do this, create two sprite variables in the createboard method, right above the double for-loops:

These variables will be used to hold a reference to adjacent tiles so you can replace their characters.
Take a look at the image below:

Creating a Slot Machine Game in C#, unity slot game tutorial.

The loop iterates through all tiles from the bottom left and goes up one tile at a time. Every iteration gets the character displayed left and below the current tile and removes those from a list of new possible characters.
A random character gets pulled out of that list and assigned to both the left and bottom tiles.
This makes sure there'll never be a row of 3 identical characters from the start.

To make this happen, add the following lines right above sprite newsprite = characters[random.Range(0, characters.Count)]; :

  1. Create a list of possible characters for this sprite.

  2. Add all characters to the list.

  3. Remove the characters that are on the left and below the current sprite from the list of possible characters.

This will select a new sprite from the list of possible characters and store it.

Finally, add these lines underneath newtile.Getcomponent ().Sprite = newsprite; :

This assign the newsprite to both the tile left and below the current one for the next iteration of the loop to use.

Run the game, and check out your new dynamic grid with non-repeating tiles!

Creating a Slot Machine Game in C#, unity slot game tutorial.

Swapping tiles

The most important gameplay mechanic of match 3 games is selecting and swapping adjacent tiles so you can line up 3 in a row. To achieve this you'll need to do some additional scripting. First up is selecting the tile.

Open up tile.Cs in a code editor. For convenience, this script has already been laid out with a few variables and two methods: select and deselect .

Select tells the game that this tile piece has been selected, changes the tile’s color, and plays a selection sound effect. Deselect returns the sprite back to its original color and tells the game no object is currently selected.

What you don't have is a way for the player to interact with the tiles. A left mouse click seems to be a reasonable option for controls.

Unity has a built-in monobehaviour method ready for you to use: onmousedown .

Add the following method to tile.Cs, right below the deselect method:

  1. Make sure the game is permitting tile selections. There may be times you don't want players to be able to select tiles, such as when the game ends, or if the tile is empty.

  2. If (isselected) determines whether to select or deselect the tile. If it's already been selected, deselect it.

  3. Check if there's already another tile selected. When previousselected is null, it's the first one, so select it.

  4. If it wasn't the first one that was selected, deselect all tiles.

Save this script and return to the editor.
You should now be able to select and deselect tiles by left clicking them.

Creating a Slot Machine Game in C#, unity slot game tutorial.

All good? Now you can add the swapping mechanism.

Swapping tiles

Start by opening tile.Cs and adding the following method named swapsprite underneath the onmousedown method:

This method will swap the sprites of 2 tiles. Here's how it works:

  1. Accept a spriterenderer called render2 as a parameter which will be used together with render to swap sprites.

  2. Check render2 against the spriterenderer of the current tile. If they are the same, do nothing, as swapping two identical sprites wouldn't make much sense.

  3. Create a tempsprite to hold the sprite of render2 .

  4. Swap out the second sprite by setting it to the first.

  5. Swap out the first sprite by setting it to the second (which has been put into tempsprite .

  6. Play a sound effect.

With the swapsprite method implemented, you can now call it from onmousedown .
Add this line right above previousselected.Deselect(); in the else statement of the onmousedown method:

This will do the actual swapping once you've selected the second tile.
Save this script and return to the editor.
Run the game, and try it out! You should be able to select two tiles and see them swap places:

Creating a Slot Machine Game in C#, unity slot game tutorial.

Finding adjacent tiles

You've probably noticed that you can swap any two tiles on the board. This makes the game way too easy. You’ll need a check to make sure tiles can only be swapped with adjacent tiles.

But how do you easily find tiles adjacent to a given tile?

Open up tile.Cs and add the following method underneath the swapsprite method:

This method will retrieve a single adjacent tile by sending a raycast in the target specified by castdir . If a tile is found in that direction, return its gameobject.

Creating a Slot Machine Game in C#, unity slot game tutorial.

Next, add the following method below the getadjacent method:

This method uses getadjacent() to generate a list of tiles surrounding the current tile. This loops through all directions and adds any adjacent ones found to the adjacentdirections which was defined at the top of the script.

With the new handy methods you just created, you can now force the tile to only swap with its adjacent tiles.

Replace the following code in the onmousedown method:

  1. Call getalladjacenttiles and check if the previousselected game object is in the returned adjacent tiles list.

  2. Swap the sprite of the tile.

  3. The tile isn't next to the previously selected one, deselect the previous one and select the newly selected tile instead.

Save this script and return to the unity editor.
Play your game and poke at it to make sure everything’s working as intended. You should only be able to swap two tiles that are adjacent to one another now.

Creating a Slot Machine Game in C#, unity slot game tutorial.

Now you need to handle the real point of the game — matching!


Matching can be broken down into a few key steps:

  1. Find 3 or more of the same sprites next to each other and consider it a match.

  2. Remove matching tiles.

  3. Shift tiles down to fill the empty space.

  4. Refill empty tiles along the top.

  5. Check for another match.

  6. Repeat until no more matches are found.

Open up tile.Cs and add the following method below the getalladjacenttiles method:

  1. This method accepts a vector2 as a parameter, which will be the direction all raycasts will be fired in.

  2. Create a new list of gameobjects to hold all matching tiles.

  3. Fire a ray from the tile towards the castdir direction.

  4. Keep firing new raycasts until either your raycast hits nothing, or the tiles sprite differs from the returned object sprite. If both conditions are met, you consider it a match and add it to your list.

  5. Return the list of matching sprites.

Keep up the momentum, and add the following boolean to the top of the file, right above the awake method:

When a match is found, this variable will be set to true .
Now add the following method below the findmatch method:

This method finds all the matching tiles along the given paths, and then clears the matches respectively.

  1. Take a vector2 array of paths; these are the paths in which the tile will raycast.

  2. Create a gameobject list to hold the matches.

  3. Iterate through the list of paths and add any matches to the matchingtiles list.

  4. Continue if a match with 2 or more tiles was found. You might wonder why 2 matching tiles is enough here, that’s because the third match is your initial tile.

  5. Iterate through all matching tiles and remove their sprites by setting it null .

  6. Set the matchfound flag to true .

Now that you’ve found a match, you need to clear the tiles. Add the following method below the clearmatch method:

This will start the domino method. It calls clearmatch for both the vertical and horizontal matches. Clearmatch will call findmatch for each direction, left and right, or up and down.

If you find a match, either horizontally or vertically, then you set the current sprite to null , reset matchfound to false , and play the “matching” sound effect.

For all this to work, you need to call clearallmatches() whenever you make a swap.

In the onmousedown method, and add the following line just before the previousselected.Deselect(); line:

Now add the following code directly after the previousselected.Deselect(); line:

You need to call clearallmatches on previousselected as well as the current tile because there's a chance both could have a match.

Save this script and return to the editor. Press the play button and test out the match mechanic, if you line up 3 tiles of the same type now, they'll disappear.

Creating a Slot Machine Game in C#, unity slot game tutorial.

To fill in the empty space, you'll need to shift and re-fill the board.

Shifting and re-filling tiles

Before you can shift the tiles, you need to find the empty ones.
Open up boardmanager.Cs and add the following coroutine below the createboard method:

Note: after you've added this coroutine, you'll get an error about shifttilesdown not exisiting. You can safely ignore that error as you'll be adding that coroutine next!

This coroutine will loop through the entire board in search of tile pieces with null sprites. When it does find an empty tile, it will start another coroutine shifttilesdown to handle the actual shifting.

Add the following coroutine below the previous one:

Shifttilesdown works by taking in an X position, Y position, and a delay. X and Y are used to determine which tiles to shift. You want the tiles to move down, so the X will remain constant, while Y will change.

The coroutine does the following:

  1. Loop through and finds how many spaces it needs to shift downwards.

  2. Store the number of spaces in an integer named nullcount .

  3. Loop again to begin the actual shifting.

  4. Pause for shiftdelay seconds.

  5. Loop through every spriterenderer in the list of renders .

  6. Swap each sprite with the one above it, until the end is reached and the last sprite is set to null

Now you need to stop and start the findnulltiles coroutine whenever a match is found.

Save the boardmanager script and open up tile.Cs. Add the following lines to the clearallmatches() method, right above sfxmanager.Instance.Playsfx(clip.Clear); :

This will stop the findnulltiles coroutine and start it again from the start.

Save this script and return to the edior. Play the game again and make some matches, you'll notice that the board runs out of tiles as you get matches. To make a never-ending board, you need to re-fill it as it clears.

Creating a Slot Machine Game in C#, unity slot game tutorial.

Open boardmanager.Cs and add the following method below shifttilesdown :

This snippet creates a list of possible characters the sprite could be filled with. It then uses a series of if statements to make sure you don't go out of bounds. Then, inside the if statements, you remove possible duplicates that could cause an accidental match when choosing a new sprite. Finally, you return a random sprite from the possible sprite list.

In the coroutine shifttilesdown , replace:

This will make sure the board is always filled.

When a match is made and the pieces shift there's a chance another match could be formed. Theoretically, this could go on forever, so you need to keep checking until the board has found all possible matches.

Creating a Slot Machine Game in C#, unity slot game tutorial.


By re-checking all the tiles after a match is found, you'll be able to locate any possible combos that may have been created during the shifting process.
Open up boardmanager.Cs and find the findnulltiles() method.

Add the following for at the bottom of the method, below the for loops:

After all of this hard work, it’s time to make sure everything works as intended.

Save your work and run the game. Start swapping tiles and watch the endless supply of new tiles keep the board filled as you play.

Creating a Slot Machine Game in C#, unity slot game tutorial.

Moving the counter and keeping score

It's time keep track of the player’s moves and their score.

Open guimanager.Cs located under scripts\managers in your favorite code editor. This script handles the UI aspects of the game, including the move counter and score keeper.

To get started add this variable to the top of the file, below private int score; :

Now add this at the top of the awake() method to initialize the number of moves the player can do:

Now you need to encapsulate both integers so you can update the UI text every time you update the value. Add the following code right above the awake() method:

These will make sure that every time the variables score or movecounter are changed, the text components representing them get updated as well. You could've put the text updating in an update() method, but doing it this way is much better for performance, especially as it involves handling strings.

Time to start adding points and tracking moves! Every time the player clears a tile they will be rewarded with some points.

Save this script and open up boardmanager.Cs. Add the following to the shifttilesdown method, right above yield return new waitforseconds(shiftdelay); :

This will increase the score every time an empty tile is found.

Over in tile.Cs, add the following line below sfxmanager.Instance.Playsfx(clip.Swap); in the clearallmatches method:

This will decrement movecounter every time a sprite is swapped.

Save your work and test out if the move and score counters are working correctly. Each move should substract the move counter and each match should award some points.

Creating a Slot Machine Game in C#, unity slot game tutorial.

Game over screen

The game should end when the move counter reaches 0. Open up guimanager.Cs and add the following if statement to movecounter s’s setter, right below movecounter = value; :

This will work — mostly. Because gameover() is called right on the final move, combos won't count towards the final score. That would get you a one-star review for sure!

To prevent this, you need to create a coroutine that waits until boardmanager.Cs has finished all of its shifting. Then you can call gameover() .

Add the following coroutine to guimanager.Cs below the gameover() method:

Now replace the following line in the movecounter setter:

This will make sure all combos will get calculated before the game is over.
Now save all scripts, play the game and score those combos! :]

Creating a Slot Machine Game in C#, unity slot game tutorial.

Where to go from here?

Now you know how to make a basic match 3 game by using unity! I encourage you to keep working and building on this tutorial! Try adding the following on your own:

  • Timed mode

  • Different levels with various board sizes

  • Bonus points for combos

  • Add some particles to make cool effects

If you're enjoyed this tutorial want to learn more, you should definitely check out our book unity games by tutorials, which teaches you to make 4 full games, scripting in C# and much more.

Here are a few resources to learn even more:

  • Unity scripting tutorials: video tutorials teaching you the basics of scripting in unity.

  • Introduction to unity UI: master unity's UI system in this tutorial series.

  • Introduction to unity particle systems: learn how particle systems work and spruce up your game with some sweet effects!

Can't wait to see what you all come up with! If you have any questions or comments you can post them in the comments section.

How to make a chess game with unity

Not every successful game involves shooting aliens or saving the world. Board games, and chess, in particular, have a history that spans thousands of years. In this tutorial, you’ll build a 3D chess game in unity.

Creating a Slot Machine Game in C#, unity slot game tutorial.


Creating a Slot Machine Game in C#, unity slot game tutorial.

Not every successful game involves shooting aliens or saving the world. Board games, and chess, in particular, have a history that spans thousands of years. Not only are they fun to play, but they’re also fun to port from a real-life board game to a video game.

In this tutorial, you’ll build a 3D chess game in unity. Along the way, you’ll learn how to:

  • Choose which piece to move

  • Determine legal moves

  • Alternate players

  • Detect a win

By the time you’ve finished this tutorial, you’ll have created a feature-rich chess game that you can use as a starting point for other board games.

Getting started

Download the project materials for this tutorial. You can find a link at the top and the bottom of this page. Open the starter project in unity to get going.

Chess is often implemented as a simple 2D game. However, this version is 3D to mimic sitting at a table playing with your friend. Besides… 3D is cool. =]

Open the main scene in the scenes folder. You’ll see a board object representing the game board and an object for the gamemanager. These objects already have scripts attached.

  • Prefabs: includes the board, the individual pieces and the indicator squares that will be used in the move selection process.

  • Materials: includes materials for the chess board, the chess pieces and the tile overlays.

  • Scripts: contains the components that have already been attached to objects in the hierarchy.

  • Board: keeps track of the visual representations of the pieces. This component also handles the highlighting of individual pieces.

  • Geometry.Cs: utility class that handles the conversion between row and column notation and vector3 points.

  • Player.Cs: keeps track of the player’s pieces, as well as the pieces a player has captured. It also holds the direction of play for pieces where direction matters, such as pawns.

  • Piece.Cs: the base class that defines enumerations for any instantiated pieces. It also contains logic to determine the valid moves in the game.

  • Gamemanager.Cs: stores game logic such as allowed moves, the initial arrangement of the pieces at the start of the game and more. It’s a singleton, so it’s easy for other classes to call it.

Gamemanager stores a 2D array named pieces that tracks where the pieces are located on the board. Take a look at addpiece , pieceatgrid and gridforpiece to see how this works.

Enter play mode to view the board and get the pieces set up and ready to go.

Creating a Slot Machine Game in C#, unity slot game tutorial.

Moving pieces

The first step is figuring out which piece to move.

Raycasting is a way to find out which tile the user is mousing over. If you aren’t familiar with raycasting in unity, check out our introduction to unity scripting tutorial or our popular bomberman tutorial.

Once the player selects a piece, you need to generate valid tiles where the piece can move. Then, you need to pick one. You’ll add two new scripts to handle this functionality. Tileselector will help select which piece to move, and moveselector will help pick a destination.

Both components have the same basic methods:

  • Start : for one-time setup.

  • Enterstate : does the setup for this activation.

  • Update : performs the raycast as the mouse moves.

  • Exitstate : cleans up the current state and calls enterstate of the next state.

This is a basic implementation of the state machine pattern. If you need more states, you can make this more formal; however, you’ll add complexity.

Selecting a tile

Select board in the hierarchy. Then, in the inspector window, click the add component button. Now, type tileselector in the box and click new script. Finally, click create and add to attach the script.

Highlighting the selected tile

Double-click tileselector.Cs to open it and add the following variables inside the class definition:

These variables store the transparent overlay to help indicate which tile you’re pointing at. The prefab is assigned in edit mode and the component tracks and moves around the highlight.

Next, add the following lines to start :

Start gets an initial row and column for the highlight tile, turns it into a point and creates a game object from the prefab. This object is initially deactivated, so it won’t be visible until it’s needed.

Geometry.Cs has helper methods for these conversions:

  • Gridpoint(int col, int row) : gives you a gridpoint for a given column and row.

  • Pointfromgrid(vector2int gridpoint) : turns a gridpoint into a vector3 actual point in the scene.

  • Gridfrompoint(vector3 point) : gives the gridpoint for the x and z value of that 3D point, and the y value is ignored.

This re-enables the component when it’s time to select another piece.

Then, add the following to update :

Here, you create a ray from the camera, through the mouse pointer, and off into infinity and beyond!

Physics.Raycast checks to see if this ray intersects any physics colliders in the system. Since the board is the only object with a collider, you don’t have to worry about pieces being hidden by each other.

If the ray intersects a collider, then raycasthit has the details, including the point of intersection. You turn that intersection point into a gridpoint with the helper method, and then you use that method to set the position of the highlight tile.

Since the mouse pointer is over the board, you also enable the highlight tile, so it’s displayed.

Finally, select board in the hierarchy and click prefabs in the project window. Then, drag the selection-yellow prefab into the tile highlight prefab slot in the tile selector component of the board.

Now when you enter play mode, there will be a yellow highlight tile that follows the mouse pointer around.

Creating a Slot Machine Game in C#, unity slot game tutorial.

Selecting the piece

To select a piece, you need to check if the mouse button is down. Add this check inside the if block, just after the point where you enable the tile highlight:

If the mouse button is pressed, gamemanager provides you the piece at that location. You also have to make sure this piece belongs to the current player since players can’t move their opponent’s pieces.

Enter play mode and select a piece.

Creating a Slot Machine Game in C#, unity slot game tutorial.

Now that you have a piece selected, it’s time to move it to a new tile.

Selecting a move target

At this point, tileselector has done its job. It’s time to introduce the other component: moveselector .

This component is similar to tileselector . Just like before, select the board object in the hierarchy, add a new component and name it moveselector .

Hand off control

The first thing you have to manage is how to hand off control from tileselector to moveselector . You can use exitstate for this. In tileselector.Cs, add this method:

This hides the tile overlay and disables the tileselector component. In unity, you can’t call the update method of disabled components. Since you want to call the update method of the new component now, disabling the old component prevents any interference.

Call this method by adding this line to update , just after reference point 1 :

Now, open moveselector and add these instance variables at the top of the class:

These hold the mouse highlight, move locations and attack location tile overlays, as well as the instantiated highlight tile and the piece that was selected in the previous step.

Next, add the following set up code to start:

This component has to start in the disabled state, since you need tileselector to run first. Then, you load the highlight overlay like before.

Move the piece

Next, add the enterstate method:

When this method is called, it stores the piece being moved and enables itself.

Add these lines to the update method of moveselector :

Update in this case is similar to tileselector and uses the same raycast check to see what tile the mouse is over. However, this time when the mouse button is clicked, you call gamemanager to move the piece to the new tile.

Finally, add the exitstate method to clean up and prepare for the next move:

You disable this component and hide the tile highlight overlay. Since the piece has moved, you can clear that value, and ask the gamemanager to unhighlight the piece. Then, you call enterstate on tileselector to start the process all over again.

Back in the editor, with board selected, drag the tile overlay prefabs from the prefab folder to the slots in moveselector :

  • Move location prefab should be selection-blue

  • Tile highlight prefab should be selection-yellow .

  • Attack location prefab should be selection-red

Creating a Slot Machine Game in C#, unity slot game tutorial.

You can tweak the colors by adjusting the materials.

Start play mode and move some pieces around.

Creating a Slot Machine Game in C#, unity slot game tutorial.

You’ll notice that you can move pieces to any unoccupied location. That can make for a very confusing game of chess! The next step is to make sure pieces move according to the rules of the game.

Finding legal moves

In chess, each piece has different movements it can legally make. Some can move in any direction, some can move any number of spaces, and some can only move in one direction. How do you keep track of all the options?

One way is to have an abstract base class that represents all pieces, and then have concrete subclasses override a method to generate move locations.

Another question to answer is: “where should you generate the list of moves?”

One place that makes sense is enterstate in moveselector . This is where you generate overlay tiles to show the player where they can move, so it makes the most sense.

Generate list of valid targets

The general strategy is to take the selected piece and ask gamemanager for a list of valid targets (a.K.A. Moves). Gamemanager will use the piece subclass to generate a list of possible targets. Then, it will filter out positions that are off the board or occupied.

This filtered list is passed back to moveselector , which highlights the legal moves and waits for the player’s selection.

The pawn has the most basic move, so it makes sense to start there.

Open pawn.Cs in pieces, and modify movelocations so that it looks like this:

This code first creates an empty list to store locations. Next, it creates a location representing “forward” one square.

Since the white and black pawns move in different directions, the player object stores a value representing which way the pawns can move. For one player this value is +1, while the value is -1 for the opponent.

Pawns have a peculiar movement profile and several special rules. Although they can move forward one square, they can’t capture an opposing piece in that square; they can only capture on the forward diagonals. Before adding the forward tile as a valid location, you have to check to see if there’s already another piece occupying that spot. If not, you can add the forward tile to the list.

For the capture spots, again, you have to check to see if there’s already a piece at that location. If there is, you can capture it.

You don’t need to worry just yet about checking if it’s the player’s or the opponent’s piece — you’ll work that out later.

In gamemanager.Cs, add this method just after the move method:

Here, you get the piece component from the game piece, as well as its current location.

Next, you ask gamemanager for a list of locations for this piece and filter out any invalid values.

Removeall is a useful function that uses a callback expression. This method looks at each value in the list, passing it into an expression as tile . If that expression evaluates to true , then the value is removed from the list.

This first expression removes locations with an x or y value that would place the piece off of the board. The second filter is similar, but it removes any locations that have a friendly piece.

In moveselector.Cs, add these instance variables at the top of the class:

The first stores a list of gridpoint values for move locations; the second stores a list of overlay tiles showing whether the player can move to that location.

Add the following to the bottom of the enterstate method:

This section does several things:

First, it gets a list of valid locations from the gamemanager and makes an empty list to store the tile overlay objects. Next, it loops over each location in the list. If there is already a piece at that location, then it must be an enemy piece, because the friendly ones were already filtered out.

Enemy locations get the attack overlay, and the remainder get the move overlay.

Execute the move

Add this section below reference point 2 , inside the if statement checking the mouse button:

If the player clicks on a tile that isn’t a valid move, exit from this function.

Finally, in moveselector.Cs, add this code to the end of exitstate :

At this point, the player has selected a move so you can remove the overlay objects.

Creating a Slot Machine Game in C#, unity slot game tutorial.

Whew! Those were a lot of code changes just to get the pawns to move. Now that you’ve done all the hard work, it’ll be easy to move the other pieces.

Next player

It’s not much of a game if only one side gets to move. It’s time to fix that!

To let both players play, you’ll have to figure out how to switch between players and where to add the code.

Since gamemanager is responsible for all of the game rules, it makes the most sense to put the switching code there.

The actual switch is straightforward. There are variables for the current and other player in gamemanager , so you just need to swap those values.

The trickier question is: where do you call the swap?

A player’s turn is over once they have moved a piece. Exitstate in moveselector is called after the selected piece is moved, so that seems like the right place to do the switch.

In gamemanager.Cs, add the following method to the end of the class:

Swapping two values requires a third variable to act as a placeholder; otherwise, you’d overwrite one of the values before it can be copied.

Switch over to moveselector.Cs and add the following line to exitstate , right before the call to enterstate :

That’s it! Exitstate and enterstate already take care of their own cleanup.

Enter play mode, and you can now move pieces for both sides. You’re getting close to a real game at this point

Creating a Slot Machine Game in C#, unity slot game tutorial.

Capturing pieces

Capturing pieces is an important part of chess. As the saying goes, “it’s all fun and games until someone loses a knight”.

Since the game rules go in gamemanager , open that and add the following method:

Here, gamemanager looks up which piece is at the target location. This piece is added to the list of captured pieces for the current player. Next, it’s cleared from gamemanager ‘s record of the board tiles and gameobject is destroyed, which removes it from the scene.

To capture a piece, you move on top of it. So the code to call this step should go in moveselector.Cs.

In update , find the reference point 3 comment and replace it with the following statement:

The previous if statement checked to see if there was a piece at the target location. Since the earlier move generation filtered out tiles with friendly pieces, a tile that contains a piece must be an enemy piece.

After the enemy piece is gone, the selected piece can move in.

Click on play and move the pawns around until you can capture one.

Creating a Slot Machine Game in C#, unity slot game tutorial.

I am the queen, you captured my pawn, prepare to die.

Ending the game

A chess game ends when a player captures the opposing king. When you capture a piece, check to see if it’s a king. If so, the game is over.

But how do you stop the game? One way is to remove both the tileselector and moveselector scripts on the board.

In gamemanager.Cs, in capturepieceat , add the following lines before you destroy the captured piece:

It’s not enough to disable these components. The next exitstate and enterstate calls will only re-enable one of them, which will keep the game going.

Destroy is not just for gameobject classes; it can be used to remove a component attached to an object as well.

Hit play. Manouever a pawn and take the enemy king. You’ll see a win message printed to the unity console.

As a personal challenge, you can add UI elements to display a “game over” message or transition back to a menu screen.

Creating a Slot Machine Game in C#, unity slot game tutorial.

Now it’s time to bring out the big guns and move the more powerful pieces!

Special movement

Piece and its specific subclasses are an excellent way to encapsulate the special movement rules.

You can use techniques from pawn to add movement to some of the other pieces. Pieces that move a single space in different directions, such as the king and knight, are set up in the same way. See if you can implement those movement rules.

Have a look at the finished project code if you need a hint.

Moving multiple spaces

Pieces that can move multiple spaces in one direction are more challenging. These are the bishop, rook and queen pieces. The bishop is easier to demonstrate, so let’s start with that one.

Piece has premade lists of the directions the bishop and rook can move as a starting point. These are all directions from the current tile location of the piece.

Open bishop.Cs, and replace movelocations with this:

The foreach loops over each direction. For each direction, there is a second loop that generates enough new locations to move the piece off the board. Since the list of locations will be filtered for off-board locations, you just need enough to make sure you don't miss any tiles.

In each step, generate a gridpoint for the location and add it to the list. Then check to see if that location currently has a piece. If it does, break out of the inner loop to go to the next direction.

The break is included because an existing piece will block further movement. Again, later in the chain, you filter out locations with friendly pieces, so you don't have to worry about that here.

For chess, this only matters for pawns, but other games might require that distinction.

That's it! Hit play mode and try it out.

Creating a Slot Machine Game in C#, unity slot game tutorial.

Moving the queen

The queen is the most powerful piece, so that's an excellent place to finish.

The queen's movement is a combination of the bishop and rook; the base class has an array of directions for each piece. It would be helpful if you could combine the two.

In queen.Cs, replace movelocations with the following:

The only thing that's different here is that you're turning the direction array into a list .

The advantage of the list is that you can add the directions from the other array, making one list with all of the directions. The rest of the method is the same as the bishop code.

Hit play again, and get the pawns out of the way to make sure everything works.

Creating a Slot Machine Game in C#, unity slot game tutorial.

Where to go from here?

There are several things you can do at this point, like finish the movement for the king, knight and rook. If you're stuck at any point, check out the final project code in the project materials download.

There are a few special rules that are not implemented here, such as allowing a pawn's first move to be two spaces instead of just one, castling and a few others.

The general pattern is to add variables and methods to gamemanager to keep track of those situations and check if they're available when the piece is moving. If available, then add the appropriate locations in movelocations for that piece.

There are also visual enhancements you can make. For example, the pieces can move smoothly to their target location or the camera can rotate to show the other player's view during their turn.

If you have any questions or comments, or just want to show off your cool 3D chess game, join the discussion below!

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An educational tool, built for kinect and large, high-res displays.

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Slot machine


C++ framework for slot machine games

Gamblekit is a free open-source C++ object oriented library for quick and easy building of slot machine and gambling games with reels and GUI management. It relies basically on declarative programming style, so the programmer needs simply to declare, for example at creation time, the basic layout and behavior of the game, and then leave the game flow, requiring as little additional intervention as possible. The project is welcoming contributors and feedback is appreciated! The next steps.

Slot machine game

A quick fun slot machine game.

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EPAC - slot machine

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Slot machine game development using unity

Looking for a developer that has worked on slot machine games in the past for tablets to develop a simple slot machine game. Must be familiar with programming the slot reel mechanics, math models, RTP percentages, experience bars, progressive jackpots, etc. Must also provide examples (preferably live in the app store) of slot games created using unity. To ensure that you have fully read and understood the requirements of this job, please write the word machine on the top of your application.

You will be asked to answer the following questions when submitting a proposal:

1. What are some slot machine games you have developed successfully?

Project ID: #14339021

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Hello! Nice too meet you.. 100% completion rate. I saw your description. I have many exprience about your unity 3D project. I have done AR and VR. I can show you the sample games and AR products. I did for 5 more

Greetings, I am christina and very thankful for this opportunity. You are looking for highly skilled and experienced game development team to build a slot game application. Relevant skills and experience our past simi more

Hello, how are you? I have checked your project description and recognized that your project is familiar with my skills. I am very excited to work on your project and I am fully capable of giving you high quality more

[login to view URL]" data-descr-full="machine hello, thank you for the posting this project! We as a company having great experience in slot game development. Kindly check our slot games, => [login to view URL] => [login to view URL] => [login to view URL] => [login to view URL] => [login to view URL] the game features that we have covered in the our past slot games: - max bet - free spin - auto spin - pay lines - bonus & scatter symbols - custom RTP% - 5 reel slot - daily bonus rewards - premium slots designs I would like to show you some more game apps we developed in unity: => [login to view URL] => [login to view URL] for now, I have added an approx amount to let this bid on board. If we could discuss your game further so prices would vary. We can negotiate with our price as this will be the first project from you. I will take care of all designs and development. We will use unity game engine so your game will be compatible with android and iphone. Hope you would like my portfolio and consider the proposal for further discussion. Best regards, dharmesh prajapati"> machine hello, thank you for the posting this project! We as a company having great experience in slot game development. Kindly check our slot games, => [login to view URL] more

Creating a Slot Machine Game in C#, unity slot game tutorial.

Hi there I can able to create the slot game based on your requirement. I have good experience with slot game based framework I can share my previous slot game when you contact me. Check my profile for reviews more

You can also check my portfolio: https://www.Freelancer.Com/u/micheal4299.Html I also have experience in working on similar projects. Let me know if you are interested in working with me. Thanks! Relevant skills and E more

Hi project manager how are you? I have strong skills for development of ios and android app&games and I have good attitude with you too relevant skills and experience hi project manager how are you? I have strong skil more

Slot machine game development using unity.

Looking for a developer that has worked on slot machine games in the past for tablets to develop a simple slot machine game. Must be familiar with programming the slot reel mechanics, math models, RTP percentages, experience bars, progressive jackpots, etc. Must also provide examples (preferably live in the app store) of slot games created using unity. To ensure that you have fully read and understood the requirements of this job, please write the word machine on the top of your application.

You will be asked to answer the following questions when submitting a proposal:

1. What are some slot machine games you have developed successfully?

Project ID: #14339064

Looking to make some money?

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39 freelancers are bidding on average $3108 for this job

Greetings! I am a unity game developer with 6 years of game industry experience. I possess really good experience with SLOT GAME. My game: @slot game: [login to view URL] relevant skills and experience I have al more

We did lot of slot games and we can provide perfect one. Relevant skills and experience yes we have team for front end and backend proposed milestones $34583 USD - 1 we need description of your project

Hello! Nice too meet you.. 100% completion rate. I saw your description. I have many exprience about your unity 3D project. I have done AR and VR. I can show you the sample games and AR products. I did for 5 more

Greetings, I am christina and very thankful for this opportunity. You are looking for highly skilled and experienced game development team to build a slot game application. Relevant skills and experience our past simi more

Hello, how are you? I have checked your project description and recognized that your project is familiar with my skills. I am very excited to work on your project and I am fully capable of giving you high quality more

Creating a Slot Machine Game in C#, unity slot game tutorial.

HI there I have good experience with slot machine game and can help you on this project. I would like to know more details about this project, so I can assist accordingly! Thanks melinda L

[login to view URL]" data-descr-full="machine hello, thank you for the posting this project! We as a company having great experience in slot game development. Kindly check our slot games, => [login to view URL] => [login to view URL] => [login to view URL] => [login to view URL] => [login to view URL] the game features that we have covered in the our past slot games: - max bet - free spin - auto spin - pay lines - bonus & scatter symbols - custom RTP% - 5 reel slot - daily bonus rewards - premium slots designs I would like to show you some more game apps we developed in unity: => [login to view URL] => [login to view URL] for now, I have added an approx amount to let this bid on board. If we could discuss your game further so prices would vary. We can negotiate with our price as this will be the first project from you. I will take care of all designs and development. We will use unity game engine so your game will be compatible with android and iphone. Hope you would like my portfolio and consider the proposal for further discussion. Best regards, dharmesh prajapati"> machine hello, thank you for the posting this project! We as a company having great experience in slot game development. Kindly check our slot games, => [login to view URL] more

Can you please share feature you require in your app? So I can go through it and get back to you with detail understanding proposal, accurate TIME/COST. Please visit our LATEST portfolio, where you can find more games developed us: @@ [login to view URL] I'm very much interested in this work and ready to start work right away. It would be great to hear your ideas and preferences to understand your vision. Hope you'll like my work and give me a chance to discuss further. Best regards, dharti mehta"> what are some slot machine games you have developed successfully? @ [login to view URL] @ [login to view URL] more

You can also check my portfolio: https://www.Freelancer.Com/u/micheal4299.Html I also have experience in working on similar projects. Let me know if you are interested in working with me. Thanks! Relevant skills and E more

Hi project manager how are you? I have strong skills for development of ios and android app&games and I have good attitude with you too relevant skills and experience hi project manager how are you? I have strong skil more

Hello how are you. The following urls are typical of my games. - endless running game [login to view URL] - match 3 game [login to view URL] more

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Creating a Slot Machine Game in C#, unity slot game tutorial.

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Unity 3D / casino games / slot machine you can make the request using the link in the tutorial. I have paid for slot machine source code casino game - android hi! I just started my journey with unity 2d and i want to make a unity tutorial how to make simple slot machine game side scrolling hack and slash tutorial?

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Creating a Slot Machine Game in C#, unity slot game tutorial.

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Creating a Slot Machine Game in C#, unity slot game tutorial.

Ladder climbing? R/unity2d - reddit. But not your standard slot machine per this column will then be loaded into our 2-dimensional array back in the machine class. The 2D array represents the view or use unity to build high-quality 3D and 2D 3d slot machine I made myself, I have looked all over the net about codes or tutorials about slot machines what i'm.

Creating a Slot Machine Game in C#, unity slot game tutorial.

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    Creating a Slot Machine Game in C#, unity slot game tutorial.

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    Unity slot game tutorial

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    Creating a Slot Machine Game in C#, unity slot game tutorial.

    Creating a Slot Machine Game in C#, unity slot game tutorial.

    Creating a Slot Machine Game in C#, unity slot game tutorial.

    Creating a Slot Machine Game in C#, unity slot game tutorial.

    Creating a Slot Machine Game in C#, unity slot game tutorial.
    Slot machine game

    Creating a Slot Machine Game in C#, unity slot game tutorial.

    Creating a Slot Machine Game in C#, unity slot game tutorial.

    Creating a Slot Machine Game in C#, unity slot game tutorial.
    Unity slot.Sln

    A simple slot machine game made in unity, which is a cross-platform game engine. The primary language used for this project was javascript, and all the models were made in autodesk maya. The code for the game can be found by going to assets---> scripts. The executable file for the game can be found in the folder labeled slot machince game. When running the game I recommend you set the resolution in the launcher to 800 x 600 and check the box that say windowed.

    • Minimum bet is 1; maximum bet is 5.

    • Bets can be changed by clicking on the arrow buttons.

    • Press the play button to spin the wheel.

    • Get a winning combination on the middle row to earn credits.

    • Game over when you run out of credits.

    • One cherry = 1 times your bet

    • Two cherries = 2 times your bet

    • Three cherries = 6 times your bet

    • Lemons = 13 times your bet

    • Bars = 30 times your bet

    • Lucky 7s = 100 times your bet

    • Diamonds = 800 times your bet

    You can’t perform that action at this time.

    You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session.

    Custom slots framework v1.4

    Creating a Slot Machine Game in C#, unity slot game tutorial.

    Custom slots(CS) framework is a lightweight, flexible modular slots framework that can be integrated to your project as a mini-game or as a standalone full-featured slot machine game.

    While offering full customizability, CS tries to maintain its core simple and adaptable to any scene a spinning reel could participate. It is also built purely on UGUI to keep up with unity updates and to make integration less painful.

    * several new features introduced since the launch. MRS(multi-row-symbol), reel manipulation, animating symbols and much more.

    * any number of reels, rows, symbols, lines, effects etc supported.

    * automatically adjusts layout according to your setup.

    * procedural symbol loadout generation and simulation.

    * pop multiple instances of CS with smooth transition any moment should your game need.

    * effects can be easily tweaked via inspector, or disabled to use your own.

    * wilds, scatters, free spins, betting and other slots functions supported.

    * change reel behaviours and swap symbols upon entering free spin, bonus etc.

    * high performance, optimized C# codes, minimum updates, no GC allocation during updates.

    * bonus pay table generator included.

    * callbacks and runtime capability, extendability.

    * A full-featured complete slot game included as demo.

    * included free-for-commercial-use arts by nz.

    CS is part of my other game-under-development and you can expect updates coming as the development progresses.

    We are also available on the official CS thread on the unity forum. Please do not hesitate to ask a question or report a bug you found.

    ( CS uses demigiant's powerful tween library dotween. It is not necessarily to learn dotween but desirable to fully understand and customize CS. ) tested unity version 5.3.5p1 and 2017.1.0f3 works on mobile/smart phones

    Search results


    19 programs for "unity slot machine" widen your search

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    An free/opensource casino text-console game

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    Matlab-FEMM based GUI to assist the design of permanent magnet machine

    Matlab-FEMM based GUI to assist the design of permanent magnet machines: - surface mounted PMSM: inner rotor - surface mounted PMSM: outer rotor - inset mounted PMSM: inner rotor - inset mounted PMSM: outer rotor - spoke-type PMSM: inner rotor (NEW!!) - different slot types available (NEW!!) - winding wizard - performance simulator (FEMM based) requirements: - matlab 2016b or later (requires appdesigner) - FEMM 4.2 (fully compatible with FEMM 4.2 (21apr2019))

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    Meet EDSAC

    An educational tool, built for kinect and large, high-res displays.

    . Of the machine. The simulation was designed for a display device over 4m wide and at a resolution of 5700 x 2070, with a microsoft kinect v2 sensor situated at the top of the screen. It will run on a standard keyboard, mouse and monitor setup, though with an envelope view. An webgl version of the software (minus kinect and widescreen) was also created. This was built using unity 3D.

    Manage risk, meet compliance, improve security.

    Slot machine


    C++ framework for slot machine games

    Gamblekit is a free open-source C++ object oriented library for quick and easy building of slot machine and gambling games with reels and GUI management. It relies basically on declarative programming style, so the programmer needs simply to declare, for example at creation time, the basic layout and behavior of the game, and then leave the game flow, requiring as little additional intervention as possible. The project is welcoming contributors and feedback is appreciated! The next steps.

    Slot machine game

    A quick fun slot machine game.

    A GUI inspired slot machine game developed in python using the tkinter toolkit. Created for freshman final project. INSTALL INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Download the zip file 2. Extract the zip file onto users computer 3. Run the slotmachine application. 4. Enjoy the simple things in life.

    EPAC - slot machine

    This fun slot machine game will go down a treat with those of us who wish to play the slots a lot but don't want to pay any money. NOTE : THIS GAME IS FOR AMUSEMANT PURPOSES ONLY.

    So, let's see, what we have: today in C#, i will teach you how to create a program called slot machine game. Now, let's start this tutorial! 1. Let's start with creating a windows form application in C# for this tutorial by following the following steps in microsoft visual studio: go to file, click new project, and choose windows application. 2. Next, add only one button named button1 and labeled it as at unity slot game tutorial

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