Easily Find Safe Reliable Trusted Online Casinos, casino online com.

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Easily Find Safe Reliable Trusted Online Casinos, casino online com.

Easily Find Safe Reliable Trusted Online Casinos, casino online com.

Easily Find Safe Reliable Trusted Online Casinos, casino online com.

We certainly don’t neglect mobile players on this site, and all of our online casino reviews will let you know exactly how good the casino is for mobile players. This means that regardless of the mobile device you own, from ipads through to android phones, you’ll be able to find the perfect casino online for real money gambling. Casinos online have many advantages over playing at traditional land-based casinos. You can play anytime, anywhere without the usual distractions found in traditional casinos. You'll also find a bigger variety of games each with wider betting options available. Not to mention the exclusive bonuses and promotions we have for you.

Easily find safe reliable trusted online casinos

At casinoonline.Com you'll find a comprehensive guide of all things related to playing at online casinos. Whether you're a beginner or an expert you'll find and learn about the online casino games that best suit your style, as well as recommended sites to play them at.

Casinos online have many advantages over playing at traditional land-based casinos. You can play anytime, anywhere without the usual distractions found in traditional casinos. You'll also find a bigger variety of games each with wider betting options available. Not to mention the exclusive bonuses and promotions we have for you.

Here at casinoonline.Com you'll discover a huge amount of information that's all focused on helping you find the perfect online casino experience. Everything you need in order to get started with online real money casino play is right here!

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The best online casinos

How we rate casinos

At casinoonline.Com, we pride ourselves in our honest online casino reviews, which are written by experienced industry experts. We’ll always let you know when we’ve found a site that we genuinely believe is a fantastic one, however we’ll also ensure that we tell you about any sites that you should definitely avoid.

Like the online casinos team at cardschat.Com, our experts provide years of experience in trying out hundreds of casinos to find the best ones for our readers. We use our knowledge of the industry to make your casino gaming more fun, profitable and informed.

We’ll look at many aspects of an online casino we review, so you can know everything you need to know before deciding whether to sign up. Some of the important areas we’ll look at include security, choice of games, the banking options, customer service, and the different bonuses on offer. We also regularly look back at casinos we’ve previously reviewed, so we can amend their ratings and let you know if any new and exciting features have been added. What’s more, new reviews are added all the time, so make sure you keep checking back!

If you want to skip to the reviews of our top online casino, you’ll find details of them further down the page.

Top online casino games

Play using A mobile

More and more people are turning to their mobile devices to access a casino online, and most online gambling sites have responded by significantly improving their mobile experience.

We certainly don’t neglect mobile players on this site, and all of our online casino reviews will let you know exactly how good the casino is for mobile players. This means that regardless of the mobile device you own, from ipads through to android phones, you’ll be able to find the perfect casino online for real money gambling.

There’s no doubting the fact that the iphone is the most popular mobile in the world, and that the ipad is the world’s best-selling tablet. This means that all online casinos try to cater for apple users as much as possible – which can only be a good thing for those online gamblers who own these devices. Apple users will find that many casinos offer apps for them to download, and even casinos that don’t have apps can be accessed using a browser.

Android devices are also incredibly well-catered for by the online casino industry, and can easily be used to gamble for real money. Like apple devices, there are often apps for android users to download, and these should always be completely free. Both android phones and tablets are used to gamble online every day, and many people have won huge amounts of money by using them to do so!

Don’t worry if you don’t own an apple or an android device though, as you’ll still also be able to play at a casino online for real money. Those with a windows phone or a blackberry can easily head to their favorite online casino via their device’s browser, where they’ll find loads of exciting games to play.

Play the biggest progressive jackpots online

There are loads of different types of games that can be played at each and every online casino, however there’s no doubting where the big money can be made – progressive jackpot games. These games can often have prizes that run into the millions – the most ever won was over $20,000,000 – and they are favored by many who like to play at an online casino for real money. Even if you don’t manage to win, the games are always really enjoyable, and all offer other prizes as well, even if they aren’t millions of dollars!

But what exactly are progressive jackpots? Well, instead of being a standard amount, these jackpots rise as more and more people play the game. They then reset when someone is lucky enough to claim the jackpot, however even the base amount is sometimes over a million dollars! Some of the more popular progressive jackpot slots include mega moolah and major millions, with the first of the two aforementioned slots holding the record for the biggest online win of all time.

You’ll be able to find details of all the best real money progressive jackpot online casino games right here at casinoonline, and you’ll also be able to find out which sites to sign up to if you want to play them.

New casino winners

Everyone likes to know what's at stake when they're gambling online, and it's not just about the tallies showing you the progressive jackpot totals racking up. You want to know what the players are taking home. More importantly, you'd like to see if a game has just paid out recently.

The table below has got you covered. You can see who won and by how much, and when and where they were playing. This makes it far easier to see the sort of cash you are playing for, and where you are most likely to see a pay out.

Casino online

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Casino online non aams e aams

Cosa sono e come funzionano i casino non aams e aams

I casino online e specialmente i casino non aams sono dei software elettronici di gioco, gestiti da vari bookmakers online, che permettono di scommettere e vincere denaro reale direttamente dal tuo computer o da dispositivi mobili, giocando alle stesse tipologie di giochi dei casinò terrestri. Sinonimi usati sono: casino virtuale ; casino on line ; casino su internet ; casino in rete, casino non aams

Come giocatori online siamo costretti a fidarci quasi ciecamente del modo di gestire le operazioni di ogni casino. Noi dobbiamo fornire numerose informazioni personali, dettagli della carta di credito, investire denaro e sperare che il gioco sia gestito in modo chiaro e corretto. Come facciamo allora a sapere che ci viene offerta una possibilità corretta di vincere quando sediamo al tavolo del blackjack o della roulette? Come facciamo a sapere che i giochi non sono truccati?

In casino online evidenzieremo le ragioni per la quali ci si può fidare della correttezza di un casino online non aams. Tutti i maggiori casino online sono assolutamente legali ed i risultati ai loro tavoli da gioco sono basati su complessi generatori di numeri casuali che sono corretti al 100% sotto ogni aspetto.

I frequentatori dei casino non aams hanno il lusso di poter scegliere tra centinaia di casino differenti.

Top casino non aams selezionati per voi











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Potete passare da un casino all’altro molto facilmente, se quindi qualche casino dovesse dare problemi non dovreste pensarci due volte e saltare al successivo o cercarne uno migliore. Il principale interesse di un casino online è quindi quello di assicurare felicità e soddisfazione ai propri clienti – sanno bene che basta un secondo per perdere un cliente! Devono quindi essere competitivi per tenervi come clienti il che comporta grandi incentivi in offerta ma soprattutto generosi payouts, possibilità eque di vittoria e correttezza in genere.

Tutti i casino online hanno abbastanza buon senso da assicurarsi costantemente che i propri giochi offrano odds corrette in ogni momento per il semplice fatto che sul lungo periodo la mancanza di correttezza si rivela un pessimo business. Anche coloro che producono i software non hanno alcun interesse a truccarli dato che i loro affari sono dovuti alla solidità dei prodotti ed alla buona reputazione come affidabili software provider.

La realtà è che i casino online sono estremamente corretti nel rispetto delle chance offerte ai giocatori, tanto da arrivare al punto di poter offrire odds e payout migliori di quelli che si possono ricevere in qualsiasi casino di las vegas. Proprio come a las vegas, i principali casino fanno soldi più che a sufficienza dalle odds standar e non hanno quindi alcun misogno di apportare modifiche per avvantaggiarsi rovinando la propria reputazione senza alcuna necessità.

La forza di internet sta nella velocità con la quale circolano le notizie – quelle buone come quelle cattive! Se un casino online fosse scoperto a truccare i propri giochi la notizia circolerebbe come un proiettile ed il casino si troverebbe presto senza clienti ed in bancarotta.

Come misura estrema per assicurare la correttezza e legalità del gioco, molti casino online hanno anche preso la decisione di ricorre all’approvazione da parte di terzi indipendenti. Questi, spesso rappresentazioni dei giocatori o ditte specializzate nella valutazione dei software, dopo attente verifiche concedono una certificazione che attesta la validità del software e la correttezza dei giochi verso i giocatori.

Non potrebbero esserci maggiori garanzie di correttezza

Come scegliere un casino non aams sicuro e affidabile?

Esistono molti modi per scegliere un casino non aams affidabile, consultare le guide ai casino, c’e ne sono a quantità su internet, o può esservi raccomandato da un amico, è probabilmente il modo più rappresentativo, si chiama il marketing virale.Una persona da una notizia, un buono piano da dividere, avverte i suoi amici che essi, felici di essere stati messi in confidenza, si affrettano a loro turno di dare l’info ai loro amici e tale virus, la notizia si propaga in tutto il mondo.

Il secondo modo per cercare un casino online è legato alla scoperta del casino seguito ad una ricerca di parole chiave come: casino, bonus casino, casino online o poker online, su un motore di ricerca. I risultati si mostrano al potenziale giocatore, i primi risultati forniscono la maggior parte delle volte il casino che si sta cercando nel motore di ricerca.Per quanto riguarda la guida casino online, il vantaggio per quelli che ne beneficiano di questo tipo di promozione risiede nel costo, non ha nessuno costo e c’è solo da guadagnare.

Comunque a mio avviso è molto utile utilizzare e consultare le guide dei casino con un elenco specializzato. Ciò resta probabilmente il metodo più interessante per il giocatore, per parecchie ragioni:

La guida ai casino online fornisce delle notizie chiare e dettagliate su ciascuno dei casino che propone sul suo sito.(in questo sito ogni pagina e’ dediacata al singolo casino)

La guida o l’elenco online propongono una lista dei migliori casino, ciò permette al giocatore di potere scegliere su una larga scelta di casino, il webmaster della guida tiene molto alla qualità e la serietà dei casino che propone sul suo sito.

I gestori di queste informazioni di giochi casino e d’azzardo online prendono una percentuale sugli incassi dei casino che promuovono e quindi devono valutare loro stessi l’onesta, la professionalità e l’affidabilità di queste società che gestiscono i casino, altrimenti rischiano di non essere pagati nemmeno loro.Le guide beneficiano spesso di offerte esclusive riservate ai suoi visitatori, come i bonus di 10 euros senza obbligo di deposito.

Anche se il marketing virale resta il metodo preponderante, non è affatto un segno di qualità, perché delle false voci, chiamate “hoax” in inglese circolano su internet e sono la prima forma di marketing virale. Resta positivo che l’utilizzazione delle guide di casino online è il migliore metodo per scegliere la qualità.

I vantaggi di giocare al casinò online

Al casinò online si vince ancora di più del casinò tradizionale, infatti, i costi di gestione sono abbattuti: meno personale, niente croupiers, mercato mondiale, nessun edificio, etc… E’ questo si traduce in benefici per il gicatore: programmi a punti, bonus omaggio, bonus percentuale sul deposito, giornate speciali, auto e viaggi regalo. Inoltre potrai giocare comodamente da casa tua sia con gli amici, che da solo.

Quando scarichi il casinò non aams dal web, dopo averlo installato, potrai fin da subito giocare alle seguenti tipologie di giochi:

Baccarat,blackjack, roulette americana, roulette europea, sic bo, dadi, poker caraibico ,pay gow, poker, gratta e vinci, keno, slot machines ,videopoker.

Tipologie dei giochi da casinò online

Un casinò online offre tutti i tipici giochi da casinò: blackjack, poker, baccarat, dadi, roulette, punto banco, slot machine, video poker. Tra le tendenze più recenti è la diffusione della variante USA del poker nota come texas hold’em.Il funzionamento di un casino online è semplice. Vi sono tre componenti principali: il sito web, il software del casino, e il server.

Consigli per giocare ai casino non aams

I nostri consigli per giocare bene su internet al casinò, poker ed altre scommesse sportive è importante rispettare alcune regole quando si gioca del denaro online, che sia al casinò, al poker e altri tipi di scommesse online.

1) giocare del denaro in modo giusto, è giocare potendo permettersi di perdere. Il consiglio più importante, non lasciarsi superare dall’emozione del facile guadagno

2) fissarvi un bilancio mensile per giocare al casinò, poker ed altri,

3 ) non superate mai il vostro limite

4 ) non giocare mai al poker online o in un casinò virtuale quando si è stanco o avete bevuto troppo alcool. Giocare al casinò su internet senza essere lucido vi permetterà facilmente di dimenticare la regola numero uno e due. È molto più facile vincere essendo sobrio ed in piena condizione fisica

5 ) non vincete? Sappiate fermarvi quando non è il vostro giorno fortunato.

6 ) avete vinto? Complimenti!! Mettete da parte il denaro del badget iniziale, è il momento di giocare duro, non siate avari con i soldi del gestore. Se è il vostro giorno fortunato è l’opportunità di vincere alla grande.

7 ) prima di impegnarvi su un sito dedicato ai giochi di denaro leggete le condizioni del sito di casinò o di poker. Su ogni casinò voi troverete le regole applicabili ai giocatori e i metodi di pagamento, bonifico, mezzi di deposito. Vi consiglio di consultarli prima di depositare soldi.

8 ) quando cercate un casino online sicuro per giocare denaro, scegliete quelli più vecchi della rete, quelli che hanno una storia dietro, certamente sono i più cliccati, visto che ancora sono in internet. Il software del casino se è sviluppato dalla playtech è un altro punto di onestà e affidabilità.

9 ) provate i giochi casino nella modalità per divertimento per acquisire esperienza ed imparare le tecniche del gioco.

10 ) non acquistate i sistemi e strategie per vincere facile ai giochi di casino virtuale o delle tattiche vincenti al poker per fare di voi un milionario per 15 euro via paypal, renderà ricco solamente il suo redattore.

5 giocate pazze al casino (video)

I casino live non sono altro che i casino terrestri ma in versione pc. Principalemnte nei casino live trovi i giochi della roulette, blackjack, baccarat con veri croupiers, subito un bonus di 1000 euro per te

Malina casino

Malina casino uno dei casino online che pagano di piu’

Malina casino è stato lanciato nel 2016 e offre ai giocatori online una vasta scelta di slot, giochi da casinò, giochi con croupier dal vivo, giochi per dispositivi mobili e anche un ottimo sito di scommesse sportive. Non puoi davvero sbagliare con questo fantastico sito che offre fantastici bonus, supporto 24 ore su 24, 7 giorni su 7 e un sito di gioco d’azzardo completo. Malina casino è disponibile in più lingue tra cui inglese, portoghese, polacco, tedesco, ceco, spagnolo, italiano, turco, ungherese, russo e greco. Araxio development NV gestisce malina casino, che è autorizzato per il gioco d’azzardo online dal governo del curacao, come del resto anche alf casino.

Giochi disponibili su malina casino

Malina casino ha una grande selezione di giochi di alta qualità prodotti e gestiti da grandi fornitori di software come netent, microgaming, rival gaming, NYX gaming, evolution gaming, betsoft gaming, isoftbet, quickspin, push gaming, quickfire, habanero, yggdrasil gaming, red rake, igrosoft, amatic industries, EGT, elk studios, gameart e pragmatic play. Tutti i loro giochi sono un gioco istantaneo, che non richiede download.

I giocatori di slot machines troveranno un’impressionante collezione di giochi tra cui scegliere con titoli popolari come starburst, gonzo’s quest, thunderstruck II, immortal romance, medusa II, basic instinct e molti, molti altri. I giocatori di giochi da tavolo troveranno anche una vasta scelta di giochi tra cui baccarat, più giochi di blackjack, più giochi di roulette e giochi di poker come oasis poker, pai gow poker o texas hold’em per citarne alcuni. Ci sono anche più giochi di video poker disponibili, incluse varianti a mano singola e multipla.

Malina casino sezione LIVE

Se ti piace l’eccitazione dei casino terrestri, i croupier dal vivo di malina casino ripropongono direttamente a casa tua e in maniera fedele l’azione che troveresti in una sala da gioco reale. I giochi dal vivo vengono trasmessi in streaming e in alta definizione dalle sale terrestri dove vedrai il tuo gioco svolgersi in tempo reale e potrai interagire con i croupier dal vivo come in un casinò reale. I giochi disponibili includono baccarat, blackjack, roulette, three card poker, texas hold’em, caribbean stud, sic bo poker, casino hold’em, dragon tiger, fan tan e live dream catcher. Per iniziare dovrai depositare dei soldi e finanziare il proprio account in quanto i giochi live possono essere utilizzati solo con denaro reale.

Casinò mobile malina

Non puoi perdere il contatto con malina casino anche se sei in attesa di prendere un aereo o mentre fai la fila alle poste. Anche qui puoi giocare alle tue slot preferite o ai giochi da casinò ovunque, quando vuoi. Puoi accedere al casinò sulla maggior parte degli smartphone o tablet con funzionalità internet. I giochi disponibili sono completamente ottimizzati per dispositivi mobili e funzionano perfettamente su schermi di qualsiasi dimensione. Per iniziare tutto ciò che devi fare è visitare il casinò sul tuo dispositivo mobile e malina casino si prenderà cura di tutto il resto.

Bonus malina casino

Malina casino offre ai propri giocatori e clienti fantastici bonus e promozioni, sia ai nuovi iscritti sul primo deposito, sia a chi è già registrato aprendo l’account. Oltre al classico bonus benvenuto da cui inizieremo la nostra rassegna, puoi trovare bonus ricarica, bonus cashback, punti fedeltà e programma VIP a cinque livelli. Eccoli di seguito.

Bonus benvenuto sul primo deposito: ricevi un bonus benvenuto del 100% fino a € 500 + 200 giri gratuiti da poter utilizzare su alcune slot machines segnalate da malina casino, lo stesso offerto da yoyo casino.

Bonus ricarica settimanale – su malina casino puoi richiedere 50 giri gratuiti con un deposito minimo di € 20. I giocatori devono richiedere questo bonus contattando l’assistenza clienti via e-mail o live chat.

Bonus ricarica del 50% – se i giocatori effettuano un deposito valido di € 20, possono richiedere un bonus di ricarica del 50% fino a € 500. Il casinò online regala questo bonus sul primo deposito della settimana da parte dei giocatori.

Bonus ricarica weekend – I giocatori possono qualificarsi per questo bonus effettuando un deposito di € 50. Il casinò online accredita un bonus del 50% più 50 giri gratuiti sul primo deposito dei giocatori di venerdì, sabato o domenica.

Il programma VIP malina casino

Programma VIP – malina casino offre anche un programma VIP multilivello. I giocatori devono raggiungere i livelli e richiedere i benefici associati. Di seguito sono riportati i dettagli:

Bronzo – I giocatori del livello bronzo ottengono un tasso di cambio di 100 e possono prelevare fino a € 10.000 al mese. Argento: qui si possono prelevare fino a € 10.000 al mese. Inoltre, ottengono un tasso di cambio di 95. Oro – I giocatori d’oro possono prelevare fino a € 20.000 al mese e ottenere un tasso di cambio di 90. Platino: i giocatori platinum possono prelevare fino a € 25.000 al mese, ottenere un cashback settimanale del 10%, un tasso di cambio di 80 e gestori di account personali. Diamante – in questo livello i clienti possono ottenere un tasso di cambio di 70, prelevare fino a € 50.000 al mese, ottenere un cashback settimanale fino al 15% e gestire personalmente tutti gli account.

Bonus cashback malina casino

Cashback del 15% – L’esatto cashback che i giocatori possono richiedere dipende dal loro stato VIP. Ad esempio, i giocatori oro possono richiedere un rimborso del 5% fino a € 1000, i giocatori platino possono richiedere un rimborso del 10% fino a € 2000 e i giocatori diamante possono richiedere un rimborso del 15% fino a € 3000.

Cashback del casinò dal vivo – I giocatori del casinò dal vivo possono richiedere un rimborso del 10% fino a € 150 sulle perdite subite durante i giochi di casinò dal vivo durante la settimana precedente (un bonus simile è previsto anche su buran casino).

Metodi pagamento malina casino

Malina casino offre ai suoi giocatori una grande varietà di metodi di pagamento per depositare le finanze sul proprio conto o prelevare le vincite. I metodi di deposito includono visa, mastercard, visa electron, maestro, paypal, neteller, skrill, qiwi, entercash, paysafecard, przelewy24, astropay, yandex money, sepa, sofort, EPS, giropay, webmoney e bonifico bancario. I metodi di prelievo includono visa, visa electron, maestro, paypal, neteller, skrill, sepa, entercash, webmoney e bonifico bancario. Le valute accettate includono euro (EUR), corona svedese (SEK), corona norvegese (NOK), fiorino ungherese (HUF), zloty polacco (PLN) e rublo russo (RUB).

Supporto clienti malina casino

Malina casino ha un’assistenza clienti multilingue dedicata e disponibile 24 ore su 24, 7 giorni su 7, per aiutarti in caso di domande o problemi che potresti avere, indipendentemente da quanto siano grandi o piccoli. Puoi contattare l’assistenza clienti via e-mail, telefono o live chat. Questa è l’opzione che la maggior parte dei clienti utilizza perché si ottiene un servizio rapido ed efficienti. I giocatori possono interagire con l’assistenza clienti anche tramite i profili social come facebook e instagram. In più ci sono da consultare le classiche FAQ, con le domande frequenti.

About us

Welcome to casinoonline.Com, the site that’s designed to save you time and help you earn big money by connecting you with the best online casinos. Our dedicated team of gaming professionals are passionate about and dedicated to ensuring that both new and experienced online casino players find the internet’s top, action-packed online casinos. Read on to find out more about us and our team!

Fast profile

Who we are

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Diane rogers

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Phillip hall, aka “philadelphia phil,” has been avidly playing at online casinos since the dial-up era. As casinoonline.Com’s resident news junkie and dean of gaming, he’s completely focused on the latest online gambling trends and has a keen ability to diagnose and explain the most recent online casino developments in laymen’s terms.

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Rating our sites

When an online casino is listed on the pages of casinoonline.Com you know that it's really earned it. To be included on our pages an online casino has to meet or exceed our high standards. We have seven criteria by which we rate casinos, all of our online gaming rooms achieve excellent grades in all of these categories. Each of our casinos is judged in the following areas:

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Online casinos that are trusted due to fair practices, years of solid performance, and a stellar reputation are the sites that earn a good recommendation from casinoonline.Com. Only play at casinos where the games are proven to be fair and consistent.


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Casinoonline.Com searches for online casinos that provide players with the opportunity to win big progressive jackpots. We know that such slots are very attractive to online players. The online casinos that we recommend have many different progressives from which to choose.

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Online casinos offer players a lot that land-based gaming rooms can’t. Because they have much lower overhead costs and can attract a lot more players at any given time, online casinos offer bigger and a greater number of bonuses, higher payouts, and a wider range of special promotions.

Plus, when you play online, there’s no time or money spent travelling, no need to pay for a hotel room or to dine out, and no huge commitment of time required. Just about all of your gambling dollars can go towards playing the games that you love. In addition, online it’s a lot easier to switch games, leave the casino to do something else, and even go to another casino. Finally, when you play online, you can do so in the comfort of your home.

Feature online slots land-based slots
casino bonuses numerous none
variety 100-300+ 40-100
progressives 5 to 15+ one or two
progressive payouts often up to 8 figures usually up to 6 figures
return to player 94%-99.9% 82%-90%
special slot promotions yes no

Rogue sites

At casinoonline.Com, we know it’s important that players stay away from rogue online casinos. These establishments may look like they are fair, safe, and secure, but they will often treat you poorly, keeping your winnings, offering bogus bonuses, featuring games that are unaudited, or misrepresenting game payout rates. Here are three signs that indicate an online casino should be avoided.

  • Bonuses are extraordinarily generous and seem too good to be true

  • Sites are not licensed or regulated and games are not audited by an independent entity

  • Customer service personnel are unable to offer solutions or properly address issues you have

Remember that any online casino at casinoonline.Com has been carefully vetted and reviewed by our gaming professionals before being added to our shortlist of featured gaming rooms. Only play at trusted casinos with excellent reputations.

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If you have any questions or concerns related to our site, online casinos, or gambling, or want more information on the quality casinos featured on our pages, please feel free to contact us using the email below. You can be sure that we’ll answer you in a prompt manner and work hard to address the subject of your email thoroughly.

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The world of online gambling can be difficult to navigate without a bit of extra help. We don't like to blow our own horn but we consider ourselves experts in the field, and we love to help people learn about new games and try online gambling! To find some of the top casinos that we've come across, just follow any of the links below.

Nigeria casino online guide

Easily Find Safe Reliable Trusted Online Casinos, casino online com.

Casinoonline.Com.Ng offers discerning nigerian players a wealth of information about the web’s top rated casinos and offers easy access to a number of incredible internet-based establishments. A comparison site that allows you to choose a casino that will suit your needs; we aim to offer all nigerians the chance to enjoy world class entertainment in the comfort of their own homes. We list all the best online casinos that welcome nigerian players to their tables and reels and ensure that you always enjoy all the best entertainment at your leisure.

Nigerians appetite for top quality gambling has been whetted over the years by sites that run state-of-the-art software and provide players with a great selection of games that cover every genre. We’ve recognised the demand for superior online entertainment and made it our mission to seek out the most prestigious casinos catering for this ever-growing market.

The best nigerian online casinos

When we review a casino we examine every facet of a site and test drive the games, software, bonuses and deposit and cash out options. We also evaluate the level of security and the standard of service on offer and we ensure that all casinos are licensed and regulated. We verify a sites credentials and ensure that it offers you a safe, fair and secure gambling experience, and that random number generators are independently audited on a regular basis. We examine bonuses and player promotions and we ascertain whether rewards offer a suitable bankroll boost and increase your chances of winning big. Only once we are satisfied that a sites offerings meet our extremely high standards do we consider listing it here, and nigerian players can rest assured that these casinos are all ones we would play at ourselves.

At our recommended casinos nigerians will be treated to great game selections that comprise of new releases, classic favourites and blockbuster titles. Classic 3 and 5 reel slots, video slots and progressive jackpot games with their life changing wins can all be enjoyed, as can a plethora of table games such as blackjack, roulette, baccarat and craps. Contemporary online casino entertainment such as bingo, keno and scratch cards can also be indulged in, and you’ll always enjoy payout ratios that are incredibly high. Big jackpot wins are ready and waiting for you and with a single spin of the slots reels or a hand of blackjack or poker you could strike it rich.

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The biggest casino bonuses online

Online casinos that welcome nigerian players don’t just allow access to a great number of feature and graphic rich games, they also reward you with massive bonuses that are a great incentive to sign up, make a deposit and start playing for real money. The bonuses you’ll find at the sites recommended by casinoonline.Com.Ng all increase your bankroll, giving you more money to wager and extending your play time, ensuring you always have a greater chance of winning big.

The sites we promote all offer banking options that suit nigerian players and are trusted and reliable methods of depositing and cashing out. We make sure that you always get your winnings in a manner that’s accessible to you, and that real money play is always a pleasure. Support is also on offer around the clock and any player who needs assistance will be able to contact their chosen casino’s customer service representative team and receive help quickly and efficiently.

We’ve compiled an excellent selection of online casinos that welcome nigerian players. We ensure that any site you select from our handpicked options offers nothing but the very best in online casino entertainment, and that every game you play is always enjoyable and rewarding.

Malina casino

Malina casino uno dei casino online che pagano di piu’

Malina casino è stato lanciato nel 2016 e offre ai giocatori online una vasta scelta di slot, giochi da casinò, giochi con croupier dal vivo, giochi per dispositivi mobili e anche un ottimo sito di scommesse sportive. Non puoi davvero sbagliare con questo fantastico sito che offre fantastici bonus, supporto 24 ore su 24, 7 giorni su 7 e un sito di gioco d’azzardo completo. Malina casino è disponibile in più lingue tra cui inglese, portoghese, polacco, tedesco, ceco, spagnolo, italiano, turco, ungherese, russo e greco. Araxio development NV gestisce malina casino, che è autorizzato per il gioco d’azzardo online dal governo del curacao, come del resto anche alf casino.

Giochi disponibili su malina casino

Malina casino ha una grande selezione di giochi di alta qualità prodotti e gestiti da grandi fornitori di software come netent, microgaming, rival gaming, NYX gaming, evolution gaming, betsoft gaming, isoftbet, quickspin, push gaming, quickfire, habanero, yggdrasil gaming, red rake, igrosoft, amatic industries, EGT, elk studios, gameart e pragmatic play. Tutti i loro giochi sono un gioco istantaneo, che non richiede download.

I giocatori di slot machines troveranno un’impressionante collezione di giochi tra cui scegliere con titoli popolari come starburst, gonzo’s quest, thunderstruck II, immortal romance, medusa II, basic instinct e molti, molti altri. I giocatori di giochi da tavolo troveranno anche una vasta scelta di giochi tra cui baccarat, più giochi di blackjack, più giochi di roulette e giochi di poker come oasis poker, pai gow poker o texas hold’em per citarne alcuni. Ci sono anche più giochi di video poker disponibili, incluse varianti a mano singola e multipla.

Malina casino sezione LIVE

Se ti piace l’eccitazione dei casino terrestri, i croupier dal vivo di malina casino ripropongono direttamente a casa tua e in maniera fedele l’azione che troveresti in una sala da gioco reale. I giochi dal vivo vengono trasmessi in streaming e in alta definizione dalle sale terrestri dove vedrai il tuo gioco svolgersi in tempo reale e potrai interagire con i croupier dal vivo come in un casinò reale. I giochi disponibili includono baccarat, blackjack, roulette, three card poker, texas hold’em, caribbean stud, sic bo poker, casino hold’em, dragon tiger, fan tan e live dream catcher. Per iniziare dovrai depositare dei soldi e finanziare il proprio account in quanto i giochi live possono essere utilizzati solo con denaro reale.

Casinò mobile malina

Non puoi perdere il contatto con malina casino anche se sei in attesa di prendere un aereo o mentre fai la fila alle poste. Anche qui puoi giocare alle tue slot preferite o ai giochi da casinò ovunque, quando vuoi. Puoi accedere al casinò sulla maggior parte degli smartphone o tablet con funzionalità internet. I giochi disponibili sono completamente ottimizzati per dispositivi mobili e funzionano perfettamente su schermi di qualsiasi dimensione. Per iniziare tutto ciò che devi fare è visitare il casinò sul tuo dispositivo mobile e malina casino si prenderà cura di tutto il resto.

Bonus malina casino

Malina casino offre ai propri giocatori e clienti fantastici bonus e promozioni, sia ai nuovi iscritti sul primo deposito, sia a chi è già registrato aprendo l’account. Oltre al classico bonus benvenuto da cui inizieremo la nostra rassegna, puoi trovare bonus ricarica, bonus cashback, punti fedeltà e programma VIP a cinque livelli. Eccoli di seguito.

Bonus benvenuto sul primo deposito: ricevi un bonus benvenuto del 100% fino a € 500 + 200 giri gratuiti da poter utilizzare su alcune slot machines segnalate da malina casino, lo stesso offerto da yoyo casino.

Bonus ricarica settimanale – su malina casino puoi richiedere 50 giri gratuiti con un deposito minimo di € 20. I giocatori devono richiedere questo bonus contattando l’assistenza clienti via e-mail o live chat.

Bonus ricarica del 50% – se i giocatori effettuano un deposito valido di € 20, possono richiedere un bonus di ricarica del 50% fino a € 500. Il casinò online regala questo bonus sul primo deposito della settimana da parte dei giocatori.

Bonus ricarica weekend – I giocatori possono qualificarsi per questo bonus effettuando un deposito di € 50. Il casinò online accredita un bonus del 50% più 50 giri gratuiti sul primo deposito dei giocatori di venerdì, sabato o domenica.

Il programma VIP malina casino

Programma VIP – malina casino offre anche un programma VIP multilivello. I giocatori devono raggiungere i livelli e richiedere i benefici associati. Di seguito sono riportati i dettagli:

Bronzo – I giocatori del livello bronzo ottengono un tasso di cambio di 100 e possono prelevare fino a € 10.000 al mese. Argento: qui si possono prelevare fino a € 10.000 al mese. Inoltre, ottengono un tasso di cambio di 95. Oro – I giocatori d’oro possono prelevare fino a € 20.000 al mese e ottenere un tasso di cambio di 90. Platino: i giocatori platinum possono prelevare fino a € 25.000 al mese, ottenere un cashback settimanale del 10%, un tasso di cambio di 80 e gestori di account personali. Diamante – in questo livello i clienti possono ottenere un tasso di cambio di 70, prelevare fino a € 50.000 al mese, ottenere un cashback settimanale fino al 15% e gestire personalmente tutti gli account.

Bonus cashback malina casino

Cashback del 15% – L’esatto cashback che i giocatori possono richiedere dipende dal loro stato VIP. Ad esempio, i giocatori oro possono richiedere un rimborso del 5% fino a € 1000, i giocatori platino possono richiedere un rimborso del 10% fino a € 2000 e i giocatori diamante possono richiedere un rimborso del 15% fino a € 3000.

Cashback del casinò dal vivo – I giocatori del casinò dal vivo possono richiedere un rimborso del 10% fino a € 150 sulle perdite subite durante i giochi di casinò dal vivo durante la settimana precedente (un bonus simile è previsto anche su buran casino).

Metodi pagamento malina casino

Malina casino offre ai suoi giocatori una grande varietà di metodi di pagamento per depositare le finanze sul proprio conto o prelevare le vincite. I metodi di deposito includono visa, mastercard, visa electron, maestro, paypal, neteller, skrill, qiwi, entercash, paysafecard, przelewy24, astropay, yandex money, sepa, sofort, EPS, giropay, webmoney e bonifico bancario. I metodi di prelievo includono visa, visa electron, maestro, paypal, neteller, skrill, sepa, entercash, webmoney e bonifico bancario. Le valute accettate includono euro (EUR), corona svedese (SEK), corona norvegese (NOK), fiorino ungherese (HUF), zloty polacco (PLN) e rublo russo (RUB).

Supporto clienti malina casino

Malina casino ha un’assistenza clienti multilingue dedicata e disponibile 24 ore su 24, 7 giorni su 7, per aiutarti in caso di domande o problemi che potresti avere, indipendentemente da quanto siano grandi o piccoli. Puoi contattare l’assistenza clienti via e-mail, telefono o live chat. Questa è l’opzione che la maggior parte dei clienti utilizza perché si ottiene un servizio rapido ed efficienti. I giocatori possono interagire con l’assistenza clienti anche tramite i profili social come facebook e instagram. In più ci sono da consultare le classiche FAQ, con le domande frequenti.

Nigeria casino online guide

Easily Find Safe Reliable Trusted Online Casinos, casino online com.

Casinoonline.Com.Ng offers discerning nigerian players a wealth of information about the web’s top rated casinos and offers easy access to a number of incredible internet-based establishments. A comparison site that allows you to choose a casino that will suit your needs; we aim to offer all nigerians the chance to enjoy world class entertainment in the comfort of their own homes. We list all the best online casinos that welcome nigerian players to their tables and reels and ensure that you always enjoy all the best entertainment at your leisure.

Nigerians appetite for top quality gambling has been whetted over the years by sites that run state-of-the-art software and provide players with a great selection of games that cover every genre. We’ve recognised the demand for superior online entertainment and made it our mission to seek out the most prestigious casinos catering for this ever-growing market.

The best nigerian online casinos

When we review a casino we examine every facet of a site and test drive the games, software, bonuses and deposit and cash out options. We also evaluate the level of security and the standard of service on offer and we ensure that all casinos are licensed and regulated. We verify a sites credentials and ensure that it offers you a safe, fair and secure gambling experience, and that random number generators are independently audited on a regular basis. We examine bonuses and player promotions and we ascertain whether rewards offer a suitable bankroll boost and increase your chances of winning big. Only once we are satisfied that a sites offerings meet our extremely high standards do we consider listing it here, and nigerian players can rest assured that these casinos are all ones we would play at ourselves.

At our recommended casinos nigerians will be treated to great game selections that comprise of new releases, classic favourites and blockbuster titles. Classic 3 and 5 reel slots, video slots and progressive jackpot games with their life changing wins can all be enjoyed, as can a plethora of table games such as blackjack, roulette, baccarat and craps. Contemporary online casino entertainment such as bingo, keno and scratch cards can also be indulged in, and you’ll always enjoy payout ratios that are incredibly high. Big jackpot wins are ready and waiting for you and with a single spin of the slots reels or a hand of blackjack or poker you could strike it rich.

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The biggest casino bonuses online

Online casinos that welcome nigerian players don’t just allow access to a great number of feature and graphic rich games, they also reward you with massive bonuses that are a great incentive to sign up, make a deposit and start playing for real money. The bonuses you’ll find at the sites recommended by casinoonline.Com.Ng all increase your bankroll, giving you more money to wager and extending your play time, ensuring you always have a greater chance of winning big.

The sites we promote all offer banking options that suit nigerian players and are trusted and reliable methods of depositing and cashing out. We make sure that you always get your winnings in a manner that’s accessible to you, and that real money play is always a pleasure. Support is also on offer around the clock and any player who needs assistance will be able to contact their chosen casino’s customer service representative team and receive help quickly and efficiently.

We’ve compiled an excellent selection of online casinos that welcome nigerian players. We ensure that any site you select from our handpicked options offers nothing but the very best in online casino entertainment, and that every game you play is always enjoyable and rewarding.



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Learning more about internet casinos

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Review expert team’s remarks

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Here is a list of the top online casinos that we recommend. Our research shows that these online casinos offer the best games, operate on excellent software platforms, welcome players with generous bonuses, and give grand rewards for loyalty.

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Casino online – updated guide to the best online casinos

Welcome to casino online – the best guide for online casinos. Find & compare casino bonuses, free spins, read reviews and much more. Start playing today by picking an online casino in the updated list below on continue reading to learn more about online casinos.

Welcome to casino online – the best guide for online casinos. Find & compare casino bonuses, free spins, read reviews and much more. Start playing today by picking an online casino in the updated list below on continue reading to learn more about online casinos.

All casinos online that are listed on this website have been tested so we can make sure that we only recommend the best of the best. In addition to promoting reliable casinos, we aim to provide the best bonus offers on the market. Through many years of experience and partnerships with online casinos, we have managed to get several exclusive bonus offers that you won’t be able to find anywhere else.

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List of best online casinos right now

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Easily Find Safe Reliable Trusted Online Casinos, casino online com.

Easily Find Safe Reliable Trusted Online Casinos, casino online com.

Welcome to our online casino guide

In the list above, we give you the best picks for online casinos right now. All casino bonuses and free spins have terms and conditions and may differ depending on your location. Therefore, validate any bonus offer and make sure you are allowed to play at the specific online casino.

Playing casino online

Playing online casino in 2019 is very popular and is a hobby for many people. Today, you really don’t need to be a gambler to visit an online casino, but just play to relax or have a good time. Nowadays one might say it is close to other time-killing games, like candy crush or so. Due to this new target group within the market, we believe that a guide like this actually is helpful.

Almost every week, we get in contact with new online casinos, looking for new players. For you to easily find these ones, and know if they are trustworthy to play at, we will list them for you. Another great site to compare online casinos is casinorunner.Com. It is always good to look at different options before making your choice of where to play.

Online casinos – what to look for

Casinos are all about having fun. With a little luck, you can also win some money as a cherry on the top. There is nothing worse than a bad casino experience with withdrawal problems, spam emails and such. A casino should have quick response times and have a stylish design with simple easy-to-navigate websites. When entering an online casino it should be self-explanatory where to find the most important functions.

We test casinos

Playing at an online casino is quite a new phenomena. Previously, you had to get to physical casinos to get the excitement of spinning the wheels or rolling the dice. Technology and development are moving at an enormous pace, making it possible to play online casinos from almost anywhere in the world.

Easily Find Safe Reliable Trusted Online Casinos, casino online com.

How to find the best casino online

The easiest way to find the best online casino is to visit casinoonline.Casino. Here you can read reliable reviews and compare the best casinos online. We only list reputable online casino with amazing gaming experience and solid casino bonuses. All our casinos are hand-picked by our team and we only want to recommend the best of the best. Our goal is to facilitate the best service for comparing secure online casinos. Choose a casino and collect your bonus from the list above, or read on to learn more before you decide which casinos to choose. If you are from sweden, check out www.Casinosverige.Me to find more useful info about reputable casinos.

Ranking criteria for online casino

  • Secure platform and trustworthy owners – the most important is to play at a platform with great security and that the owners have a good reputation so you know that your personal information and financials are treated with respect.

  • Quality games – to get the best gaming experience it is also crucial with a wide variety of quality games. You should be able to play all popular types of games from a wide range of providers.

  • Secure deposits and withdrawals – to be able to feel safe with making deposits and be sure to get the potential winnings to your player account, and later on to your bank account, is also very important.

  • Bonus and free spins – everybody enjoys a great casino bonus. For some, it is actually the most important factor but for us we are making sure that all security and trust criteria are met before we even look at this.

  • Customer service – last but not least the customer service should have long opening hours, be friendly and always put the player in the driver seat.

Online casino FAQ

Where is the best place to find an online casino?

On casinoonline.Casino you can find a comparision list that will rank the best options currently available. The top list is hand picked by experts with many years in the business and tested.

How to get help find an online casino?

We are always here to help you pick the best possible online casinos. No matter if you are new to the world of online casino or are an experienced player we have something for you. Do not hesitate to contact us for any question or concern you might have regarding online casinos.

What are the latest online casino trends?

There trends right now is mobile casino, VR casino and new casinos. With the advances in technology the easiness of playing more advanced games from anywhere. To play slots on your phone is the trend that continues every stronger in 2020.

Why are online casino bonuses so good?

The reason why online casinos can offer such great bonuses is because they have very low costs compared to physical casinos. The return to the player and bonuses are much better online. So the only rational reason to play live is because of the atmosphere. Otherwise, everything else is better online.

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Can I play online casino from all countries?

Certain countries have restrictions on playing online casino. The laws and regulations are different in each country so our advice is to ask your local government.

What are the ranking factors?

When recommending an online casino we have several ranking factors that we use. The most important is the security, then there is a combination of casino bonus, layout & design, games, payment options, speed and customers service. We always aim to recommend only the best of the best.

What are the disadvantages of an online casino?

There are not many disadvantages of online casinos compared to physical casinos. In general gambling have some cons, like if you are addicted. Remember to only play for fun and if you think you have problems contact your local gambling addiction helpline immediately.

Which casinos should I avoid?

There are numerous online casinos that you should avoid. However, if you choose an online casino from casinoonline.Casino you will get a casino that is well tested and have a good reputation. Do not gamble with your money on sketchy casinos, choose a good one from our top list above.

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Games and their importance

There any many types of casino games. The most popular games are video slots, blackjack and roulette but there are hundreds of other types of games. Most casinos online have hundreds, sometimes thousands, of different games that you can choose from. In recent years we have seen a huge development within all types of casino games. Slots are now often made in 3D-graphic with many new and exciting game functionalities. When it comes to blackjack and roulette it is now very common to play against a live dealer that you see through a webcam; live casino. The graphics, sounds and gaming experience it just getting better for every year.

Progressive jackpots – the chance to win big

For most casino players the dream is to win a progressive jackpot. Mega fortune, the game from netent, is currently one of the most popular progressive jackpots. A progressive jackpot is a slot machine that the money that you can win is constantly growing. A few lucky players have actually become financially independent by winning that jackpot on slots such as mega fortune. The biggest win on mega fortune up until today is 160 million. The winner of 160 million was a student who betted very little money and was very lucky.

Many people dream of the life-changing experience as it is to win the jackpot. There are many different game developers and online casinos that offer these kinds of slots. However, these life-changing wins are very rare and the majority of players will only enjoy some casual small winnings. Although, the change of hitting it big always gives that adrenaline while playing that so many people love.

Benefits of playing casino online VS landbased casinos

To play in real physical casinos is a great experience with an atmosphere of excitement and luxury. But if you do not live near any physical casino but enjoy playing from your couch or while waiting for the bus, an online casino is a great option. More and more people enjoy the ease of playing from home in a safe and secure environment. You can even play with a real dealer that you see through a webcam, which is also known as live casino.

Another benefit of playing at a casino online is that you have many more choices of games that you can play. Physical casinos normally have a good selection of casino games but when playing at an online casino you have several games to choose from.

It is much easier to launch a new game for an online casino than for physical casinos. Therefore you will often see new games being launched in together with other events such as christmas, world cup, movies and more. In this way, it is impossible for physical casinos to keep up with the development of online casinos. Also, online casinos can stay open 24/7 and be available from anywhere at any time – something that players seem to love. There really is no hassle.

Easily Find Safe Reliable Trusted Online Casinos, casino online com.

About online casino bonuses

If you are new to the online casino it might come as a surprise to you that you can get extremely good offers from online casinos. This is also something that real landbased casinos can not compete with. The bonus can come in many different forms. It can be a bonus with no deposit on it can be a bonus that you get when depositing money for the first time, as a welcome gift.

Sometimes you can also get products or tickets when starting to play at online casinos. The type of bonuses can vary much but it is definitely something that you should take advantage of.

Always read the terms & conditions

However, it is important to understand that all bonuses have special terms and conditions. For example, you need to wager your potential winnings from a bonus a certain amount of times before you can cash out. Always be sure to read any terms and conditions before you start to play. Also, different locations and countries all have their own rules, regulations and casinos might have different welcome bonuses for different countries. Check what applies to you before you start to play.

It is not uncommon that you get a 100% bonus which means that the casinos will double up your money. For example, if you deposit €100 you will get additionally €100 and have in total €200 to play for. It is a very good way to get more money to play with and you can have fun playing for a longer time (if you play with the same level of bets). On the list at the top of this page, you can find some of the best casino bonuses today and compare them next to other casinos bonuses.

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Bonus without deposit

Playing casino online is fun and exciting, especially when you have the chance to win some money. Every time you spin the wheel with a bet you have a chance to win some. Sometimes you may not have money to spend on online casino but still, want the excitement of playing for real money.

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New online casinos and how to find them

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On casinoonline.Casino, we have tested many mobile casinos and ranked them by the best gaming experience. A casino on a mobile device can sometimes look completely different from online casinos on the computer. The design for mobile casinos is very important to get the best possible gaming experience. To learn more about mobile casinos on our dedicated page.

Online casino in the future

Each year new casinos and casino games are coming to the market. Due to the technical advancements, you will start to experience more and more technologically developed games. Casinos are constantly coming up with new and innovative ideas of how to make the gaming experience more fun. When playing online casino you will be able to collect better bonuses than on many older brands. There will also be many new types of games that you can play. There will probably be a lot of innovation within live casino and VR casinos in the coming years as well. When playing against a live dealer you will get an even more real feeling.

Online casinos should be secure and reliable

Once you have played casino online for some time is that it will be pretty obvious that there are good and bad casinos. There is nothing worse than bad casinos. Due to a large number of new casinos, it is difficult for a regular player to keep track of which casinos that are trustworthy.

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Playing casino should be fun and simple

It is important to know that you will get your payments on time and that the customer service lives up to your expectations. To simplify the process of choosing online casino we have created casinoonline.Casino. Through many years of experience and daily contact with many people in the casino industry, we keep ourselves updated and want to pass that knowledge on to you.

Playing at casinos online should be fun and simple. We are proud to be an independent casino guide that only lists the casinos that meet our criteria. Our aim is that you should get a secure and reliable gaming experience. If you ever experience any trouble with any operator that we list on our site, please contact us.

Responsible gaming

Do not forget that it is always best to play with moderation. Casinoonline.Casino supports responsible gambling. If you or anyone that you know are playing too much please make sure to seek help. Even though many online casinos have good customer terms and conditions and policies to discover gambling problem it is always important to be careful. To play online casinos should be fun and is never something you should do in order to make money.

We always recommend that you only play for money that you can afford to lose. Hopefully, this won’t be an issue, and we hope that you have some luck and win every now and then. But there is a big risk in gambling and this it is very important to realize. Never gamble for money that is not yours and always stop playing if it is not fun. These games are made to have fun with and this is the main purpose why we have this site. To have fun and share our fun with other players.

Try your online casino favourites today!

We are here to serve you. We want to give you the possibility to choose from all the best online casino in the world, by trying different online casinos and write reviews about them, we give you a great way to find the right kind of casinos for you. Some casinos focus on a specific kind of bonus, free spins for instance. Some give you a no deposit bonus and some even offer their players no wagering bonuses.

Casinoonline.Casino is my go-to website when looking for an online casino. The comparision table is always up to date with the latest and greatest from the market. – john peterson

Different players value different things

Maybe you are looking for adventure casinos with a lot of different features. Or maybe more old-fashioned online casinos are more your cup of tea. Whatever you like, we believe we got it. Read all of our reviews and try some of the casinos online today. It is always a good thing to start by taking advantage of a welcome offer, to see if it is something for you.

Many newcomers show up on this market. However, we are always trying to be up-to-date and do not wait for a second for making a review. Some of the gambling sites won’t cut the deal and then we don’t list them here. But if we believe it is good and give you as a player a good time, we would love to show it to you.

Some final words on online casino

Playing at an online casino is among the most exciting things you can do in your leisure time according to many people. After a long day, it is wonderful to just sit down and play a while before doing other obligations. When you are looking for a new and exciting online casino, why would you waste your time searching when we have all trusted and secure online gambling site listed here? Make sure to try one of our recommended casinos listed at the top of this page.

Remember that you can be affected by your local laws and regulations so check these beforehand. Finally, we hope you enjoy playing at one of the best casinos online. Good luck on your journey and have fun at the online casino!


Casinoonline.Casino is a website that compares online casinos. We are dedicated to provide an overview so you can pick the best online casino.

Our experienced team write guides on the best casinos and games on the market. You are always welcome to contact us with feedback, tips or other remarks.


Please note that gambling may be restricted in many countries and locations. In most markets, you need to be 18+ years old to play. Always play responsibly and always gamble just for the fun of it!

Go to begambleaware.Org to learn more about responsible gambling.

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We always welcome you to contact us with any feedback on our website or its content.
Have you experienced problems with any casino that we list? Please get in touch.

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Is it possible to beat slot machines?

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Slot machines are the biggest temptation on any casino online. First of all, they take up a disproportionate amount of space. That's because they are the casino's single biggest money-maker, at least in terms of their gaming offerings.

They also have the most attractive and elaborate graphics and cabinets, the biggest jackpots, and offer players the best comps in return for their wagers.

The price of all this is the inflated house edge. Slots have an average house edge of around 8%, and it can range up to 15%. That is considerably higher than the most favorable games in the casino, which have a house edge of less than 1%.

Because of this, informed gamblers who play to come out ahead usually walk right by all those slot machines without a second thought.

Most slot machines have a negative expected value, and there are no strategy tricks or technical glitches you can exploit to change that. However, what if certain slot machines were designed in such a way that the theoretical return to player actually runs into the positive, or at least gets close enough to the negative to make the expected return in comps a net gain?

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Do these legendary machines exist?

The good news is that such machines do exist. The bad news, they're relatively few and far between, and some can be very hard to identify and exploit without inside information.

The first thing to understand is the basic principle by which slots can end up having a favorable expected return to the player. You can then start trying to find machines that operate in this way.

Every slot machine, even the favorable ones, is usually in a state where the theoretical return to the player is unfavorable. If the slot machine's expected rate of return to the player is 90%, and you put $100,000 through it in this state, you can reasonably expect to wind up with somewhere around $90,000 in the end. This is just as true of the beatable machines as it is of any other.

The trick with beatable machines is that they enter into a temporary favorable state where that house edge is reduced to next to nothing, or even flips over to the player's advantage. So you need to identify machines that enter that state, and know when to hop onto the seat (and when to hop off).

Beatable slots are those that are either required to pay out their jackpots before they reach a certain amount, have a visible indicator showing when they are going into a bonus round, or are linked in a series and have a predictable way of granting bonuses to one particular machine.

Beatable fixed progressive slots

The simplest way to gain an advantage at slots is to look for fixed progressives that are about to pop. Some machines with a progressive bonus advertise the amount by which they must pay off. The way this is usually handled is that the odds of hitting the progressive are slowly increased with each spin as the jackpot climbs toward the guaranteed amount.

This increases to 99% just before the amount is reached, and 100% as soon as a wager tips it over to the guaranteed threshold. As these odds climb, so do the player's theoretical expected return.

Of course, the simplest and most self-evident method is also the one that is most heavily exploited by other players. There are even teams of bonus hunters who comb casinos looking for progressives that are within a certain range of popping, then take up as many seats in that network as possible.

Beatable mystery progressive slots

Many slots also have a “mystery jackpot” amount by which they are guaranteed to pay out. They work the same way that the fixed progressives do, with the odds of hitting the jackpot (and the player's theoretical return) increasing with each wager. The downside is that you don't know exactly when the progressive is set to pop, unless you have inside information from the manufacturer or from a technician. This amount is also usually set to a random level in between each win.

In addition to knowing when the jackpots are set to pop, you would also need to know the specific house edge on the game's reels to calculate your exact theoretical return, and casino manufacturers very rarely make this public. However, one could still improve their odds to a significant degree by watching the slots for long enough to see if there is a particular range in which the jackpot tends to pay out.

Bonus rounds with visible indicators

Some slots have a visible indicator of some sort that shows progress toward getting a bonus round. The exploitable ones are those that remain intact between players. Beating the slot here is as simple as watching for someone else's play to get the indicator close enough to the bonus round, then jumping on the seat when they leave.

As with fixed progressives, this is an unsophisticated approach that is fairly self-evident, so you'll run into a lot of people already camping these machines on casino floors.

Timed bonus rounds in linked machines

Some slot games are arranged in banks that share a progressive bonus round in some way. Some of these are programmed in such a way that you can predict which machine is about to be awarded with a bonus.

Of all the methods listed here, this is the most lucrative, but also the most sophisticated. There are also very few games that are designed with this vulnerability, and one often has to have information not meant to be available to the general public to know how to exploit it.

There are no guaranteed wins

It's important to keep in mind that a theoretical advantage for the player is just that: theoretical. Variance can still cause you to lose money even when the slot machine is in a favorable state. The idea is to set aside a budget to continue playing these games over a sustained period of time. If you play at an advantage for long enough, the odds say you will end up taking home money (or at least an equivalent value in comps).

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